Results for: MAGA Republicans

If the GOP Wants to Survive, It Must Not Take Advice From the Execrable Steve Bannon
– Despite being ostracized from the MAGA clan he once knew, he is still thirsty to see that it’s victorious. … What Republicans would rightly criticize Democrats for is approved of and allowed so long as it emanates from the side closest to your…
Dear Conservatives: Stop Slobbering Over Celebrity
– a reality-star-turned-winning-GOP-presidential-candidate whose past (and present) behavior is so often excused by throngs of Republicans … This is exactly what he’s doing when he tweets his praise of Donald Trump and the MAGA mindset.…
Diamond and Silk Stumble Over False Claim to House Judiciary Committee
– The “they” in question would be the MAGA-pimping duo, Diamond and Silk (real names: Lynette Hardaway and Rochelle Richardson). … The pair were invited to appear today by House Republicans, in order to testify about the alleged bias across social media outlets…
WATCH: Cavuto Hammers Trump for Being a Stinky Swamp Dweller
– That might reduce the number of rage tweets from users with #deplorable #MAGA #Benghazi in their bios calling on their 43 followers … There was “the time you said the Russians didn’t interfere in the 2016 election, until a lot of Republicans had to remind you they … react to Cavuto’s monologue which actually details the reasons why I still think Trump was the worst possible politician for Republicans
The DOJ/FBI Spying Story Matters Because It's What Happens In Places Like Venezuela
– to investigating for the greater good (or something); or mention it, but only in the context of pointing out how crazy those Republicans … Politics is a tough game, and toughen up, MAGA heads.…
Tom Steyer's Heartwarming Mother's Day Ad: YOUR CONSERVATIVE CHILDREN ARE NAZIS!
– The message is, “Don’t let your babies grow up to be Republicans or they’ll end up being Nazis and thieves”. … We’ll call it #MAGA Prom and everyone gets a swag bag filled with crumbs and the sad, salty tears of the coastal elite.…
Critique Senator McCain's Politics, But Leave His Health and Heroism Alone
– (@SheriffClarke) May 11, 2018 Or random MAGA fans who can’t abide any criticism of their man… Lets get this straight. … Senator McCain deserves much better than what he’s getting from too many hypocritical Republicans.…
Paul Ryan and Richard Burr Throw Cold Water on Spygate Conspiracy
– While only the MAGA red-hat-wearing contingent use the term “Spygate,” many Trump supporters buy into the foolishness that an FBI informant … House Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Intelligence Chairman Richard Burr, both Republicans, broke with President Donald Trump on Wednesday … The declarations by the leading Republicans are the latest indications that Trump lacks any evidence to back up his claims of a major…
Why Isn't the #MAGA Army Rushing to Defend EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt?
– While some Republicans in Congress are even describing Pruitt as “swampy,” what strikes me as odd is that there seems to be almost … no online swell of support from the #MAGA peanut gallery.  … When Republicans—especially Republicans who fail to set their hair on fire over global warming—hold office, the media (i.e. the left…
Why Unfair Standards Are Actually a Good Thing for the Right
– The media is by and large biased against conservatives and Republicans. We’ve known that for decades. … It also shows that the MAGA crowd can hold its own with any MSNBC contributor when it comes to applying blatant double standards.…
Why Roseanne Will Win the 2024 GOP Nomination
– Finally, MAGA nation had a representative in Hollywood. This is/was the general consensus among supporters. … You see, Roseanne would be an ideal choice for Republicans in 2024. And no, it’s not as far-fetched as one might think.…
Dear Media and Friends: Stop Lying About Everything Trump Related
– I think the Republicans in Congress are going to learn to get with the program, too. … Once Corker and Flake and the other Never Trumpers are out of office, more MAGA stuff will pass. … As for the Republicans, they’ve played the Failure Theater gig with the Dems for too long.…
Mark Sanford's Loss Last Night Shows the Dangers of Underestimating President Trump and of Being Out of Touch With the Rank-and-File GOP…s-underestimating-president-trump-touch-rank-file-gop-n90983
– closed in South Carolina, President Trump waded into the contest: Mark Sanford has been very unhelpful to me in my campaign to MAGA … His defeat was cheered on by Republicans who have been longtime Sanford fans due to his principled stand against the GOP’s constant … She equated Trump to the Republican team captain and suggested the Republicans in Congress are obligated to follow his lead.…
Will They Really #WalkAway from the Democrat Party?
