Results for: Twitter files
Elon Drops Bombshell About 'Free Speech Suppression' Files He's Found
The Twitter Files on free speech suppression soon to be published on Twitter itself. … Many had a similar reaction to this Twitter user, given what all that could mean. … This has to leave the powers that be quaking in their boots, now that Twitter has been freed.…
Matt Taibbi Drops ‘Twitter Files, Part Six,’ Details How Platform Was Like FBI’s ‘Subsidiary'…rt-six-details-how-platform-was-like-fbis-subsidiary-n674737…rt-six-details-how-platform-was-like-fbis-subsidiary-n674737
Just in time for our weekend enjoyment, independent journalist Matt Taibbi has released part six of the “Twitter Files” in an epic … — Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) December 16, 2022
Though DHS involvement was discussed in an earlier release of the Twitter Files, … Related: CNN Lets the Mask Slip in Huffy Segment on Elon Musk’s Release of ‘Twitter Files’…
Oliver Darcy Wails Over a CNN Suspension After Years of Promoting the Outright Silencing of Outlets and Individuals…ng-the-outright-silencing-of-outlets-and-individuals-n674671…ng-the-outright-silencing-of-outlets-and-individuals-n674671
Following the Thursday night actions on Twitter, it is with eye-rolling bemusement that we watch the nation’s media complex meltdown … All were still live on Twitter as of the time this article was published.
… Considering this came from the same man who this week lied that the Twitter Files do not show governmental involvement, despite the…
'Reporter' Ben Collins Suspended by NBC News for Criticism of Elon Musk
NBC News, meanwhile, has responded by suspending one of its journalists who has reported on Twitter and been harshly critical of Musk … Files, which he continually tried to downplay as old news despite the damning revelations put out by Matt Taibbi, Bari Wiess, and … Instead, I expect him to keep flailing on Twitter until he’s allowed back on the air.…
CNN Lets the Mask Slip in Huffy Segment on Elon Musk's Release of 'Twitter Files'…huffy-segment-on-elon-musks-release-of-twitter-files-n674251…huffy-segment-on-elon-musks-release-of-twitter-files-n674251
CNN, however, switched gears Wednesday and gave the Twitter Files a little more attention. … On Twitter, my RS colleague, fellow media analyst, and LieAble Sources host Brad Slager made a similar point. … Jay Bhattacharya Drops Some Eye-Opening Revelations in Response to ‘Twitter Files’ Exposé…
The Lie-Able Sources Podcast: Press Twitter Denial Evolves, Mastodon Migration Stumbles, and Correction Season Begins…odon-migration-stumbles-and-correction-season-begins-n673992…odon-migration-stumbles-and-correction-season-begins-n673992
As more of the “Twitter Files” emerge, more denials go up from the press as journalists continue to be unnerved by the revelations. … What so many are attempting to deflect from is how just long Twitter executives denied that they had been engaging in these practices … LINKAGE PARK
Years ago Jack Dorsey was denying all of the things that have been exposed in the Twitter Files.…
CNN Finally Covers the Twitter Files but Still Can't Admit Reality
explained that the files presented no evidence of collusion between Democrats and Twitter despite that info sitting right in front … according to the very Twitter files both Darcy and RedState are looking at. … This is even mentioned again in the third installment of the Twitter files by Matt Taibbi who states that Twitter execs were “clearly…
Former Twitter 'Truth and Safety' Poohbah Allegedly on the Lam After Elon Musk Dares to Criticize Him…ly-on-the-lam-after-elon-musk-dares-to-criticize-him-n673124…ly-on-the-lam-after-elon-musk-dares-to-criticize-him-n673124
