Results for: Bernie Sanders
CNN Scrambles to Save Elizabeth Warren Right As She's About to Be Waylaid
candidates who talked the most:
⏱️ Elizabeth Warren: 22:58⏱️ Joe Biden: 16:27⏱️ Amy Klobuchar: 13:14⏱️ Beto O'Rourke: 13:13⏱️ Bernie … Biden and Sanders. That’s pretty remarkable given how absolutely boring and uncharismatic she is. … Joe Biden is currently burning down and they hate Bernie, so Warren is their choice.…
The Democrat Debate - Promising to Damage the Economy by Fixing What Is Not Broken
Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., former Vice President Joe Biden, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., Sen. … It kicked off laughably enough with Bernie Sanders declaring that the impeachment of President Trump is valid due to him enriching … Of course, Bernie is not ever targeting himself when going after the rich.…
Marble Halls & Silver Screens w/Sarah Lee Ep. 10: The 'LeBron James Gets Schooled, Ad Astra Gets Deep, And The Dems Stay Shallow' Edition…chooled-ad-astra-gets-deep-dems-stay-shallow-edition-n117763…chooled-ad-astra-gets-deep-dems-stay-shallow-edition-n117763
Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., former Vice President Joe Biden, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., Sen.…
Winners and Losers of the Fourth Democratic Debate
Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., former Vice President Joe Biden, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., Sen. … The Winners: Elizabeth Warren, Pete Buttigieg, Bernie Sanders
Elizabeth Warren, meanwhile, was seemingly everyone’s target. … Bernie Sanders was very Bernie Sanders, and that did not hurt him.…
CNN Gets Caught Stacking Their Town Hall Audience for Elizabeth Warren
Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., former Vice President Joe Biden, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., Sen.…
Democrat Primary Debate: Sweet 16...Well—12 anyhow.
Tie Breaker: Who will be the first to pull a Bernie Sanders-Clinton “damned e-mails,” by telling the others to lay off Biden and focus … Bernie Sanders, Vermont senator
9. Tom Steyer, businessman
10. Elizabeth Warren, Massachusetts senator
11. … Bernie reminds him of some unfortunate things he and Obama got done.
2234-Mike Ford: I got to give Bernie credit.…
#ExposeCNN Part 2 (Full): CNN Leadership Picks Favorites Among 2020 Democratic Candidates, Least Fave Is Tulsi Gabbard…2020-democratic-candidates-least-fave-tulsi-gabbard-n117709…2020-democratic-candidates-least-fave-tulsi-gabbard-n117709
During the 2016 Democratic primaries, he said he had campaigned and voted for Bernie Sanders. … Just cause they’re going to talk about Biden more than Warren and Sanders.…
Marxists Have Taken Control of the California Democrat Party
DSA has been strongly supporting Bernie Sanders, and been mobilizing the anti-Trump movements.…
Tax Rate for Billionaires Under Bernie Sanders' New Plan: 97.5%
Following their analysis of Bernie Sanders’ new tax plan, University of California, Berkeley professors Emmanuel Saez and Gabriel … Determined to reduce income inequality and “spread the wealth around,” both Sanders’ and Warren’s plans include a wealth tax. … Sanders’ plan goes further, and starts taxing wealth of $32 million at 1%, increasing to an 8% tax on fortunes above $10 billion.”…
Ted Cruz Goes Up Against Trump's Call for China to Investigate the Bidens: 'Foreign Governments Should Stay Out'…ll-china-investigate-bidens-foreign-governments-stay-n117553…ll-china-investigate-bidens-foreign-governments-stay-n117553
Ted Cruz Mercilessly Lays Out Bernie Sanders Over His Pro-China Comments
Alyssa Milano Meets ‘Caricature Of A Villain’ Ted Cruz To…
Say What? Bernie Sanders Says Elizabeth Warren Is a Capitalist As a Diss
Sanders in a new interview with ABC’s Jon Karl says that the big difference between him and his female counterpart who is also white … From The Hill…
In an interview airing Sunday with ABC’s Jon Karl, Sanders struck a stronger tone in distancing himself from Warren … “There are differences between Elizabeth and myself,” Sanders said, referring to Warren.…
Bill Maher Slams the Far Left and Their 'Bullsh--.' What, Then, of the Future?
