Results for: hatred

John Oliver, Frank Pallone Rhetoric Brings Racist Threats at FCC
– These leftists are doing all they can to incite fear and hatred against Ajit Pai and the Federal Communications Commission.…
Prime Minister Netanyahu Zings the Palestinians on Manchester Bombing (VIDEO)
– Abbas’s sole goal is to keep the violence going, the hatred stoked, and the gravy train of NGO dollars flowing.…
America Would Do Better to Arm Jordan than Saudi Arabia
– While these warring factions of Islam resent one another, they do share a common hatred of America, Israel, and the West.…
Robert Mueller Likely Good for Congressional Republicans, and the President
– The liberal media has always attacked and hated Republican presidents, and that hatred is even more elevated with Donald Trump.…
President Trump to Propose an "Arab NATO" During Riyadh Trip
– Perhaps the shared hatred of Israel was the only thing that kept the Arab world as peaceful as it was.…
Feminists Outraged By Miss USA Who Embodies an Empowered Woman
– Twitter feminists immediately took issue with her answer, declaring their anger over McCullough’s lack of hatred for men and lashing…
Breaking: CNN Gives Kathy Griffin The Axe Over Gruesome Publicity Stunt
– — Anderson Cooper (@andersoncooper) May 31, 2017 At least we found the bridge too far when it comes to Trump hatred.…
Portland's Mayor Comes Up With a Great Way of Commemorating Friday's Murders
– I have reached out to all of the victims and their families, including the two women who were terrorized and subjected to such hatred … There is never a place for bigotry or hatred in our community, and especially not now. … Wheeler is further quoted as saying: “My concern is they’re coming here to peddle a message of hatred and bigotry,” Wheeler said…
Don Rumsfeld Talks NATO, the Trump Cabinet and "Rabid" Trump Hate With Hugh Hewitt (FULL AUDIO)
– Trump hatred has become such a lifestyle choice for most of his critics that they probably should have their own restroom. … about the critics, particularly those who have at certain times claimed to be conservative, being nearly rabid in their unreasoning hatred
Conspiracy Theorist Alex Jones Backs Out; Reasoning Is A New Conspiracy Theory! (VIDEO)
– with his pushing conspiracies like Sandy Hook and 9/11 as an inside job, but everything to do with Kelly’s apparent “MSM”-mandated hatred
One Year After Pulse, The 2nd Amendment Can Still Save Lives Regardless of Orientation…amendment-can-still-save-lives-regardless-orientation-n73073
– Mateen’s madness was the result of radicalization inspired by ISIS and a radical imam spouting hatred against the West while living … This kind of hatred is not merely directed against LGBT individuals; it is anti-western, not merely anti-gay.…
Theresa May's "We've Hit Rock Bottom on Terrorism" Speech (VIDEO)
– They are bound together by the single evil ideology of Islamist extremism that preaches hatred, sows division and promotes sectarianism…
In This Post-Tragedy World, We Are All Extremists
– Social media revealed the shooter’s intense love of Bernie Sanders combined with an overwhelming hatred for the new president, and … ideology and promoting hatred, they’re entirely at fault!” Might we back up for a minute?! … Personally, I’ve experienced intense hatred (including death threats) from both sides of the political spectrum.…
Congressional Baseball Team Managers' Emotional Press Conference Shows Us the Best of DC…managers-emotional-press-conference-shows-us-best-dc-n73245
– towards Congress and the people, and we can change the mood in this country so that people don’t get filled up with this kind of hatred
Trump's CNN/WWE Tweet Is Cause for Concern but Not Why You Think
– the large group of Republican and conservative legislators and activists who defend him and his antics simply because of their hatred
The Saudi Arabia Coalition Issues an Ultimatum to Qatar
– In fact, there is a strange parallelism in the points: 1. to suppress every publication which shall incite to hatred and contempt…
David Brooks' Dangerous and Very Real View of Opportunity Inequality
– It is good old fashioned class-envy/class-hatred that drove so many young upper class men and women in the West into the arms of the…
CNN's Brian Stelter Blames 'Media Illiterate' Americans for the Corrupted Fake News Media…media-illiterate-americans-corrupted-fake-news-media-n74129
– They might be seeking out sources that are equally slanted and corrupted in the opposite direction but amid all the media hatred out … But it’s not constructive or pro-journalism to promote resentment and hatred of journalists. … I’ll grant that there is plenty of resentment and hatred for certain journalists and outlets.…
SHHH! The New York Times Wants You to Know That SPEECH Can Be Violence
– shooting of GOP Congressman Stephen Scalise, who is still in the hospital recovering from what was none other than politically-fueled hatred … We should never excuse hatred. But freedom of speech covers that which I like just as much as that which I abhor. …
The Fate of the Senate's Health Care Bill Rests On One Man's Shoulders
– I do not envy Lee, and I do not envy the hatred and vitriol that will come his way regardless of the choice he makes.…
Ted Cruz Calls Charlottesville Car Attack Deliberate 'Domestic Terrorism', Urges Justice Dept. Investigation…e-domestic-terrorism-urges-justice-dept-investigation-n75267
– “It’s tragic and heartbreaking to see hatred and racism once again mar our great Nation with bloodshed. … supremacists are repulsive and evil, and all of us have a moral obligation to speak out against the lies, bigotry, anti-Semitism, and hatred
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