First, Roth isn’t all that big of a deal in the Twitter Files®. Most of the little fascists quoted have their names redacted. … She is the one who made up an excuse to rationalize banning President Trump from Twitter; see Latest Twitter Files Dump Shows Decision … So, no, the reason for flight had diddly squat to do with the Twitter Files.…
Elon's Rib-Tickling Reaction to Liberal Losing Her Mind Over His Bunny Emoji…tion-to-liberal-losing-her-mind-over-his-bunny-emoji-n673080…tion-to-liberal-losing-her-mind-over-his-bunny-emoji-n673080
Elon Musk taking over Twitter has been a great move in the culture war, toward more transparency and freedom of speech. … A journey that we are all on, to some degree, but also something that makes sense with the release of the Twitter Files.…
Uproar Ensues After the WaPo Dusts off Old Trick to Smear Matt Taibbi, Bari Weiss…dusts-off-old-trick-to-smear-matt-taibbi-bari-weiss-n673022…dusts-off-old-trick-to-smear-matt-taibbi-bari-weiss-n673022
So-called “journalists” and their Very Online Left allies are still seething (but not yet coping) over the gradual release of the Twitter … Files which among other things prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that Twitter under the old regime made up the rules as they went along … Twitter CEO Elon Musk smartly bypassed traditional media outlets and released the files to several independent journalists for publishing…
More From Whistleblower Report, Testimony That Blows Doors off What Was Going on at Twitter…ny-that-blows-doors-off-what-was-going-on-at-twitter-n672744…ny-that-blows-doors-off-what-was-going-on-at-twitter-n672744
We’ve been hearing a lot from the release of the Twitter files, mostly focused on the suppression of conservatives or views which … Former Twitter security executive Peiter "Mudge" Zatko says that he broached the topic of a foreign asset working at Twitter to another … But there were still more interesting things in the report, given the release of the Twitter files.…
Latest Twitter Files Dump Shows Decision to Ban Trump Was Not Motivated By ‘Incitement’…ecision-to-ban-trump-was-not-motivated-by-incitement-n672783…ecision-to-ban-trump-was-not-motivated-by-incitement-n672783
The fifth installment of “The Twitter Files” has dropped, and as with the previous two chapters, it focused on the company’s decision … Twitter did not ban Modi.
24. … Earlier iterations of the Twitter Files showed they had been throttling right-leaning views while refusing to apply their standards…
Marble Halls & Silver Screens With Sarah Lee Ep. 141: The 'Twitter/FBI Pipeline, Disenchanted, and Toxic Testosterone' Edition…pipeline-disenchanted-and-toxic-testosterone-edition-n672742…pipeline-disenchanted-and-toxic-testosterone-edition-n672742
The Twitter files just keep on dropping and one person in particular is looking very, very sketchy as more information is revealed … @elonmusk , Your new company @Twitter has many ex FBI/CIA agents in high ranks. Should probably do a little housecleaning. … As soon as they finished banning Trump, Twitter execs started processing new power.…
Elon Musk Wrecks John Brennan With Just Four Words
Grab the popcorn, it’s getting hot between former CIA head John Brennan and Twitter owner Elon Musk. … But it sounds like there’s a lot more to drop in Twitter files and Musk is going to have a lot of fun taking them down.…
Top Trump Spy Says Only One Reason an Intelligence Official Would Have Met With Twitter Before 2020 Election…ial-would-have-met-with-twitter-before-2020-election-n672606…ial-would-have-met-with-twitter-before-2020-election-n672606
The former Twitter regime? The FBI? Or both?
