Results for: MAGA Republicans

President Trump Grills Hollywood Over Universal's Violent MAGA-Killer, 'The Hunt': It's Tinseltown That's Racist…niversals-violent-maga-killer-hunt-tinseltown-racist-n112767
– On Friday, the rat– I mean, President Trump — chimed in on the controversy, following several ads for the coastal-elites-hunting-MAGA-supporters-like-wild-animals … But it’s not hard to imagine that a story of Republicans and Democrats killing each other may not make a positive contribution to the…
Lone Star Backlash: Texans Including Gov. Abbott Line up to Support Bill Miller's BBQ After Castro Doxxing…abbott-line-support-bill-millers-bbq-castro-doxxing-n112743
– Joaquin Castro (D-TX-20) created a firestorm among Republicans after doxxing private citizens in his Congressional district who made … 🤣🇺🇸💕#MAGA #TRUMP2020 — Tamie J.…
President Trump Is Campaigning In The Democrat Battle Space
– However, he didn’t go groveling to the NAACP for the quadrennial obeisance Republicans were expected to make. … Based on current polling, more Blacks than in 2016, along with a bunch more Hispanics are responding, “MAGA!”…
Black Republican Terrence K. Williams Goes Off on Debra Messing
– While Democrats made carefully shot speeches about how Trump and Republicans are racist, Trump supporters went down to Baltimore to … , many of them wearing MAGA hats. . … As such, many black Republicans and libertarians have been labeled as “Uncle Tom” or “House Ni****s” by the left.…
Candace Owens Eviscerates White Dems Lecturing Her on White Supremacy - 'I’ve Been Black in America My Whole Life'…cturing-white-supremacy-ive-black-america-whole-life-n115730
– You just tried to do live what the media does all the time to Republicans, to our president, and to conservatives, which is you try … -ALEX   See 3 more pieces from me: ‘Feminist’ Dad Brags He’ll Scream Hate At MAGA Wearers Because They’re Hate-Mongering Racists…
Adam Kinzinger's Smear Campaign Against a Critic Falls Apart After 'Receipts' Come Due…against-a-critic-falls-apart-after-receipts-come-due-n624035
– the other, Kinzinger’s response on Sunday was to accuse Bruesewitz, whose organization “promotes, advocates for, and helps elect” MAGARepublicans, of fraudulently acquiring a PPP loan back in 2020 when the pandemic first started here in the U.S.…
New Poll Shows What a Huge Blunder Biden's Bashing MAGA Americans Is
– with the Convention of States, has a new poll out, and it’s not looking good for Joe Biden’s latest tactic of vilifying millions of MAGA … In the polling, 89.1 percent of Republicans said it was a “dangerous escalation,” with 4.7 percent saying it was acceptable. … I’m not sure who those “Republicans” who thought it was acceptable are — maybe the three people who supported the future ex-Rep.…
Update: Adam Kinzinger's Smear Campaign Against a Private Citizen Is Not Going Well…campaign-against-a-private-citizen-is-not-going-well-n623524
– one way or the other, Kinzinger’s response was to accuse Bruesewitz, whose organization “promotes, advocates for, and helps elect” MAGARepublicans, of fraudulently acquiring PPP loans back in 2020 when the pandemic first started here in the U.S.…
Peter Doocy Confronts WH Election Deniers, Implodes Biden’s 'MAGA Republicans' Narrative in Short Order…des-bidens-maga-republicans-narrative-in-short-order-n623446
– It’s not hyperbolic to suggest that the vicious political war Joe Biden is currently waging against who he calls “MAGA Republicans … At the core of Biden’s complaints about “MAGA Republicans” is the belief among many of them that the 2020 presidential election wasn … And that’s where MAGA Republicans are today,” he stated during his Thursday primetime address.…
Joe Biden Attempts to Change Shape in Deranged Public Display
– We understand something that MAGA Republicans in Congress don't. Wall Street didn’t build this country. Working people did. … Are we really to believe that Wall Street prefers Republicans but just happens to give the vast majority of its donations to Democrats…
Biden Has a Labor Day Festival of Fail With Remarks in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania…l-of-fail-with-remarks-in-wisconsin-and-pennsylvania-n623186
– And the MAGA Republicans and your senior senator said it was “a peaceful protest.”” … That of course is a lie, but it’s all about demonizing MAGA people because he knows the Democrats are about to get wiped out in the … Republicans and that guy [alking – he left out the “w”] out the door are [to] destroying democracy.”…
Labor Day Memo: Left-Wing Mobs and Socialists Are in Bed With Unions…left-wing-mobs-and-socialists-are-in-bed-with-unions-n622985