Bill took particular aim at Dem 2020 hopefuls Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders (of whom Elizabeth blows out of the water my above … fight between two wings of the party, which is almost every election. … [T]here is a far-left which I think would be represented by Bernie … Sanders and Elizabeth Warren.”…
Why Ukraine Has Become a Breeding Ground for U.S. Political Scandals
Tad Devine, who was the chief strategist for Bernie Sanders’ 2016 campaign, also worked for Yanukovych.…
Rand Paul Asks a Great Question: Why Isn't the Media Calling Out AOC and Uncle Bernie for Championing the Systems of MAO and Stalin?…ling-aoc-uncle-bernie-championing-systems-mao-stalin-n118652…ling-aoc-uncle-bernie-championing-systems-mao-stalin-n118652
Matt Gaetz (here and here), Rand brought up the serious danger of ideas being promoted by Uncle Bernie Sanders and everyone’s favorite … realize, Rand’s surprised the media doesn’t care:
“And nobody in the media seems to care that what AOC is supporting or what Bernie…
The bitterness of Hillary Rodham Clinton
Mrs Clinton had allies, in Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee, who helped undercut Senator Bernie … Sanders’ (I-VT) quest for the nomination, and Donna Brazile, a commentator for CNN, who slipped her debate questions in advance. … Donald Trump cheated her out of the White House, everybody cheated her, even though her campaign cheating Bernie Sanders out of a fair…
100 Days Until Iowa Caucuses. Who is Ahead And Who Is Falling Behind.
Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., former Vice President Joe Biden, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., Sen. … Bernie Sanders were tied for second in the September poll. Sanders is now third with 18% and Biden is fourth at 12%. … As I wrote here at Red State last week Bernie Sanders Says He Is Back, But His Campaign Is STILL Toast.…
Home State Blues: Kamala Harris Gets More Devastating News About Her Campaign in California…ala-harris-gets-devastating-news-campaign-california-n118440…ala-harris-gets-devastating-news-campaign-california-n118440
Elizabeth Warren from Massachusetts and Vermont’s Bernie Sanders. … Sanders is the favorite of Latino voters with 28% support, followed by Warren and Biden (22% each), Harris (7%) and Buttigieg (6%). … Bernie Sanders (20%).…
Dana Loesch Perfectly Highlights the Absurd Hypocrisy of Leftist Outrage Over "Lynching" Term…ights-absurd-hypocrisy-leftist-outrage-lynching-term-n118267…ights-absurd-hypocrisy-leftist-outrage-lynching-term-n118267
Bernie Sanders (I-Vt) will go out of their way to give violent felons and actual terrorists voting rights while simultaneously insulting…
Mittens, the Deep State, and the Ongoing Coup Against POTUS
Socialist Bernie Sanders was leading the Democrats side over the Chosen, Hillary, and had to be eliminated. … They immediately cut off Hillary’s rival, Bernie Sander’s campaign (as admitted by former DNC Director, Donna Brazille, on television … ) eliminating Bernie from the race.…
Former Clinton Staffer Goes Off on Bernie for Defending Tulsi Gabbard and Uses Naughty Language.…bernie-defending-tulsi-gabbard-uses-naughty-language-n118265…bernie-defending-tulsi-gabbard-uses-naughty-language-n118265
Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., for defending fellow 2020 candidate Tulsi Gabbard after Clinton suggested the Hawaii congresswoman is a Russian … “F–k Bernie. I’d forgotten how much I despise that a–hole. Thanks for the reminder,” Parkhomenko added. … However, the Bernie people have more to be pissed about than the Clinton people.…
The Tomahawks Come Out for Elizabeth Warren From Other Democrats on Health Care
Bennet has actually praised Bernie Sanders on his plan for at least being honest about how he is going to tax people for the luxury … Sanders is going to tax everyone and says it. … Elizabeth should just go full Bernie and decide to be absolutely honest and say if you want mediocre health care for all then we have…
Watch: CBS Journalist Goes Rogue, Asks AOC "Why Back an Old White Guy" Like Bernie Sanders for President?…aoc-back-old-white-guy-like-bernie-sanders-president-n118115…aoc-back-old-white-guy-like-bernie-sanders-president-n118115
Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., right, is introduced by Rep. … Bernie Sanders (I-VT) for president over the weekend. … Bernie Sanders’ female supporters were dragged through the mud by “feminists” in 2016 for supporting his candidacy over Hillary Clinton…
Bernie Sanders Says He Is Back, But His Campaign Is STILL Toast. Sorry A.O.C.
Even With AOC And The Squad Endorsing Bernie, His Campaign Is Over. … Storming past questions about his health, Bernie Sanders vowed that he’s “more ready than ever” to fight for a political revolution … “To put it bluntly, I am back,” Sanders declared, sparking chants of, “Bernie is back” from the massive crowd.…
AOC: We Must Have the Government Control Things, So We Can Be More Free
Bernie Sanders (I-VT), her fellow socialist, is perhaps not a great shock. Because that’s always the bottom line. … Ocasio-Cortez said it was because of Bernie Sanders that she recognized her “inherent value as a human being.” … AOC says Bernie Sanders gave her "inherent value as a human being" and suggests the government should provide everyone "healthcare,…
Unhinged New York Couple Harasses Rand Paul in a California Restaurant…couple-harasses-rand-paul-in-a-california-restaurant-n118019…couple-harasses-rand-paul-in-a-california-restaurant-n118019
officials and GOP lawmakers have since been harassed in restaurants and other locations including former Press Secretary Sarah Sanders … Paul has been shot at by a Bernie Bro at during the GOP baseball practice shooting, a shooting meant to take out GOP lawmakers where…