Results for: House Freedom Caucus

New York Times: Republicans Open to Banning Bump Stocks
– In the House, Representative Carlos Curbelo, Republican of Florida, said he was drafting bipartisan legislation banning the conversion … Representative Mark Meadows, the head of the conservative Freedom Caucus, also said he would be open to considering a bill, while Representative…
The DNC Almost Screwed Bernie Sanders — and Themselves — Again
– resolution was introduced by California’s DNC member Bob Mulholland, who wants a more united front come midterm elections than a house … Thankfully for Sanders, and possibly the left’s 2020 chances, the resolution was struck down, giving he and King the freedom enough … He can still caucus with Senate Democrats if he gets re-elected, but his supporters will flood into the Greens and carry him bodily…
Trump Backs Off Support for Deal Continuing Obamacare Subsidies
– According to the AP, that passage was later highlighted to the press and a White House official said it was intended to communicate … Mark Walker of North Carolina, chairman of the Republican Study Committee in the House, quickly denounced the deal over Twitter: “The … Freedom Caucus Chairman Rep.…
Did the Freedom Caucus Stop Taking Sean Hannity's Calls?
– After last night’s debate, Hannity said Ryan was a “saboteur” and needed to be replaced, saying members of the conservative House Freedom … Jordan’s spokesman insists the Freedom Caucus chairman is focused on his own race. … The Freedom Caucus simply does not have the strength or the ability to unseat Ryan right now.…
NOT SO FAST: Speaker Ryan Squashes Rumors of His Departure
– morning radio program in his home state of Wisconsin, Ryan put to rest the rumors that he’s looking to bail from his position as House … “Paul is far and away the best person to lead the House. … There has been some noise about replacing him from the far right Freedom Caucus, as they cast doubts about their willingness to vote…
Could Paul Ryan Step Down Next Week?
– One of the best anonymous quotes is from an alleged Freedom caucus member: “I personally just sense he really didn’t want the job … Donald Trump and his supporters in the House have already tried to smear him with attacks along that vein. … Ryan’s best bet to affect change in the House and the Party is to stay where he’s at, and he knows that.…
Ron DeSantis Just Asked Paul Ryan to Declassify All Trump Dossier Documents and Probably for a Very Good Reason…classify-trump-dossier-documents-probably-good-reason-n82748
– Ryan, as House Speaker, is an ex officio member of every House committee, and Rule X, which DeSantis references, allows the Speaker … He’s a member of the Freedom Caucus. So one could hypothesize that he’s tossing Paul Ryan a stinkbomb on his way out. … The challenge for House and Senate investigators is to get the information to the public.…
Illinois Democrat Luis Gutiérrez Is Ready for a Border Wall
– Schumer has said he was close to a deal with Trump before the White House came forward with additional demands. … By “…White House came forward with additional demands” some are suggesting that the talks to avoid the shutdown that went on between … It has to get past the House Freedom Caucus, however. Trump has said that he needs the support of both Rep.…
BREAKING: House Passes Spending Bill, But Its Fate Still Looks Murky in Senate
– After Speaker Paul Ryan struck a deal with the Freedom Caucus, House Republicans had the votes to pass a spending bill that would … As Politico reported, part of the deal involved agreeing to the Freedom Caucus’ demand for a separate vote on military funding. … Eleven Republicans also voted against the bill, including several members of the Freedom Caucus and two Florida Republicans, Rep.…
In Spite of Justice Department Concerns, President Trump Is Team #ReleaseTheMemo
– “I’m here to tell all of America tonight that I’m shocked to read exactly what has taken place,” House Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark … Meadows(R-N.C.) said in a speech on the House floor. … “I thought it could never happen in a country that loves freedom and democracy like this country.…
Stop Excusing Donald Trump's Role in the Omnibus Disaster. He Deserves Blame, Too
– People who thought Republicans might get back to some fiscal sanity once they controlled Congress and the White House are rightly ticked … Then he makes a veto threat which lights a fire under the original Tea Party people and Freedom Caucus members. … Remember the “Surrender Caucus?”…
EPA's Scott Pruitt Looks Like His Job is a Little More Secure
– Here are the main elements The story broke that fired White House aide, Rob Porter, was behind the stories slamming Pruitt. … Dravis ratted out Porter to the White House in regards to his alleged domestic violence. … “Everybody who tries to stand up to this leviathan, whether it’s Trump, whether it’s the Freedom Caucus, whether it’s the guy at the…