– watch the pro-union virtue signaling this Labor Day from Democrats in office, on the heels of being told that it’s the right-wing “MAGARepublicans” who present a threat to democracy, we should remember the orchestrators of the left-wing mob rule that intimidated and…
Who's the Fascist? While Trump Seeks Less Government Power, It's Biden Who Covets Authoritative Rule…rnment-power-its-biden-who-covets-authoritative-rule-n623121
– Democrat National Committee Chair Jaime Harrison continue to triple down on the dictatorial president’s attack on Donald Trump and “MAGA … So if Trump and MAGA aren’t fascists, what are they? Let’s go to Morrow for his surprising answer: Mr. … So hey, when Joe Biden and the Democrats call Donald Trump and MAGA “semi-fascists”? Takes one to know one, Joe.…
Jamie Raskin Shows Us Who the Real Fascists Are During Interview
– Joe Biden has been attacking MAGA Republicans accusing them of being “semi-fascist” and a “threat” to the foundation of the nation…
CNN Is Making All the Right People Upset by Attempting to Report the News Unbiasedly…le-upset-by-attempting-to-report-the-news-unbiasedly-n622987
– The only Republicans they bring are those they agree with and the “Never Trumpers.” … BoycottCNN — Dash Dobrofsky (@DashDobrofsky) September 4, 2022 Some call CNN “Fox News light,” and some say CNN has gone full MAGA … CNN is gone full MAGA because a Trumper took control of it. — Pam Keith, Esq.…
It Looks Like Adam Kinzinger Has Finally Bitten off More Than He Can Chew…nzinger-has-finally-bitten-off-more-than-he-can-chew-n623009
– For anyone wondering what type of work X Strategies does, it exists to “promote, advocate for, and help elect” MAGA Republicans, the…
Populism Is the Power Struggle Over MAGA
Republicans.” … Republicans.” … While we are told there are two types of Republicans, the so-called “mainstream” and the “MAGA,” that isn’t the reality of 70 million…
Thank God the U.S. Is Not a Democracy
– Yet Biden continually lies about Donald Trump and “MAGA Republicans,” as he did in his Thursday night Darth Brandon tirade: “Donald … Trump and MAGA Republicans are a threat to the very soul of this country.” … Um… Well, it’s official: Republicans are now arguing that the US isn’t (& shouldn’t be) a democracy.…
Joe Biden Sounds Like a Cult Leader
– The president appeared in Pennsylvania, drenched in blood-red lighting as he ranted and raved about the “threats” posed by the “MAGARepublicans,” which he helpfully defined as basically everything to the right of Mitt Romney. … MAGA proposals are a threat to the very soul of this country.…
ABC News Is Now Asking Uncomfortable Questions About Biden, Shady Dem Tactic of Boosting MAGA Candidates…t-biden-shady-dem-tactic-of-boosting-maga-candidates-n622641
– tried to ask Bottoms whether she supports the Democrat tactic of boosting what they consider, to borrow a term from Joe, “ultra MAGA … Here’s the exchange: RADDATZ: The president criticized MAGA Republicans for electing election deniers, yet Democrats are promoting … that values the rule of law, that we are nation of peace, that we are a nation that values a peaceful transition of power and this MAGA
Biden's America: 52K Illegal Aliens Entered US in Just One Texas Border Sector — in August, Alone…d-us-in-just-one-texas-border-sector-in-august-alone-n622545
– Yet Biden calls Donald Trump and MAGA a threat to America. Go figure. … But, hey — Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans are a threat to America., right, Joe?…
WH Goes Into Full Gaslighting Mode When Asked if Joe Biden Needs to Apologize…ting-mode-when-asked-if-joe-biden-needs-to-apologize-n622537
– She did the same thing when CNN’s Poppy Harlow asked her if Joe Biden owed an apology to MAGA Republicans for calling them “semi-fascists…
Top Biden Advisor's Disgusting Rant Against Republican Voters Leads to a Key Question…nt-against-republican-voters-leads-to-a-key-question-n622573
– "Has the president essentially given up on those MAGA Republicans — some 70 million people?" … Has the president essentially given up on those MAGA Republicans, some 70 million people? … If “MAGARepublicans are so horrible and dangerous, what exactly should be done about them?…
Pulitzer Prize Dis-Honors: Dysfunctional Checkers, Fascist Whackos, and Offensive Comic Book Tacos…ckers-fascist-whackos-and-offensive-comic-book-tacos-n622518
– Yes, Ben is parroting Joe Biden’s current push to have MAGA Republicans cast as fascists who want to destroy democracy–and he claims … Her rationale is to look at voting rolls, and declares that municipalities where Republicans have a majority are the places with the…
The Comparison Between Trump and Biden in Wilkes-Barre Is Stark
– Among the things he took on was Joe Biden’s speech demonizing MAGA Republicans and essentially calling millions of Americans “enemies…
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