Results for: hatred

Graduation Speaker Champions Social Justice, Warns of a World Rife With White Supremacy and 'Extreme' Capitalism…rld-rife-with-white-supremacy-and-extreme-capitalism-n395356
– Nevertheless, our speaker’s so fearless, especially recently when facing hatred for speaking truth to power about the Palestinian experience…
Joe Manchin Is Driving His Own Party Insane
– He has to be feeling that reality in conjunction with the intense hatred his supposed allies have for him.…
Kamala Harris Is Being Set Up
– Connect that with her hatred for Kamala Harris, and things are looking way too deliberate at this point to brush aside as mere chance…
Mental Health Journal's Article on 'Parasitic Whiteness' Laments There's 'Not Yet a Permanent Cure'…ic-whiteness-laments-theres-not-yet-a-permanent-cure-n394918
– 80s, I have been working on clinical/theoretical/activist perspectives that aim to understand and dismantle structured forms of hatred
Ron DeSantis Lets Loose on Dr. Fauci as the Feud Deepens
– which he likens Fauci’s rise to faux “sainthood” and noted how Democrats elevated charlatans throughout the pandemic simply out of hatred
Will AIPAC Attendees Boycott Trump?
– The stated reason for the boycott is that Trump is inciting violence and hatred at his rallies (which is more than half fair, tbh): … Donald Trump’s speech to a major pro-Israel conference in Washington on Monday, accusing the presidential candidate of encouraging hatred … “We are against the hatred, the incitement of hatred, the ugliness that has engulfed this political season.”…
Yes, The Sky IS Falling, Don’t Panic, But---
– have seen last night and today are Cruz supporters mocking dejected Rubio supporters, and Rubio supporters spewing all kinds of hatred
I'll Stereotype Trump's Supporters as Long as He Stereotypes Everyone Else
– If I hear that a Muslim has been going to a mosque where someone like Anjem Choudary preaches hatred every Sunday for years, I’m going…
Why import tariffs are bad and will cost YOU money.
– Yes, I know that there’s tons of red tape, bureaucracy, taxes, seed money, environmental regulations, and general hatred of business…
Why the Establishments of Both Parties Hate Cruz: Ethanol
– No, I’m not saying all the hatred is coming from the Ethanol lobby although they hate him with a purple passion so intense that they…
New Yorker Trump Visits 9/11 Memorial & Museum ... For the FIRST Time
– and I’ve got this guy standing over there looking at me and talking to me about ‘New York values’ with scorn on his face, with hatred
This 'Not An Endorsement' Endorsement of Trump is Actually the Best Endorsement of Ted Cruz Ever
– brutally ideological zealot who wants to drag his country kicking and screaming back to the very dark days of bigoted fear and hatred
PayPal Cancels Plans For Global Operations Center In NC Over Transgender Law…r-global-operations-center-in-nc-over-transgender-law-n58096
– If LGBT activists and supporters truly care about hatred, physical danger, and freedom, then it would be wise to start by examining…
Mike Lee Unloads on John Boehner in Defense of his Friend Ted Cruz
– What Boehner and the others are really doing is expressing their hostility and hatred toward the voters Ted Cruz represents.  …
North Carolina Governor Reveals Petitions Against HB2 To Be Special Interest Lies
– His latest bout of badness came in the form of calling out a lie that attempted to make the in-state hatred of HB2 seem much larger…
SELLING TREACHERY: Four Reversals, Two Days, One HUGE Donald Trump Betrayal
– willing to abandon their opposition to government wage-control, their months long commitment to the genius of his tax plan, and their hatred
Water Cooler 5/6/16 - Third Party Edition
– With Clay throwing his support behind Adams (due to his hatred for Jackson), Adams won on the 1st ballot – 13 states, to 7 for Jackson…
No, You're Not Really Moving If Trump Wins
– (She’s one of those women who possesses such hatred for men that she needs some serious help.) Ms.…
Washington Post Op-Ed Bemoans the Other 50% Of America Embracing Fascism
– utterances have one thing in common: They provoke and play on feelings of resentment and disdain, intermingled with bits of fear, hatred … The best analog for Trump, in my opinion, is Argentina’s Juan Peron who united nationalism (Make America Great Again) with hatred of…
The Never Trump Movement Is Neither Anti-American Nor Hypocritical
– campaign trail, I expected Trump to fully grasp the issues and have in-depth policy solutions to our problems….I fell victim to my own hatred
Stop Using the Civil Rights Era to Legitimize Trans Issues
– This isn’t arbitrary segregation based off of hatred and ignorance in regards to an identity.…
Team Trump is Purging Dissidents from the GOP
– At the very least, they are going to try to use Republican hatred of Hillary to get as many Republicans as possible on the record in…
Trump: Everything I Said - "Just a Suggestion"
– When you look at San Bernardino, when you look at Paris, when you look at all of these horrible, horrible acts of hatred, this is pure … hatred.…
Let's Talk About Kayleigh McEnany's Boobs
– Because they operate like their leader: with dishonesty, without boundary, and with extreme, despicable, visceral hatred.…
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