Results for: brandon johnson
Chargers' Derwin James Becomes Highest-Paid Safety in NFL History
James and the team agreed to terms, one day after coach Brandon Staley praised the all-around safety. … Jackson, and signed defensive lineman Sebastian Joseph-Day, Austin Johnson, and Morgan Fox.…
9.11 In Memoriam
Brown Bettina Browne Mark Bruce Richard George Bruehert Andrew Brunn Vincent Brunton Ronald Paul Bucca Brandon J. … Fernando Jimenez-Molina Charles Gregory John Nicholas John LaShawna Johnson Scott Michael Johnson William R. … Poulos Stephen Emanual Poulos Brandon Jerome Powell Shawn Edward Powell Antonio Pratt Gregory M.…
Woke Chicago Mayor Fudges on Campaign Promise to Keep Select Enrollment Schools Open Because 'Equity!'…promise-to-keep-select-schools-open-because-equity-n2167587…promise-to-keep-select-schools-open-because-equity-n2167587
Johnson made a campaign promise and stated that none of the 11 selective enrollment high schools around the city would be closed. … Johnson is a former employee of the Chicago Teachers Union, more specifically, their legislative coordinator. … Johnson has been described as "hand-picked" by the union to run for mayor.…
Chicago Mayor Begs and Pleads for Help With Illegal Immigration Crisis in Schadenfreude Overload…and-pleads-for-help-with-illegal-immigration-crisis-n2168020…and-pleads-for-help-with-illegal-immigration-crisis-n2168020
Radical Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson has suddenly discovered that supporting open borders isn't all fun and games. … (Also see: Woke Screws Come Loose as Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson Melts Down During Border Crisis Presser) Saying that Chicago has … 👀Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson begs Biden for help with migrant crisis:"We have reached a critical point in this mission that absent…
School Choice Is Under Siege in Chicago
Earlier this year, Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson teamed with public school teacher unions to kill Illinois’ lone school choice program … Then, Johnson and his teacher union allies set their sights on the last remaining school choice option for Chicagoans: The Selective … However, it would certainly behoove politicians like Mayor Brandon Johnson to lend an ear to the people who voted him into office.…
WATCH: Brandon Johnson Calls Greg Abbott a Threat to 'National Security' for Shipping Illegals to Chicago…national-security-for-shipping-illegals-to-chicago-n2168137…national-security-for-shipping-illegals-to-chicago-n2168137
That said, Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson is in a class of his own. … Johnson told host Margaret Brennan that Abbott was “determined to continue to sow seeds of chaos” by shipping illegals to his city. … But Johnson "forgot" a critical piece of the puzzle. We'll get there.…
Eleven Years Later
Brown Bettina Browne Mark Bruce Richard George Bruehert Andrew Brunn Vincent Brunton Ronald Paul Bucca Brandon J. … Fernando Jimenez-Molina Charles Gregory John Nicholas John LaShawna Johnson Scott Michael Johnson William R. … Poulos Stephen Emanual Poulos Brandon Jerome Powell Shawn Edward Powell Antonio Pratt Gregory M.…
Another Scandal by Obama Adminstration
Ron Johnson (R-WI), refused to work with the Department of Homeland Security Office of the Inspector General (DHS OIG) to complete … Ron Johnson was able to review the DHS OIG report and expressed concerns about discrepancies between public statements by administration … In his letter to White House Chief of Staff Jacob Lew, Johnson assessed:
The national security risks associated with this type of…
Twelve Years Later
Brown Bettina Browne Mark Bruce Richard George Bruehert Andrew Brunn Vincent Brunton Ronald Paul Bucca Brandon J. … Fernando Jimenez-Molina Charles Gregory John Nicholas John LaShawna Johnson Scott Michael Johnson William R. … Poulos Stephen Emanual Poulos Brandon Jerome Powell Shawn Edward Powell Antonio Pratt Gregory M.…
Ted Cruz: Why Is the Democratic Party Being Silent on Brian Sims Bullying Women?
As I wrote yesterday, Daily Wire‘s Matt Walsh and pro-life warriors like Abby Johnson and Live Action’s Lila Rose will be at a … As Red State‘s Brandon Morse pointed out, Sims tried to paint himself as a misguided hero for his gross mistreatment of the pro-life…
Despicable: Pelosi's First Tweets After Marines Killed in Suicide Bombing…first-tweets-after-marines-killed-in-suicide-bombing-n433090…first-tweets-after-marines-killed-in-suicide-bombing-n433090
— Nancy Pelosi (@SpeakerPelosi) August 26, 2021
Our friend Benny Johnson was among those taking a well-aimed shot at Pelosi and …
— italian patriot (@patriot_stefano) August 26, 2021
Oh, and as my colleague Brandon Morse reported…
Massive March Chants 'F Joe Biden' After NYC Suspends Thousands of Unvaccinated School Employees…suspends-thousands-of-unvaccinated-school-employees-n452044…suspends-thousands-of-unvaccinated-school-employees-n452044
The media tried to spin it as the crowd chanting “Let’s go, Brandon” — the name of the driver, Brandon Brown, who won the NASCAR Xfinity … Americans then mocked the media, making “Let’s go Brandon” trend on Twitter, and even Brown himself made reference to the chant. … They chant " F×CK JOE BIDEN AND DE BLASIO "#COVID #fjb #nyc
— Leeroy Johnson (@LeeroyPress) October 4,…
Illegal Immigration Isn’t Going to Slow Down Anytime Soon
Fox News’ Brandon Judd pointed out that this particular policy will only result in increased illegal immigration. … Ron Johnson stated that Border Patrol agents told him over 600,000 migrants who entered the country illegally have been “released into…