– It’s one thing for some MAGA hat wearing Trump supporter to tell a Democrat their party is on the ‘wrong side of history’. … When the Democrat infested media tells them that Republicans are basically Nazis and terrorists, you can’t really blame the average … I can tell you, #MAGA and #Walkaway appear to be trending in the same direction, comingling, and getting actual ‘woke’ to the dirty…
Stop Whining About Maxine Waters - This Is the Political Freak Show You Asked For
Republicans haven’t only ignored it, they have elected their own pig and ordered another truckload of extra-stinky mud. … (I certainly hope that the MAGA crowd doesn’t believe they have forever vanquished the leftists by electing Trump.) … So here we are in 2018 and people who once chided me for wanting Republicans to stand firm on not raising the debt ceiling—because,…
George Will Endorses Nancy Pelosi for Speaker of the House but Does Anyone Care?
– . … Ryan and many other Republicans have become the president’s poodles, not because James Madison’s system has failed but because … Congressional Republicans (congressional Democrats are equally supine toward Democratic presidents) have no higher ambition than to … Wipe them out, Trump & the MAGA faction are ascendant within GOP.…
Instapundit Asks Why Are the Covington Kids Getting Different Treatment Than the Parkland Kids?…ngton-kids-getting-different-treatment-parkland-kids-n100070
– a group of kids sprang onto the scene spouting off noxious, libelous, and counterfactual bullsh** about guns, gun owners, and Republicans … But, somehow, while the Parkland gun-grabbers were given a pass, kids whose greatest sin was wearing a MAGA hat while waiting for a … for having the wrong look on their face or not getting out of the way of some deranged lefty whanging away on a drum or wearing a MAGA
The Case AGAINST Partisan Apparel at Pro-Life Rallies
– If the pro-life movement is to make a true, cultural impact and expand to include more than just people of faith and Republicans, it … And really, while the March is inevitably a one-party cause, it doesn't advance that cause to wear partisan apparel, *especially* MAGA … Many will say, “But look, only Republicans care about advancing any type of pro-life legislation!…
Nikki Haley on Jussie Smollett Media Coverage: "He Played All of Them for Fools." But Did He?
– Nathan Phillips was falsely portrayed as a free speech hero who was attacked by “racist MAGA hat kids” because he was a Native American … Most of them are left-leaning and anti-Trump, so as soon as a tweet comes cross their Twitter stream about an “abusive MAGA hat wearer … Contrast their full-court press journalisming with how they report on claims that conservatives and Republicans make.…
Ellen Page Needs Stop Feeling Sorry for Herself and Take a Long Look In the Mirror
– attack of Empire actor Jussie Smollett, and how horrible the hatred of that dreaded “other” has become ever since those dastardly Republicans … In fact, if you want a solid way to see someone assaulted, don’t grab the hand of a same-sex person, put on a red MAGA hat and walk … And don’t let it slip past you that it was MAGA hat wearing Trump supporters that were targeted in the fake Smollett story Page was…
WATCH: Mojito Drinker Assaults MAGA Hat Wearer, Then Claims SHE'S the Victim
– Another day, yet another instance of unhinged liberals getting physical with peaceful MAGA hat wearers. … – In Kentucky, a Tennessee man was carted off to jail after pulling a gun on a MAGA hat wearer shopping at a Sam’s Club. … But it is Republicans who are the intolerant ones … or so I’ve heard.…
The GOP Is Trying a Bold New Tactic That Has the Democrats Terrified
– That, at least, is what Republicans want voters to think, as they seek to demonize Democrats well in advance of the 2020 elections … Then last week, Republicans amped it up, seizing on a Twitter post by a freshman representative, Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, which even … I’m sure True Conservatives, like those at The Bulwark and those who think the Covington kids had it coming because of the MAGA hats…
RedState's Water Cooler - March 4, 2019 - Open Thread: Howie Carr Lists the Differences Between Mainstream Media Coverage of Democrats vs. Republicans and a Media Mashup…s-mainstream-media-coverage-democrats-vs-republicans-n102042
Republicans. It would be amusing if it weren’t so sad. 1. Republicans have “fixers” while Democrats have lawyers. 2. … Republicans “lie,” while Democrats “misspeak.” 5.  Democrats plan, Republicans scheme. 6.   … When there’s bad news about Republicans, Democrats “react.” But Republicans “pounce” or “seize.” 13.  …
Bill Barr Is 'All for Restoring America,' but Says 'Trump Is Not That Man'…for-restoring-america-but-says-trump-is-not-that-man-n573986
– One of those Republicans is Bill Barr. … However, if you believe in the MAGA agenda, we’ve already punched the other guy in the nose. … The first thing Republicans need to do is win a decisive, broad victory.…
MSNBC Race Hustler Joy Reid Insults GOP Woman of Color Who Made Historic Win…eid-insults-gop-woman-of-color-who-made-historic-win-n580697
– Likewise, recent primaries in Texas showed Republicans had nominated a number of Hispanics, and the journalists could practically be … You run enough of these zombie election denier MAGA candidates — you know — it’s tough to pick ‘em all off when they’re all coming…
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