Results for: critical race theory

Democrats are the Real Domestic Terrorists
– domestic terrorism threat are (1) racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists who advocate for the superiority of the white race … This is of a piece with the Democrats making common cause with BLM on pushing critical race theory down the throats of Americans. … Yeah, that’s just what we need: a federal bureaucracy that is filled from top to bottom with woke-sters steeped in critical race theory
The Conservative Movement Needs a Better Sales Force
– Just like we did with the battle over Critical Race Theory (CRT), the conservative movement needs to get comfortable with being on…
There Is Literally No Defense of Critical Race Theory so Bizarre That Conservative Inc. Will Not Support It…so-bizarre-that-conservative-inc-will-not-support-it-n412668
– Last week, Time magazine’s online version featured a story headlined The Conservative Case Against Banning Critical Race Theory. … It claims that different states that have forbidden the use of Critical Race Theory (CRT) as a tool for indoctrinating school children … This is what the good professor says: “Florida’s, for example, defines it as any ‘theory that racism is not merely the product of prejudice…
Have Democrats Become the Party of the Stupid?
– Last, but most certainly not least, we have the ongoing debate over Critical Race Theory (CRT) and other forms of woke theology being … While some are claiming that elements of the theory are not being included in the curriculum, others are defending its teaching in … a pledge to teach CRT in defiance of laws banning it and the fact that the nation’s largest teachers union plans to promote the theory
A.U.D.I.T. of Elections: The Pot Is Boiling out of Control!
– Would have made the Gardner race very tight. Florida. … I think target here was actually senate race which was an 11% race between Bullock and Daines; also a gubernatorial race. … race theory propaganda in public schools.”]…
Poll Shows Police Approval Rising as Media Trust Sinks Further Into the Dirt…al-rising-as-media-trust-sinks-further-into-the-dirt-n411290
– Americans by mainstream news talking heads are more and more absurd by the day, plus pushing obviously racist and divisive things like CriticalRace Theory, defending rioters as cities burn behind them, and making it their quest to help impeach a president based on obvious…
New Revelations Show How Absolutely Dangerous Our Military Leadership Has Become…olutely-dangerous-our-military-leadership-has-become-n411212
– Milley, most recently made famous for backing critical race theory in the military, and other generals hatched a plan to resign in…
Joe Biden Invites the United Nations to Investigate His Own Country…es-the-united-nations-to-investigate-his-own-country-n411208
– So, race and Biden’s belief that he is the only choice for blacks have been a key rallying cry to his political fortunes. … And then Critical Race Theory achieved prominence during his days, arousing strong emotions over teaching it in schools.…
US Naval Academy: Full Speed Ahead on Critical Race Theory
– Military institutions are being destroyed from the inside out by critical race theory – by design! … But their defeat doesn’t mean that the cultural Marxists who tout critical race theory among the faculty and elsewhere at the Academy … Imagine my shock to find, just as parents and taxpayers are finding throughout the nation, that Critical Race Theory (CRT) is deeply…
California School District Makes History With Mandatory CRT-Based Program for Preschoolers…with-mandatory-crt-based-curriculum-for-preschoolers-n411058
– The Bay Area board approved a mandatory “ethnic studies” program based on Critical Race Theory. … Studies policy for the district and to waive the need for a second reading. … Ethnic Studies is the interdisciplinary study of race … The policy and efforts to develop an Ethnic Studies framework are informed by and will include Critical Race Theory and the Liberated…
Five Thousand Teachers Pledge to Teach Critical Race Theory Against State Law…edge-to-teach-critical-race-theory-against-state-law-n410638
race theory and/or The 1619 Project.” … race theory in school curricula.” … race theory is only taught in law schools.…
WATCH: Talking Critical Race Theory With Quisha King
– The subject of Critical Race Theory (CRT) continues to be a hotly debated topic as more and more parents and conservatives push back…
Biden Is Right. This Is the Greatest Test of Our Democracy Since the Civil War…e-greatest-test-of-our-democracy-since-the-civil-war-n410742
Critical race theory, the antithesis of Martin Luther King’s dream for a colorblind society, has invaded the nation’s public schools … threats to personal liberty were not enough, how about the dire economic threat posed by the left’s embrace of modern monetary theory
Censoring Your Text Messages Is Just the Beginning
– America is facing a myriad of problems at the moment – many of which are flying under the radar as debates over Critical Race Theory
The Destruction of the Public Education System and the American Family…the-public-education-system-and-the-american-family-n410037
– We have seen all the outrage of parents, grandparents, guardians, and the concerned public about critical race theory.  … How did we miss the introduction of something so deceptive like critical race theory into our school systems? … I believe a significant reason for critical race theory and all the madness in public schools is the fact that the American family…
Loudoun County Parents Discover Chilling CRT Teacher Training Material Decrying "Heterosexism" and Parental Autonomy…material-decrying-heterosexism-and-parental-autonomy-n410059
– That, ladies and gentleman, is Critical Race Theory 101. … Notice that your race as a white person isn’t the only problem. … If any birthing person want to exercise their role as a co-parent with the state and voice their opinions about Critical Race Theory
My Friend Arizona Legislator Quang Nguyen Is Not a White Nationalist and Neither Am I…g-nguyen-is-not-a-white-nationalist-and-neither-am-i-n409854
– or funded Critical Race Theory instruction in the state. … It is an instruction manual to journalists on how to cover the Critical Race Theory debate. … So, my analytical take on this critical race theory thing is that because academia failed to properly assess the entirety of the theory
Trump Tells Packed House in CPAC Dallas Speech: "I Told You" So About Biden, Big Tech…pac-dallas-speech-i-told-you-so-about-biden-big-tech-n409470
– Citing a recent poll on Critical Race Theory and Democrat social justice talking points, Trump proclaimed, “The people do not support … “The Democrat-controlled media talks “race, race, race,” for political reasons…and they are doing it in a very humiliating fashion,…
Director of National Intelligence Uses Crudely PhotoShopped Stock Photo to Showcase Its Fearsome Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity Program…its-fearsome-diversity-inclusion-and-equity-program-n409425
Critical race theory is anti-white. — Ian Miles Cheong @ (@stillgray) June 18, … This is driven by the Critical Race Theory tenet that unless all positions have a statistically equal representation of every race, … We are committed to doing more to address this critical issue and accelerate our progress.…
Chatty Leftist Finally Admits Critical Race Theory's Roots in Marxism
Race Theory (CRT) is unabashedly and admittedly Marxist because almost no one listens to the dude or takes him seriously. … race theory" as what it's banning in K-12 curricula can be IGNORED, because CRT isn't taught at that level. … race theory [emphasis ours].”…
Report: Suicide Attempts Among Young Girls Skyrocketed in Early 2021
– -ALEX   See more pieces from me: Ivy League University President Insists Critical Race Theory’s ‘Scholarship’ Is ‘Urgent and Necessary … ’ Science Journal Decries Racism in Geology, Claims Black People Are Too Scared to Hold Hammers USA Today Runs Pro-Critical RaceTheory Piece, Professor Says CRT’s Not ‘Divisive’ Find all my RedState work here.…
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