Alabama Man Heavily Hammers Arsonist Antifa: Don't Come Here, You'll Get 'Pushed Back' and Then Some (VIDEO)
would-be outside agitators, a gentle heads-up from my mom’s home state of Alabama…”
Turning Point USA Chief Creative Officer Benny Johnson … And I’m sure his advice could apply to a lot of places outside the nation’s metropolises (see more from RedState’s Brandon Morse).…
President Trump's Rushmore Speech Was Only 'Dark and Divisive' If You Actually Hate America
(AP Photo/Alex Brandon)
On Friday, President Trump made his way to Mount Rushmore in the Black Hills of South Dakota–contrary to what … : Senators John Thune — John, thank you very much — (applause) — Senator Mike Rounds — (applause) — thank you, Mike — and Dusty Johnson…
As Trump Shows Improvement, the Media Become More Unhinged
(AP Photo/Alex Brandon)
If you thought that the few hours of graciousness shown by a couple of journalists following Trump’s COVID … ://
— The Hill (@thehill) October 5, 2020
EVIL: On @ABC's @GMA, co-anchor Whit Johnson…
Update on Trump's Condition, More People Come Down With It
(AP Photo/Alex Brandon)
President Donald Trump went to Walter Reed yesterday following a diagnosis of the Wuhan coronavirus. … Ron Johnson (R-WI), GOP spokesperson Ronna McDaniel, counselor Hope Hicks, Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) and Sen.…
Susan Rice and Retired General Russel Honore Conspire to Make Themselves Look Dumb as Dirt
(AP Photo/Alex Brandon)
Back during Hurricane Katrina, US Army Lieutenant General Russel Honore became something of a folk hero. … 👇🏽
— Susan Rice (@AmbassadorRice) July 24, 2020
There is a story that I can’t confirm that Jeh Johnson … proved that he was just as dumb as you thought he was:
Jeh Johnson (former US Secretary Homeland Security) confirmed on MSNBC that…
Fauci Yet Again Proves He Doesn't Believe a Word of the Deadly BS He's Inflicting on Us
gifts and, after Johnson but not Cuomo finally donned one, hugging and patting each other on the back. … Here he was today, greeting and hugging Savannah's Mayor Johnson, who is wearing a mask but Cuomo isn't. … As with Cuomo and Savanah Mayor Johnson, there are only two possible conclusions here.…
The GOP Senate May Finally Be Doing Their Job, Drop Major Subpoena Announcement…lly-doing-their-job-drop-major-subpoena-announcement-n250705…lly-doing-their-job-drop-major-subpoena-announcement-n250705
(AP Photo/Alex Brandon)
As I’ve opined before, I believe this is all too little and too late, but on the off chance that you are … Ron Johnson is requesting all documents related to Crossfire Hurricane. … That Johnson is requesting everything is good, though it’ll be tough to ever prove what is given over is truly “everything.”…
Trump Campaign Releases List of Convention Speakers; President Scheduled to Speak Every Night…on-speakers-president-scheduled-to-speak-every-night-n252154…on-speakers-president-scheduled-to-speak-every-night-n252154
(AP Photo/Alex Brandon)
The Trump Campaign on Sunday released the list of scheduled speakers for this week’s Republican National Convention … Vernon Jones
Amy Johnson Ford
Kimberly Guilfoyle
Natalie Harp
Charlie Kirk
Kim Klacik
Mark and Patricia McCloskey
Sean Parnell
Andrew … Jeanette Nuñez
Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron
Former Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi
Abby Johnson
Jason Joyce
Myron Lizer…
Looks Like We Got Another 'Winner': New 'Squad' Member Opens Her Mouth & PROVES IT…squad-member-cori-bush-opens-her-mouth-and-proves-it-n311736…squad-member-cori-bush-opens-her-mouth-and-proves-it-n311736
Christopher Vialva
Orlando Hall
Brandon Bernard
Alfred Bourgeois
Lisa Montgomery
Corey Johnson
Dustin Higgs
Say their names. … Christopher Vialva and Brandon Bernard: Vialva and Bernard were executed for murdering two youth ministers, Todd and Stacie Bagley, … Corey Johnson: Johnson was executed for murdering seven rival gang members.…
Janice Dean's Sister-in-Law Blasts #CuomoCoverup in Parents' COVID Deaths…r-in-law-blasts-cuomocoverup-in-parents-covid-deaths-n327530…r-in-law-blasts-cuomocoverup-in-parents-covid-deaths-n327530
My colleague Brandon Morse wrote earlier today about New York politicians on both side of the aisle demanding an investigation into … Monday by the NY Post titled “‘It looked like murder’: Families of nursing home victims demand Cuomo probe,” sister-in-law Donna Johnson … Johnson told The Post.…
"Make Them Pay": Michigan State Rep. Cynthia Johnson Instructs "Soldiers" to Go After Trump Supporters
Cynthia Johnson took to Facebook live and began rallying what she calls “soldiers” to action against Trump supporters, with the agenda … According to the Daily Caller, Johnson did not respond to questions about her video. …
— Brandon Morse (@TheBrandonMorse) December 9, 2020
This, once again, proves that the idea of “unity…
Law Professor Calls for All Black Votes to Be Double-Counted From Now On…votes-counted-double-restore-balance-systemic-racism-n297894…votes-counted-double-restore-balance-systemic-racism-n297894
Such is the system that works for Brandon Hasbrouck, who recently penned a piece for The Nation magazine. … Brandon Hasbrouck, an assistant professor at Washington and Lee University School of Law, says votes from black Americans should be … Regardless, Brandon argues the Electoral College was set up from the get-go to disadvantage black Americans.…