Kamala Suddenly Reappears to Talk About the Border, but CBP Officers Let Her Have It

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

Kamala Harris has been completely missing in action when it comes to doing anything that might actually resolve the border crisis.

It’s gotten so bad, you even hear folks like MSNBC’s Stephanie Ruhle asking “Where’s Kamala” in all this?


But now, with the fake Border Patrol ‘whipping’ Haitians story, Harris is suddenly speaking up about the border.

Harris is all-in on the apparent Democratic talking points on the issue, calling it “horrible.”

From Fox News:

“What I saw depicted about those individuals on horseback treating human beings the way they were, was horrible,” Harris told reporters. “And I fully support what is happening right now, which is a thorough investigation into exactly what is going on there. But human beings should never be treated that way. And I’m deeply troubled about it. And I’ll also be talking to Secretary [Alejandro] Mayorkas about it today.”

Treated what way? Told they couldn’t break the law and enter illegally? Interdicted from coming in by using a horse to block their way? Exactly what was “horrible” here about enforcing the law that she supposedly has sworn to uphold?

That’s the other thing here. This isn’t separate from her. This is her responsibility — remember the “Biden-Harris” responsibility and her responsibility directly as border ‘czarina.’ She’s concerned about the Haitians? Where has she been while they’ve been congregating and living under the International Bridge in squalor now for days? She’s only shown up now, thinking she has a story on which she can foist the blame on someone else — the CBP. But it’s all on her and Biden anyway.


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki, and DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas (after he got the talking points) all signed aboard the horrible narrative, although Mayorkas first led with the truth — that no one whipped anyone.

Now, the CBP isn’t letting some of the Democrats and Biden officials throw them under the bus either. They’ve been busting their butts for months having to deal with all the ways that the Biden team has broken the system and thrown it into complete chaos. They’re doing the best they can — this isn’t on them. It’s on the Biden folks who seem to want to continue the chaos and open the doors to anyone.

Border Patrol agents who spoke to Fox News were angered by the pile-on from the administration, and accused it of trying to deflect from its inability to control the border.

“This whole situation is blowing up and even liberals are turning on this administration,” one agent told Fox News. “[Harris] is placing blame on agents to deflect because she and Biden are not going to change how they are handling this.”

Another source was more blunt, saying that the outrage “just proves what absolute idiots they are.”

“With basic knowledge and two brain cells, anyone knows those agents use split reins. They do use them as a whip, on their horses,” the agent said. “This helps get a quicker response from the horse to move out when needed, especially when the horse may be hesitant with groups of people or other animals.”

“Again it is clear that those β€˜in charge,’ a term that is disgusting to use, have no clue about our operations and frankly operate by ignorance and unhinged emotions,” the agent said.


Exactly. This isn’t about reality or truth — it’s always about power and whatever narrative they’re trying to sell.


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