Results for: House Freedom Caucus

Kinzinger Slams Copilot Who Flew With Him in Iraq for 'Allegiance to Trump Over Oath to the Constitution'…or-allegiance-to-trump-over-oath-to-the-constitution-n610480
– Adam Kinzinger by freedom-loving Americans that hasn’t already been said? A lot more than I can publish on RedState. … from dishonoring the Illinois congressional seat to which he was elected by Republicans by failing to vote with the Republican Caucus … After serving in the House for more than a decade, Kinzinger’s political career has turned into a raging dumpster fire, principally…
Poll: FBI Raid on Trump Has Awakened the Sleeping Giant
– Scott Perry (R-PA) the head of the House Freedom Caucus, fired up the Republican leadership of the House. … House GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) issued a warning to Merrick Garland to “Preserve your documents.”…
Report: More Concerning FBI Action Involving Republican Lawmakers
– Spokespeople for Pennsylvania House and Senate Republican leaders did not confirm that any of them received subpoenas. … Freedom Caucus chairman’s cell phone. … Freedom Caucus.…
Thomas Massie Exposes the DOJ's Intent Behind the Seizure of Scott Perry's Phone…dojs-intent-behind-the-seizure-of-scott-perrys-phone-n610102
Freedom Caucus chairman’s cell phone. — Thomas Massie (@RepThomasMassie) August 10, 2022 Once you … Freedom Caucus chairman’s cell phone. … — Thomas Massie (@RepThomasMassie) August 10, 2022 I’m not in the Freedom Caucus, but I’d say: every meeting of that group,…
This Is Getting Crazy Now: FBI Seizes Cell Phone of Member of Congress Who Is Trump Ally…s-cell-phone-of-member-of-congress-who-is-trump-ally-n609752
– Scott Perry (R-PA), a close Trump ally and head of the conservative House Freedom Caucus, said that the FBI has seized his cellphone…
This Week in Washington - June 21, 2010
– The First Amendment confirms the freedom to think for ourselves.”  … The schedule for the House this week according to the House Majority Leader’s web site: MONDAY, JUNE 21, 2010 On Monday, the House … On Friday, the House will meet at 9:00 a.m. for legislative business.…
Looking at the Race to Succeed Paul Ryan as Ways and Means Chair
– a look at who will be the new chair of the House Ways and Means Committee. … Devin Nunes (R-CA)’ chamber=’house’ mcid=’N000181′ ]. … While we shouldn’t expect him to be joining the House Freedom Caucus anytime soon (although he is a member of the Republican Study…
Conservatives United Get Huge Wins for the GOP
– There is lots and lots of condescension in Washington by those who loathe the House Freedom Caucus and outside conservative groups … House Conservatives united together and booted [mc_name name=’Rep. … They will even do so on the floor of the House even after the House Republican Conference unites behind [mc_name name=’Rep.…
The Ball is in Paul Ryan's Court Again
– Paul Ryan (R-WI)’ chamber=’house’ mcid=’R000570′ ] came in demanding the conservatives in the House of Representatives bend to his … Paul Ryan (R-WI)’ chamber=’house’ mcid=’R000570′ ] can move to the Speaker’s chair and the House Freedom Caucus held its ground against … Paul Ryan (R-WI)’ chamber=’house’ mcid=’R000570′ ] refuses after two-thirds of the House Freedom Caucus were willing to support his…
Breaking: Paul Ryan will be the next Speaker of the House.
– The House Freedom Caucus will support Paul Ryan, and so he will be the next Speaker. The rest is just a formality. … BREAKING: House Freedom Caucus says it will support [mc_name name=’Rep. … Paul Ryan (R-WI)’ chamber=’house’ mcid=’R000570′ ] for Speaker. — The Associated Press (@AP) October 21, 2015…
Paul Ryan Uses His Leverage To Drive A Hard Bargain
– Paul Ryan (R-WI)’ chamber=’house’ mcid=’R000570′ ] met with the House Freedom Caucus, as part of a tour of a number of the key House … And as Erick notes, buying in to Ryan’s deal on Ryan’s terms will neuter the Freedom Caucus’ remaining leverage. … The Freedom Caucus can run from its decision no more.…
Paul Ryan Wants House Conservatives To Sign Their Own Death Warrant
– Paul Ryan (R-WI)’ chamber=’house’ mcid=’R000570′ ] has conditions to become Speaker of the House. … the Speaker of the House. … Surely the House Freedom Caucus members cannot be this stupid. Surely . . .…
Ryan's Hope: A Soap Opera About Paul Ryan's Indecision
– This should be a big red flag to the House Freedom Caucus. They should be making the demands. Instead, [mc_name name=’Rep. … Paul Ryan (R-WI)’ chamber=’house’ mcid=’R000570′ ] and his friends in the media are trying to make the House Freedom Caucus their pet … Jim Jordan (R-OH)’ chamber=’house’ mcid=’J000289′ ] perform stupid pet tricks on the floor of the House of Representatives all because…
Sometimes Juan Williams can make your nose bleed
– The Freedom Caucus isn’t following its own legislative agenda. … The fact that there are only 40 or so members of the Freedom Caucus (about 20% of the House GOP) and about 40% of Republicans agree … with them, that indicates the Freedom Caucus is under-represented in the House.…
House Leaders Devise Plan to Fund Planned Parenthood and Retreat from Obamacare Repeal…planned-parenthood-and-retreat-from-obamacare-repeal-n54679
– “House conservatives need to wake up and realize what their Leaders are trying to accomplish and vote no.” … The Democrats will have to vote no, giving the House Freedom Caucus the leverage to bring this bill down. … House conservatives would do well to say enough is enough and put an end to it where they can.…
Is Paul Ryan Obama's Puppet?
