'Muppet Babies' Pushes 'Perfect Message for Kids' — 'Gonzo-rella' Cross-Dressing as a Female

(YouTube Space LA via LA)

I’ve said this in the past, multiple times. It’s “almost” like the far-left purposely continues to push the (fill in the blank with as many descriptors as you want): status quo, level of indecency, destruction of social and societal norms, what still exists of morality in America, and whatever else floats their “progressive” boat.


As far — or farther — than we are prepared to let them push it.

The bottom line is this: The “cancel culture” juggernaut arrogantly continues to not only rage out of control; but also continues to dare anyone and everyone who doesn’t like it to try to do a damn thing to stop it — let alone reverse it. On today’s “episode,” Gonzo, the fun-loving and always unique alien Muppet, celebrates “being exactly who he wants to be,” as Out.com reported last week.

“Out” being “Out,” here’s how they presented the “news”:

In the latest episode of Disney Junior’s Muppet Babies, titled “Gonzorella,” the fun-loving and always unique alien Gonzo got to celebrate being exactly who he wants to be.

In the episode, Miss Piggy and her friend Summer are planning a royal ball and asking everyone to dress up for it.

While looking in the Royal Handbook, Gonzo sees a picture of some princesses and exclaims, “Wow! Get a load of that dress! I’d love to wear a dress like that to your royal ball!”

“But Gonzo, Piggy and I are the princesses, we wear the dresses,” Summer says. “That’s right! According to the royal handbook, the girls come as princesses, and the boys come as knights,” Piggy adds. Baby Gonzo is heartbroken, despite the excitement of the other boys.


Of course, Gonzo is “heartbroken,” at first — given the initial confusion of his Muppet Baby buddies. Gotta tug on the confused heartstrings of the show’s 3-8-year-old target audience, you know.

Muppet fans everywhere, “Princess Gonzo-rella”:

As NewsBusters correctly put it, “Disney continues to corrupt everything it touches.”

This is Disney propaganda so none of the Muppets found it weird. In fact they all loved it. Miss Piggy stated, “Gonzo, we’re sorry. It wasn’t very nice of us to tell you what to wear to the ball.” The penguin muppet added, “You’re our friend and we love you any way you are.”

Here’s a longer clip.

In an interview with Disney fansite D23, Tom Warburton, the show’s executive producer, explained how the episode came to fruition.

“Very early on, we wanted to do an episode where Gonzo just showed up to the Playroom wearing a skirt. And it was no big deal. No one cared or questioned it because Gonzo is always 200% Gonzo 347% of the time.

“But then story editor/co-producer Robyn Brown and her team wanted to take it a step further and do a Cinderella story based on the idea. And it was just SO wonderfully Gonzo.

“We hope he inspires kids watching to be 347% of themselves in their own way, too.”


Anyway, as is always the case at Disney, all’s well that ends “well.” Gonzo-rella has a surprise for the other Muppet  Babies.

“Everyone, there’s something I need to tell you, The princess who came to your ball tonight was me. I’m Gonzorella!

“I don’t want you to be upset with me, but I don’t want to do things because that’s the way they’ve always been done either. I want to be me.”

Twitter fan page, “Muppet History,” took the usual left-wing spin, suggesting “the Muppets represent the ability to be accepting and loving of others, even if they may be a little different. To embrace those who others may shun. I’m glad to see that philosophy is still going strong.”

But, hey — at the end of the proverbial day, it’s just the Muppets, right? Yeah, no.

It’s the impressionable and questioning minds of the 3-8-year-old kids who sit down in front of more and more propaganda — and attempted programming — the further down the “woke” road we go. And we didn’t even have to use Critical Race Theory as an example, this time.


Parents of young kids, watch what your kids watch — and learn what they’re being “taught” in school.


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