New Facebook NewsFeed Biased Against Bad Content, Not Conservatives
– Furthermore, two of my clients, GOP Senator Mike Lee and House Freedom Caucus Chair Mark Meadows are among the leaders in Facebook…
The Democrat Impeachment: An Attempted Coup That Violated the US Constitution…an-attempted-coup-that-violated-the-us-constitution-n125191
– Given the games being played by Nancy Pelosi and House Democrats regarding their articles of impeachment, this will illuminate some … , referred to as the Progressive Caucus and led by Pelosi. … Americans of good will should try to explain to America’s youth the importance of freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and individual…
Rep. Meadows Noticed House Dem's Frequent References to Gordon Sondland's Testimony; They Should ALL be Asked this Question…n-sondland-all-of-them-should-be-asked-this-question-n126356
House Freedom Caucus Chairman Rep. … whose conservative GOP members derailed the Republican health care bill, leaves a closed-door strategy session with Speaker of the House … Mike Turner’s (R-OH) cross-examination of Gordon Sondland during his testimony before the House Intelligence Committee.…
Opinion: Don't Be Upset About Nancy Ripping the Speech, She Is Mad Because She Lost.…nancy-ripping-the-speech-she-is-mad-because-she-lost-n127741
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of Calif., tears her copy of President Donald Trump’s s State of the Union address after he delivered … (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky) Lots of hullabaloo has been made over the past 24 hours since the Speaker of the House of Representatives … The leader of the anti-Trump crew in the House just lost her cool and we should all just laugh and enjoy the moment.…
Rand Paul Is Poised to Scuttle the FISA Law and America Would Be Safer If He Succeeds…e-fisa-law-and-america-would-be-safer-if-he-succeeds-n131037
– The bill was rammed through the House with the assistance of the GOP leadership. … ) No: 75 Democrats & 60 Republicans (including Democratic Caucus Chair Jeffries & Freedom Caucus Chair Biggs) & Amash-I … The Kentucky Republican said GOP leaders would try to put forward a House-approved bill reauthorizing the 2015 USA Freedom Act by unanimous…
'Rogue' GOP Congressman, Opposed to a Voice Vote, May Delay Passage of Stimulus Bill…d-to-a-voice-vote-may-stall-passage-of-stimulus-bill-n132627
– He added that a member of the House Freedom Caucus who is close to Massie called to persuade him to allow the voice vote, however, … One “livid” senior House Democratic aide yelled, “He had better not do that! … The House then documents and records the ballot of each member.…
Justin Amash Wades Into 2020 Presidential Pool as Libertarian Party Scapegoat…020-presidential-pool-as-libertarian-party-scapegoat-n135734
– lawmakers who thwarted a House vote on health care legislation. … Scavino targeted Amash, a member of the conservative Freedom Caucus criticized by Trump. (AP Photo/J. … Freedom Caucus Our Streiff reported on Amash hinting he might run independently for president a mere three days after quitting the…
Gun Grabbing By Liberals And RINO’s Won’t Help Anyone
– Rand Paul, the House Freedom Caucus, conservative talk radio, and conservative groups like the Heritage Foundation at every chance…
VP Pence Spoke In Atlanta Friday And Strongly Denounced Socialism While Democratic Socialists of America Held A Convention Down The Street…democratic-socialists-america-held-convention-street-n112259
– Vice President Mike Pence and Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Ben Carson share a moment in the Oval Office of the White House … Wednesday, June 19, 2019, prior to the Presidential Medal of Freedom ceremony for economist Arthur B. … (Official White House Photo by D.…
Ted Cruz Has a Blunt Message for Biden, the CDC About Independence Day and Masks…e-for-biden-the-cdc-about-independence-day-and-masks-n402646
– Cruz isn’t the only one in the Conservative wing of the GOP providing pushback on the radical agenda of this White House. … Though, as House Freedom Caucus member, Rep.…
A.U.D.I.T. of Elections: Democrats Can’t Stem the Flow of Revelations No Matter How Hard They Try…the-flow-of-revelations-no-matter-how-hard-they-try-n408164
– Other committees like the Judiciary committee could do the same thing in calling for that special session and so could the house as … Shiva, you will rebut him on Twitter”—a huge win for freedom of speech. … The North Carolina House Freedom Caucus issued a statement about its exploratory activities.…
Ted Cruz Puts the Kibosh on Cori Bush's Disgusting Independence Day Comments…h-on-cori-bushs-disgusting-independence-day-comments-n406993
– When they say that the 4th of July is about American freedom, remember this: the freedom they’re referring to is for white people. … in the House. … Well, join the dozens of other Democrat House members who think the same thing.…
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