Results for: merrick garland

Watercooler 3/21/16 Open Thread: Which way is up?
– He is taking the position that Merrick Garland is the right man for the SCOTUS.  …
Lindsey Graham Agrees To Meet With Obama SCOTUS Pick Because Why NOT Undermine Entire Republican Party, Right?…s-scotus-pick-undermine-entire-republican-party-right-n58156
– South Carolina’s fancy Republican Lindsey Graham will be meeting with Obama Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland as “a courtesy”, … Garland: “Ha ha! Speaking of fair, I’ll be totally fair as a Justice.” Graham: “OK fine you’re in.” … Bishop told CNN that the Senator “remains opposed to moving forward with the Garland nomination.…
Why the Trump Camp Lies to #NeverTrump
– To stop that, the current Senate may approve Merrick Garland.…
Republicans Should Confirm Merrick Garland ASAP.
Garland is not a great choice, but he is not a terrible one, either. … The fact that Merrick Garland still exists as an option right now is a gift that should not be squandered. … The calculus has changed – confirm Merrick Garland before it is too late.…
Your SCOTUS Excuse For Supporting Trump Is Weak and Totally Irrelevant
– Justice Antonin Scalia, the Senate has been in a holding pattern on allowing confirmation hearings for President Obama’s nominee, MerrickGarland. … Here at RedState, the case was made that we should just go ahead and confirm Merrick Garland so as to avoid the disaster that could…
Democrats Should Be Reminded They Set The Standard On Blocking Judicial Nominees, Not Republicans
– Similarly, there is a lot of weeping going on over Merrick Garland. … Most Democrats (and the liberals in the entertainment industry engaging in identical weeping) couldn’t pick Merrick Garland out of … Republicans stuck to their word and didn’t consider Garland.…
Neil Gorsuch's Exchange With Sheldon Whitehouse Was Impressive
– Democrats are still miffed that Republicans refused to allow a hearing for former President Obama’s nominee, Merrick Garland, so they … name Judicial Crisis Network by name, Whitehouse asked why the group spent at least $7 million to keep President Obama’s nominee MerrickGarland from getting a confirmation hearing and is now spending $10 million to get Gorsuch confirmed.…
Uh Oh: #TheResistance Suffers A Huge Setback
– DEMS,The“Merrick Garland”SHIP HAS SAILED‼️ Let It Go…OR….Do You Want Some 🧀 To Go With Your WHINE⁉️This Tantrum Wreaks Of Desperation…
Senator Dick Blumenthal Cites Possible Impeachment of Trump as Reason to Oppose Gorsuch
– Partial transcript: “I am still angry about the treatment of [President Barack Obama’s nominee] Merrick Garland. … It would have been as wrong if we had [refused to give Garland a hearing] as it was when they did. … “But my vote is not about Merrick Garland.…
The Gorsuch Confirmation and Dark Money
– figures in President Obama’s re-election campaign in March 2016 to boost the nomination of Washington D.C. appeals court Judge MerrickGarland… …The CRP, a 501c4 group, has also echoed Democratic critiques on Gorsuch’s “troubling views on big money in politics.”…
The Democrats' Supreme Hypocrisy on the Supreme Court
– Schumer and company continue to use Merrick Garland’s scuttled nomination last year as justification for their obstruction now of Neil … The key difference is that Garland never had a judiciary committee hearing, much less a recommendation by the committee to the Senate … Democrats are crying crocodile tears over Merrick Garland; he was always a sacrificial lamb for the left.…
In A Fit Of Pique, Democrats Delay Senate Panel Vote On SCOTUS Nominee Gorsuch
– revenge on their part, as most are still miffed that Republicans would not allow for hearings on former President Obama’s nominee, MerrickGarland.…
Despite Their Mewling About Merrick Garland, Democrats Behavior Towards Judicial Nominees Is Detestable
– People keep asking the question, “Why couldn’t Republicans at least give Merrick Garland a hearing?” in 2016. … The political breakdown with judicial nominees started somewhere, and it wasn’t with Merrick Garland. … Democrats can whine about Merrick Garland all they want. No, he didn’t get a hearing.…
The Nuked Filibuster - a Return to Advise and Consent
– And, as the Democrats constantly remind us, they are unhappy that Judge Merrick Garland, President Obama’s choice to replace Justice … But the Democrats ignore what my friend and former RedState colleague Dan McLaughlin reminds us — that the Garland nomination was a … Garland was nominated in a presidential-election year by a president whose party did not control the Senate.…
Flashback: Tim Kaine Promised Nuclear Option for Hillary's SCOTUS Just Before Election
– Huffington Post, Kaine spouted off that the Clinton administration would get President Barack Obama’s Supreme Court pick, Judge MerrickGarland, confirmed.…
Top Trump Ally: Trump Should Make a Deal With Ruth Bader Ginsburg
– Ruddy’s logic is that if Trump replaces her with Judge Merrick Garland, President Obama’s choice to replace the late Justice Antonin … I think that he still should pick Merrick Garland and do a deal. … Ruth Bader Ginsburg wants to retire, and I think they should swap her out, give her an offer where they would put Merrick Garland on…
Media Lunges at the Chance to Brand Justice Gorsuch a Killer
– Justice Gorsuch, sitting in a seat that by all rights should be occupied not by him but by President Barack Obama’s doomed nominee, MerrickGarland. … This ignores that tactics like a filibuster were not used, but a GOP majority in the Senate had the power to not bring Garland up for…
Mike Lee's Idea for Merrick Garland to Head the FBI Isn't Crazy, But It Won't Happen
– A lot of people who cried over Merrick Garland not getting a seat on the Supreme Court are unaware of his extensive background in … Garland to replace James Comey … Garland would have to give up his seat as the chief judge of the DC Circuit court.…
SCOTUS WATCH: Is Gorsuch the Key to a Final Decision on Trump’s Travel Ban?
– raised an interesting point back in February regarding EO-1, and the irony that Gorsuch would be more likely to oppose it than MerrickGarland would have. …
New York Times Editorial Board Has a Temper Tantrum Over Neil Gorsuch
Garland. … The piece quickly gets back to Garland: The problem is that he’s sitting in the seat that by rights should be occupied by Judge Garland … It’s political for sure, but Merrick Garland, contrary to the claims of the New York Times editorial board, did not “by rights” have…
Gary Johnson Should Tell William Weld to Shut the Hell Up if He Wants My Vote
Merrick Garland, I think, would have been a very good pick, and he’s nominated by Obama. Johnson’s answer is pretty good.…
GOP Senator Suggests a Confirmation Vote to Fill the Vacant SCOTUS Seat May Be Preferable to Waiting…l-the-vacant-scotus-seat-may-be-preferable-to-waiting-n62336
Merrick Garland was appointed by Obama to fill the SCOTUS seat left vacant by the death of Justice Antonin Scalia earlier this year … Garland, a moderate, may be the best shot at that. … “That ought to be the principle, and that would allow for us to go with Garland if the alternative is somebody more liberal,” he added…
Cruz Suggests Scalia's Supreme Court Seat Could Remain Vacant Indefinitely
– Jeff Flake, suggested the GOP should confirm President Barack Obama’s nominee, Merrick Garland, to avoid having to swallow a more liberal…
Pollster Who Promised to Eat Bug on Live TV if Trump Won . . . Eats Bug on Live TV (VIDEO)
– I’m gonna show everyone who I am and what I’m made of, and I’m gonna name Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court.”…
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