– Paul Ryan (R-WI)’ chamber=’house’ mcid=’R000570′ ]’s efforts to achieve a rapprochement with conservatives in general and the FreedomCaucus (HFC) in particular. … John Boehner (R-OH)’ chamber=’house’ mcid=’B000589′ ], Ryan’s probably the House Republican Obama’s spent the most time with.…
Paul Ryan embraces Failure Theater on the budget deal
– John Boehner (R-OH)’ chamber=’house’ mcid=’B000589′ ], Senate leadership and the White House for cutting a budget deal behind closed … Paul Ryan (R-WI)’ chamber=’house’ mcid=’R000570′ ] announced he would support the budget deal Wednesday. … This is a very inauspicious beginning for Paul Ryan and the House Freedom Caucus would be completely justified in telling him that…
Congress to Leave Town Without Reauthorizing NSA Spying on Americans
– Mark Meadows (R-N.C.), the chairman of the House Freedom Caucus, said Wednesday, referring to Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence … But Republican members of the Freedom Caucus, as well as members of the House Judiciary Committee, have insisted that Congress place … Right now I’m with the Freedom Caucus and Rand Paul and Adam Schiff and Mike Lee and Ron Wyden.…
Can The GOP Salvage 2018?
– should go to Paul Ryan, who has made tax reform his pet project since he first got elected to the House. … The GOP is barely united in the Senate and House leadership could find itself under siege by the Freedom Caucus. … The good news is that, with certain Democrats in charge, it’s virtually guaranteed that if they take over the House or Senate, they…
Tech at Night: Devastating poll against Net Neutrality, FCC, DISCLOSE, Free Press…g-poll-against-net-neutrality-fcc-disclose-free-press-n36370
– This is good because The Internet is in danger from government rules, says Media Freedom. … I do enjoy how Media Freedom is so reminiscent of Free Press, but has the opposite message. … Free Press advocates state dictatorial control over the media, while Media Freedom promotes… well, freedom.…
Tea Parties on Fire in Texas!
– From the diaries by Erick For those of you watching the race for Speaker of the House in Texas, this week saw some fantastic events … This is what our democratic republic is built on-the freedom of assembly and the right to petition our elected officials. … Straus’ camp is panicking, not just at the loss of support but for the scenario Straus could be facing very soon-a secret ballot caucus
Is David Dewhurst a Conservative? Of Course Not.
– His is a record of fairness and willingness to reach across party lines to do what is best for Texas.Along with House Speaker Joe Straus … Senator from Texas in Washington to protect freedom.   … Senator Tom Coburn Eagle Forum PAC Colin Hanna, Let Freedom Ring Jim Martin, 60 Plus Rod Martin, National Federation of Republican…
Harry Reid and the Lockstep Senate Democrats
– Senate in 2013 involved party-line votes, close to an all-time high, and in more than half of those votes, Harry Reid’s Democratic caucus … was unanimous – the highest level of party unanimity in the history of either House of Congress. … Don’t be fooled by campaign ads where red-state Senate Dems embrace guns, oil, jobs, and freedom.…
Why We Fight
– Our nation will surrender its greatness and our children and our children’s children will never know the true blessings of freedom, … Just look at the 2000’s: Republicans controlled the Senate as well as the House of Representatives, the White House and even the Supreme … ObamaCare,” Wolf has been endorsed by Erick Erickson, the Senate Conservatives Fund, Madison Project and the Republican Liberty Caucus
The Fiscal Cliff And The Keyser Soze Option
– They find his wife and kids in the house and decide to wait for Soze. … In a way the House GOP finds itself in the same position as Keyser Soze. Our home has been invaded. Our family despoiled. … The only chance we have is if the House Republicans begin to deal ruthlessly with this regime.…
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