Results for: MAGA Republicans

Joe Biden Smashes the Homeless to Give Unscheduled 'Threat to Democracy' Speech at Union Station…cheduled-threat-to-democracy-speech-at-union-station-n652950
– Biden trashed his political opponents as extremists that “threaten the very foundation of the republic,” focusing on what he called “MAGARepublicans,” which he later defined as anyone who is pro-life.…
Joe Biden Gives Florida Democrats Nightmares During Disastrous 'Rally the Troops' Speech…nightmares-during-disastrous-rally-the-troops-speech-n652516
– Biden was in Florida to, as CNN reported, rally the Democratic faithful there ahead of Election Day by invoking so-called “mega-MAGARepublicans” as the biggest threat this country has ever faced or whatever. … During his speech – and in a predictable attempt at scaring senior citizens, he played up how Republicans were allegedly opponents…
Nailed It: Tucker Carlson Weighs in on Why Democrats Desperately Cling to Censorship…in-on-why-democrats-desperately-cling-to-censorship-n652397
– As we reported on Monday, one look at David DePape and his background, and it could not be clearer that this guy is no “MAGA Republican … ” — despite one’s feelings about the MAGA crowd, the Jan.6 Capitol riot, and its steadfast allegiance to Donald Trump. … And of course, Jen Rubin at The Washington Post accused right-wing Republicans of “inciting violence” against the Pelosi family using…
Democrats Use the Addicted and Marginalized for Their Political Ends, Then Discard Them…ginalized-for-their-political-ends-then-discard-them-n651487
– assassination attempt, until Democrats finally settled on the “winning election strategy” of blaming the political right and Republicans … — Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) October 30, 2022 Their statements do not align with anyone who considers themselves MAGA … , let alone MAGA-adjacent.…
Leftist Claims Lee Zeldin Is an Anti-Semite, Gets Hit With an Inconvenient Fact…the-face-with-an-inconvenient-fact-zeldin-is-jewish-n651993
– and it’s particularly true of blue-checkmark leftists who have dog-piled on the Paul Pelosi attack as definitive evidence that Republicans … reminded the world that any mention of Soros was anti-Semitic and Lee Zeldin was the latest offender: Not that this will stop the MAGA
Woke Social Media Platform Launches to Fight 'Elon Musk's MAGA Twitter,' and the Name Is Perfect…ight-elon-musks-maga-twitter-and-the-name-is-perfect-n651792
– — Occupy Democrats (@OccupyDemocrats) October 27, 2022 Reasons to ditch Elon Musk’s MAGA Twitter and join @TribelSocial network … Another lamented that Republicans own all media institutions: “I was hoping Elon would find another hobby. … The Republicans own TV stations, newspapers, now Twitter. The propaganda machines are going all-in.…
Biden Drops Troubling Comments About Pelosi Attack and Speech, Then Jen Psaki Makes It Worse…losi-attack-and-speech-then-jen-psaki-makes-it-worse-n651226
– have pounced right onto the Paul Pelosi attack, not concentrating on Paul Pelosi or his health, but trying to somehow attack Republicans … — beccasu 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲 (@CocoaMonoi) October 29, 2022 Let’s not forget Joe Biden’s demonizing of millions of MAGARepublicans, putting a target on their backs and calling them a “threat to democracy.”…
The Overblown Oathkeepers Indictment
– still waiting for the Democrat-media complex to explain how a tiny fringe group like the Oathkeepers is connected to the larger MAGA … as “domestic terrorists”, as well as the purging of said terrorists from the US military.And, the ultimate goal: to destroy the MAGA … The first involves communications among Oathkeepers associated with two MAGA rallies last November that the prosecutors maintain were…
Ron DeSantis Beats Donald Trump in Major, Grassroots 2024 Straw Poll
– GOP Establishment would love nothing more than to go back to the pre-Trump era, but it’s clear the voters want to go even further MAGA … The turnover in his office and among his campaign advisers is well known among Republicans: In three of his five full years in Congress…
Ted Cruz Exposes the Hypocrisy of Runaway Texas Dems as They Continue to Insult Voters…runaway-texas-dems-as-they-continue-to-insult-voters-n410189
– Democrats who fled the state of Texas to avoid having a quorum so that a vote could not be taken on the election security bill that Republicans … To all the MAGA Troopers and GOP simps who are crying little snowflake tears about me saying that people recognized me… HAHAHA. … — Gene Wu (@GeneforTexas) July 13, 2021 “To all the MAGA Troopers and GOP simps who are crying little snowflake tears about me…
Trump Continues to Drive the Left Crazy, and Position Himself for 2024…o-drive-the-left-crazy-and-position-himself-for-2024-n409999
– Despite WY Liz Cheney’s (R-Egregious) and IL Adam Kinzinger’s (R-Douchenozzle) protestations to the contrary, the majority of the Republicans … moves—whether that is to make a run for the presidency, or simply to be kingmaker and have influence over the America First and MAGA
Pulitzer Prize Parody Nominations: Kutcher's Rut, Biden's Butt, and Furries Pout…ominations-kutchers-rut-bidens-butt-and-furries-pout-n417735
