Results for: critical race theory

Biden Approved CRT Group Wanting to Be "Feared" Has Connections to Top Dept. of Education Officials…d-has-connections-to-top-dept-of-education-officials-n414590
– As RedState previously covered, the Abolitionist Teaching Network (ATN) that openly promoted Critical Race Theory and vowed to “disrupt…
Milley Says Military Shouldn't Be Involved in Domestic Politics but Then Steps in It Again…lved-in-domestic-politics-but-then-steps-in-it-again-n414231
– He attributes the Capitol riot to “white rage,” which is itself a racist term, as is attributing “rage” to any race. … race theory in the military during a hearing Wednesday with House lawmakers. — CBS News (@CBSNews) June … This is the military that went after Tucker Carlson for being critical of them doing things for woke reasons, not readiness reasons…
'I Want Us Feared': Biden Education Department Promotes Radical CRT Group That Vows to Destroy Schools…motes-radical-crt-group-that-vows-to-destroy-schools-n413872
– Biden Administration promotes the radical ‘Abolitionist Teaching Network’, which pushes critical race theory, in school reopening guidance … Race Theory — its advocates vow to “disrupt and dismantle Whiteness and other forms of repression” in America’s schools. … race theory, though the group avoids using the exact phrase.…
WATCH: Talking Critical Race Theory With Jenny Beth Martin
– As the debate over Critical Race Theory (CRT) in America’s classrooms continues to be fought, conservatives are mobilizing to ensure…
Hasbro Whistleblower Claims Company Is Injecting Critical Race Theory Through its Products…injecting-critical-race-theory-through-its-products-n413699
Race Theory (CRT) training in its organization. … Johnson also claimed that Hasbro and The Conscious Kid are trying to teach Critical Race Theory through its products and packaging. … Race Theory and other forms of wokeism would cause more harm than good.…
WATCH: Virginia School Video Tells 2nd Graders a Key to Feeling Safe Is Zero Police…lls-2nd-graders-a-key-to-feeling-safe-is-zero-police-n422991
– Additionally heralded by Bailey’s, according to the Fairfax County Times: “topics such as…tools for teaching Critical Race Theory,…
Released Emails Completely Expose WaPo 'Fact-Checker' Glenn Kessler
– Kessler was really going to write a piece about how Rufo was supposedly lying about where he heard about Critical Race Theory?…
Independent Voters Have Absolutely No Reason to Support Biden, and the Polling Shows It…no-reason-to-support-biden-and-the-polling-shows-it-n422145
– reporting we’re seeing coming out of various school districts where the independent voters are parents who are rejecting far-left criticalrace theory in their childrens’ schools, the teachers’ unions fighting to keep schools closed, and many other far-left cultural battles…
A Teachers Union Is Suing A Rhode Island Mom To Stop Her From Seeing Their Critical Race Theory Curriculum…er-from-seeing-their-critical-race-theory-curriculum-n421768
Race Theory in the classroom. … My child is enrolled in kindergarten and I became concerned that Critical Race Theory (CRT) and gender theory were integrated into … Race Theory documents to the Solas camp.…
Protecting Child Education From the Ills of Critical Race Theory…hild-education-from-the-ills-of-critical-race-theory-n421664
– But, when I heard that our local school board intended to change the curriculum to indoctrinate our kids in Critical Race Theory (CRT … A textbook will usually give the definition of CRT as something like “CRT is a theory that race is a socially-constructed concept, … Recognizing and teaching that fact is what is going to bring this country back together, not the Marxist drivel of Critical Race Theory
College Students Can Look Forward to Courses in 'Ecofeminism,' 'Community Activism' and 'Queer Desires'…in-ecofeminism-community-activism-and-queer-desires-n421607
– Such comes courtesy of the school’s Department of Critical Race, Gender, and Sexuality Studies. … It’s quite the complex cocktail: This course brings environmental studies and critical race theory perspectives to bear on gender … race theory and indigenous studies.…
CA RECALL: Candidates for Governor Debate at the Richard Nixon Presidential Library…nor-debate-at-the-richard-nixon-presidential-library-n421528
– The questions ranged from California’s most critical issues: homelessness, housing, critical infrastructure, water, and business, to … intellectual property from China, COVID-19 and how to continue to address this pandemic, vaccine and mask mandates, education, CriticalRace Theory, all the way down to the Border and Immigration policy.…
Massive School Board Recall Efforts Are Underway -- That’s a Good Thing
– movement sweeping the nation in which parents and voters are confronting their school boards in opposition to mask mandates and CriticalRace Theory (CRT) in the classroom.…
An Explanation of Critical Race Theory From Critical Race Theorists
– The fiery debate over Critical Race Theory (CRT) is still raging even after several states passed legislation designed to prevent … In Critical Race Theory: An Introduction, authors Jean Stefancic and Richard Delgado explain the theory and give a brief history of … Critical Race Theory is defined by several tenets.…
The Mainstreaming of Marxism in America
– And although BLM did not spawn critical race theory, another Marxian off-shoot, it certainly paved the way for its inclusion in schools…
Alabama Doctor Refuses to Treat Unvaccinated Patients Dying 'Miserable' COVID Deaths…t-unvaccinated-patients-dying-miserable-covid-deaths-n428783
– From everything Martin Luther King, Jr. fought and died for now being thrown under the bus by the Critical Race Theory crowd, to the…
Larry Elder Campaign Bans Sacramento Bee and Mounts a New Press Avail
– candidate will give preference to reporters who "regularly cover" the topics he wants to discuss today: crime, anti-Asian violence & criticalrace theory — Carla Marinucci (@cmarinucci) August 13, 2021 Doing outreach to ethnic press is commendable … Should Elder become governor, and could use the legacy media for national exposure on a critical policy initiative, will they be there…
Tennessee Governor Signs Order Sure to Give Mask Mandators Fits
– The following month, there was this: AP: Tennessee bans teaching critical race theory in schools — Josh Caplan (@joshdcaplan) May…
Not Hollywood: Kirstie Alley Joins the Chorus Against Erasing Women
– Immigrant Kabobs Public Ed’s ‘Garbage Ideology’: It’s ‘Making Our Kids Dumber’ Alabama’s Board of Education Perfectly Splits on CriticalRace Theory — by Race Find all my RedState work here.…
More Than 160 Minnesota Principals Plot to 'De-Center Whiteness'
– Immigrant Kabobs Public Ed’s ‘Garbage Ideology’: It’s ‘Making Our Kids Dumber’ Alabama’s Board of Education Perfectly Splits on CriticalRace Theory — by Race University Announces Mentorship Program, Only for ‘Black, Latino, Native American’ Students Find all my RedState…
Monday Mood Weekly Forecast: Chaotic
– My theory that no one is in charge in Washington D.C. has been bolstered this week. Chaos is trickling down from the top.  … Critical Race chaos is still being dealt with in our schools.…
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