Back during Hurricane Katrina, US Army Lieutenant General Russel Honore became something of a folk hero. After days of video of scenes of devastation and stories of massive ineptitude on the part of the Bush Administration (but never a mention of the criminal incompetence of the most corrupt city government in the nation), Honore was appointed to lead a revitalized response effort and blazed onto the scene bringing with him decisive leadership and a folksy personality wrapped up in a coon-ass accent.
Rumored to be a Republican, since President Trump has been elected, Honore has been at the forefront of accusing him of racism and all manner of other nonsense. His nonsense hit a peak last week when he accused the Trump Administration of hiring a private military contractor called ZTI to confront the anarchist insurrection in Portland.
Notice to all we need the media to document these pics I got these watching stories and looking at pics on the internet, as I reflect the Russians do shit like the alter pics , so media need to investigate w @DHSgov and ZTI . But I did see several pics with ZTI on left shoulder
— Russel L. Honore' (@ltgrusselhonore) July 24, 2020
This was amplified by Susan Rice, perhaps in an attempt to add to her record of telling bald-faced lies to the American people:
We need answers and accountability 👇🏽 https://t.co/dJfEWJxEB9
— Susan Rice (@AmbassadorRice) July 24, 2020
There is a story that I can’t confirm that Jeh Johnson proved that he was just as dumb as you thought he was:
Jeh Johnson (former US Secretary Homeland Security) confirmed on MSNBC that DHS 'cops' are 'contractors.' Mercenaries supplied by Erik Prince, brother of Betsy DeVos, who runs a private military company called Blackwater. US Govt paying for this army attacking our own citizens. pic.twitter.com/5cKItu9P3S
— Person, Woman, Man, Camera, TV (@mosaisms) July 25, 2020
And with this we had a stampede of left lemmings.
There is a lot less to the story than meets the eye. The ZTI patch is actually a ZT1 which is the identifier for officer. This alpha-numeric patch is used in Tier One special operations forces to permit the identification of individuals on a team when their faces are obscured and when you wouldn’t want your real name revealed. The threat to these officers and their families from being doxed by Antifa is very real. It is easy to prove. The BORTAC officer in the foreground has a patch with Z23 on his helmet.
the guys in this video are almost certainly DHS/ICE BORTAC agents — their camo pattern and POLICE patch markings match officers in this photo posted by DHS sec Chad Wolf this morning, where a CBP patch is visible https://t.co/9M8bTsZrw9 pic.twitter.com/9hbYSjxQaM
— Jack Crosbie (@jscros) July 17, 2020
It is hard to believe that a general officer is so out of touch with even some very, very basic stuff that he’d make that mistake. The evidence indicates that Honore was deliberately trying to start a media outcry by using his reputation and resume to make a knowingly false claim. I think we are all beyond the point of thinking that Susan Rice is intelligent. She’s a ruthless and effective political in-fighter but she doesn’t seem to know her ass from a hot rock and has no identifiable desire to fix that problem.
What the incident points to is a craven and callous willingness of our “elites” to tell blatant lies to aid the anarchist violence in Portland and other cities and to hinder the ability of the government to respond. One has to wonder who is paying their AmEx bill to convince them to do this.
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