– This led to a segment about the variant and breakthrough cases, and then the focus was placed on – the Republicans. … @rachelvscott reports as top Republicans warn about vaccine skeptics. — World … Since this is going viral in MAGA circles: no, Biden didn’t talk about his “butt.”…
Conservatives Are Obsessed With My Pillow Vote Fraud Conference, According to Obsessed News Networks……fraud-conference-according-to-obsessed-news-networks-n425337
– coverage of the MyPillow mogul’s various antics has been virtually non-existent in recent months, despite his repeated attempts to make MAGA-friendly … The press wants desperately to smear conservatives as conspiracy nutters, claiming that Republicans are hanging on every word delivered…
Will Elder Keep Floating on Poll Numbers or Will He Produce Some Concrete Governing Policy?…rs-or-will-he-produce-some-concrete-governing-policy-n423880
– seems that Elder failed to see that Breton was simply working to further Newsom’s narrative of the Recall being about radical Republicans … This is deep blue California, so he has to keep himself open to the anti-MAGA undecideds.…
Breaking: 40 Conservative Groups File Ethics Complaint Against Nancy Pelosi
– @LimitGovt @Priestsforlife @60PlusAssoc @EagleForum @BrentBozell @jennybethm @AmericaIgnite#TeaParty #maga … @rmanning957 @SEconomistK @frankcannonAPP @GaryLBauer @DrJerryJohnson @RebeccaHagelin @RichardViguerie @dalytweet @RichardNorman#maga … Two Democrats voted against it, with Republicans, New Jersey Rep. Jeff Van Drew and Minnesota Rep. Collin Peterson.…
Man in MAGA Hat Attacked: 'Go Back to Russia, You F*cking Communist!
MAGA hat by R. Nial Bradshaw, licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0/Original Matthias Ajple clearly has some issues. … According to Newsweek, Ajple, 43, went up to a man, 67 year old Robert Youngblood, who was wearing a MAGA hat at a bar at the Hurricane … And Trump supporters and Republicans are actually fighting that takeover.…
Figuring Out President Trump
– frequently viewed to be “not very presidential” by the Left and downright “dumb,” and the Democrats, legacy media, and NeverTrump Republicans … Our president has boundless energy and is constantly working on his MAGA agenda on but 4-5 hours of sleep per night. Amazing!…
As a Former Liberal, I Know Kanye West's Political Awakening Transcends Black Democrats and Donald Trump…al-awakening-transcends-black-democrats-donald-trump-n119869
– Many Democrats, naturally, are alarmed that a successful, wildly popular cultural icon like West would turn into a MAGA-hat wearing … Meanwhile, many Republicans and conservatives are watching West’s transformation with a keen interest, wondering (and perhaps hoping … to see) if he can succeed in winning over black Democrats where Republicans have largely failed for decades.…
Independent Researcher “Harold Finch” Sifts Through the Desperate Legacy Media Spin Campaign…old-finch-sifts-desperate-legacy-media-spin-campaign-n121156
– Impeachment is the US Senate is Dead On Arrival, but the legacy media are spinning to push the false narrative that Republicans will … There are some fake people who advertise themselves at “MAGA types” who are pushing this lie, too. … Watch for fake MAGA people gaslighting that “nothing will happen,” too, and don’t fall for it.…
If Only NeverTrumpers Would Stab Progressives in the Front Half as Hard as they Stab Conservatives in the Back…progressives-front-half-hard-stab-conservatives-back-n121164
– Not a surge in people wearing MAGA hats. Not a surge in folks sporting Trump signs. … I don’t see a MAGA hat in the group. Take a look for yourself; maybe you can find one. … Maybe you can find some incriminating MAGA or KKK details there.…
Sen. John Kennedy Compares Jeffrey Epstein to Drywall and Christmas Ornaments: 'Things That Don't Hang Themselves'…epstein-drywall-christmas-ornaments-things-dont-hang-n120692
– Clinton’s purported 26(+) plane trips with Jeffrey — is the media’s hesitance to cover news casting shadows on both Democrats and Republicans … #MAGA #FreeThePress — Media Shrink (@MediaShrink) September 10, 2019 That … MSNBC’S Katy Tur Presses a Guest: Are Republicans Responsible for the Santa Clarita School Murders and Others Like Them?…
If the Jersey Shooters Wore MAGA Hats
– Let’s say that they weren’t members of the “Black Hebrew Israelites,” but were known Trump supporters wearing MAGA hats during the … Anyone who wears a MAGA hat would be seen as promoting the shooting. … They definitely weren’t wearing MAGA hats. They didn’t fit the criteria.…
Trump Set To Spend Billions on Aid to Farmers Hurt by His Trade War
– by China and other countries in response to Trump’s protectionist trade stance could cost them billions of dollars, spooking RepublicansMAGA back to the 1930’s, of course. … like a good ol’ Depression-era, Democratic program to fall back on to support your base when the economy is humming along and Republicans
Crazy New Trump Apocalypse Novel Reveals the Depths of Leftist Paranoia and Self Delusion…e-novel-reveals-depths-leftist-paranoia-self-delusion-n93065
– Anyone who thinks it takes courage to make fun of Republicans today (by name or otherwise) is either an abject coward or delusional … Several years ago, RedState alum Ben Howe incurred the wrath of what eventually became the MAGA crowd for accurately panning a Tea…
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