Just one more problem. … @JohnRatcliffe response to the Twitter file release from @mtaibbi. … Truth (Josh) (@AKA_RealDirty) December 11, 2022
Ratcliffe continued, moving to the Twitter Files:
With regard to the Twitter…
Rep. Comer Drops Concerning Info on Hunter Biden's Art as New Show Opens Amid Ethical Questions…bidens-art-as-new-show-opens-amid-ethical-questions-n672585…bidens-art-as-new-show-opens-amid-ethical-questions-n672585
Comer also said they were already investigating the new Twitter files release about the suppression of Hunter Biden’s laptop.…
Moore to the Point - The Taste of 'I Told You So'
The release of the “Twitter Files” has, thus far, confirmed that the thumb was indeed on the scale for the left when it came to content…
Elon Musk Flat-Out Says Fauci Lied to Congress and Gain-of-Function Research Killed People…congress-and-gain-of-function-research-killed-people-n672436…congress-and-gain-of-function-research-killed-people-n672436
Early Sunday morning, Elon Musk teased that the Twitter files related to censorship of COVID-19 information are coming “big time” … The many ways in which truth was silenced and harmful information was promoted by Twitter obviously had the effect of influencing the …
— Scott Kelly (@StationCDRKelly) December 12, 2022
If Kelly had read even a fraction of the things Twitter…
Yoel Roth's Past Tweets Go From Bad to Worse, and He Gains Some Interesting Defenders…bad-to-worse-and-he-gains-some-interesting-defenders-n672422…bad-to-worse-and-he-gains-some-interesting-defenders-n672422
Roth has also been at the center of many of the revelations in the “Twitter Files,” having run the site’s censorship regime by the … 12, 2022
There’s a lot to unpack here, but it’s pretty clear why Twitter had such a grotesque culture under Roth’s leadership … Naturally, some on the left are accusing Elon Musk of inciting violence against the former Twitter official by exposing him.…
Ever-Bitter Keith Olbermann Picks Fight With Wrong Conservative on Twitter 2.0, Is Promptly Throttled…ng-conservative-on-twitter-2-0-is-promptly-throttled-n672268…ng-conservative-on-twitter-2-0-is-promptly-throttled-n672268
A perfect example of the above played on Twitter on Saturday, when the embittered Olbermann went after Substack author and senior writer … The festivities began when Gonzalez tweeted his thoughts about Elon Musk’s “Twitter Files” releases:
If this doesn’t end with people…
How You Know You're Over the Target: John Brennan Goes After Elon Musk Over Fauci…target-john-brennan-goes-after-elon-musk-over-fauci-n672194…target-john-brennan-goes-after-elon-musk-over-fauci-n672194
As we reported earlier, Elon Musk got a firestorm started, teasing that they might have more intriguing Twitter files to release. … He tipped things by saying his pronouns were “Prosecute/Fauci,” and that the COVID files were coming “bigtime.” … It was published five days after the NY Post’s bombshell story that got suppressed by social media, including Twitter.…
NYT Descends Into Full-Blown Ignorance in AR-15 Story and Pic
As I reported, when the Twitter files Elon Musk released started to drop, they scrupulously ignored reporting it.…
The Lie-Able Sources Podcast: The Twitter Files Continue, the Press Keeps Insisting They Are Experts, and Journos Avoid Doing Their Jobs…they-are-experts-and-journos-avoid-doing-their-jobs-n672155…they-are-experts-and-journos-avoid-doing-their-jobs-n672155
Your source to mainline mainstream media misdeeds and malpractice.
Round two of Elon Musk’s internal exposé at Twitter continued and the press continued to spin out of control. As revelations of targeted suspensions and shadow-banning were exposed there was a shift in the press. Moving away from years of...
Elon Musk Teases Damning New Twitter Files Release, Makes Shocking Statement About Anthony Fauci…release-makes-shocking-statement-about-anthony-fauci-n672135…release-makes-shocking-statement-about-anthony-fauci-n672135
Is the most damning installment of the “Twitter Files” on the way? … The stuff about Twitter censoring the Hunter Biden story and banning Donald Trump over January 6th is interesting. … In the second “Twitter Files” release, it was revealed that Dr.…
Twitter Files, Part 4: How Trump Got Banned
In the fourth installment of Elon Musk’s “Twitter Files,” journalist Michael Shellenberger lays out the social media company’s decision … But after the events of Jan 6, the internal and external pressure on Twitter CEO @jack grows. … “But in 2019, Twitter said it did ‘not attempt to determine all potential interpretations of the content or its intent.’”…