Results for: Sen. John Kennedy

Bureau of Prisons Head: We're Looking Into Whether 'Criminal Enterprise' Played Role in Epstein's Death…er-criminal-enterprise-played-role-in-epsteins-death-n120636
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) also called out how Epstein died, saying there were only two possibilities, neither good. … Sen. … John Kennedy (R-LA) perhaps spoke for many in saying that the matter needed to be properly investigated with diligence but due speed…
After Pelosi Announcement, Hillary Clinton Tweets 'No One Is Above the Law' and It Does Not Go Well
– (Hat tip: Twitchy) Related –>> Hillary Clinton’s Rebuke of GOP Sen. … John Kennedy Over Alleged Ukraine Interference Backfires Spectacularly —————— — Based in North Carolina, Sister Toldjah is a former…
Trying to Stomach Meet the Press and Chuck Todd but Failing BIGLY!
– Additionally, I provide Todd’s Q&A with Klobuchar and then Senator John Kennedy (R-LA). … Delegitimizing the process also makes it easier for many Republican senators like John Kennedy of Louisiana – perhaps – who will join … John Kennedy, R-LA): You appeared on a show last Sunday, and you walked back a comment that you made there.…
Hillary Clinton's Rebuke of GOP Sen. John Kennedy Over Alleged Ukraine Interference Backfires Spectacularly…alleged-ukraine-interference-backfires-spectacularly-n121712
John Kennedy (R-LA) has been making the media rounds over the last few weeks to discuss all things impeachment, but one thing he’s … John Kennedy argued in a testy exchange with NBC's Chuck Todd that "both Russia and Ukraine meddled in the 2016 election," claiming … — John Kennedy (@SenJohnKennedy) December 2, 2019 Beyond the “bless your heart” greeting, though, is the audacity of Hillary Clinton…
From Russian Collusion to the 'Circus Without a Tent,' Dems Have Pummeled This President; Have They Played the Game Too Long?…ithout-tent-dems-pummeled-president-played-game-long-n122834
– Which brings us to where we are today, the impeachment hearings which  Sen. … John Kennedy (R-LA) has aptly named “the circus without a tent.”…
Two Articles of Impeachment – for Impeaching the Execrable Chuck Todd!
– He slipped in a slam at Sen. … Todd forgot to mention that one of his heroes, former Democrat majority leader Sen. … Last week, Chuck, you called Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) basically a stooge for Putin.…
TOTALLY LIT. Ted Cruz Wipes the Studio Floor With Sleepy Chuck Todd Over Ukraine Helping Hillary in 2016…floor-sleepy-chuck-todd-ukraine-helping-hillary-2016-n122210
SEN. TED CRUZ: I do. And I think there’s considerable evidence of that. Then the fun began SEN. … SEN. … Last week, Chuck, you called Senator John Kennedy, basically, a stooge for Putin. CHUCK TODD: I did not.…
Blocking Brett Kavanaugh Just Got a Lot Harder
Sen. … Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to fill the rather small seat being left on the Supreme Court by the retirement of Justice Anthony KennedyJohn McCain probably won’t vote thereby losing an opportunity to say “screw you” to the GOP once again. Manchin will be a yes.…
Don't Blame Trump for Nominating Kavanaugh, Blame Hillary!
– Past two weeks was a bit of a bummer in the good ole U.S.A. with the nation mourning Aretha Franklin and Sen. John McCain. … paperwork from people who declared weeks ago this nominee would not be getting their vote, no matter if Kavanaugh was endorsed by Ted Kennedy
The Amnesia of Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee
– To listen to Sen. … In 1962, for example, John F. … Kennedy appointee Byron White was questioned by the Senate Judiciary Committee for all of 11 minutes.…
Holy Mackerel: John Kennedy Says Dems are Desperate & Digging with Hail-Mary Kavanaugh Letter
–     Louisiana Republican Sen. John Kennedy appeared on Fox News Sunday to lay into Dianne Feinstein. … And now, we have this recent allegation by Sen. Feinstein. … I think John Kennedy is right: “No fair-minded American can believe that he’s not qualified.”…
Susan Collins May Just Have Driven a Stake Through Progressive Hopes of Stopping Trump's SCOTUS Nomination…e-progressive-hopes-stopping-trumps-scotus-nomination-n91692
– From left are, Sen. Jeanne Shaheen, D-N.H., Sen. Heidi Heitkamp, D-N.D., Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., Sen. Tim Kaine, D-Va., Sen. … Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., Sen. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz., Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, and Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn. … Sen.…
SHOTS FIRED! Democrat Congresswoman Blasts Democrat Senators for Their Religious Bigotry…gresswoman-blasts-democrat-senators-religious-bigotry-n99463
– bigotry disguised was Dianne Feinstein (D-China) during the confirmation of Notre Dame law professor Amy Coney Barrett: WATCH: Sen … The party that worked so hard to convince people that Catholics and Knights of Columbus like Al Smith and John F. … It would be nice if Tulsi Gabbard showed Sen. Mazie Hirono at least a fraction of the respect she’s shown Assad, a war criminal.…
Let's All Cheer on Democratic Party Craziness
– . ========= ========= LAS VEGAS, NV – OCTOBER 13: (L-R) Democratic presidential candidates Sen. … In 1980, Jimmy Carter had to fight off Ted Kennedy who garnered 37% of the Democratic primary vote.  … And considering that the best they could do was that embarrassing 0.53%, consider that in 1980 John Anderson pulled in 6.6% of the…
The Latest Anti-Big Tech Bill in Congress Appears to Be Dead
– Her bill initially had support from Republicans like Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and John Kennedy (R-Louisiana), but the former has reportedly … Bloomberg just recently: Klobuchar tried to address her colleagues’ concerns in a Democratic caucus lunch last month, according to Sen
Christopher Wray's Recent Evasions on Michael Sussmann Start to Make Sense After Shocking Report From Tucker Carlson…make-sense-after-shocking-report-from-tucker-carlson-n573245
– In other words, the FBI is not innocent here, and I believe last week’s exchange between Sen. John Kennedy and FBI Dir. … In another clip, Kennedy pressed Wray on who Sussmann is and Perkins Coie. … The corruption runs deep at the bureau, and I hope Kennedy gets another shot at Wray soon.…
Kamala Harris Dishes up Another Word Salad, but the Words Over Her Head Were Even Worse…rd-salad-but-the-words-over-her-head-were-even-worse-n589273
– What I’m waiting on is the response from Sen. … John Kennedy (R-LA) in defense of his home state, because you know it’s going to be good. … Sen Kennedy. “ most of my people in Louisiana understand at this juncture that they’re going to find lower food prices, cheaper gas…
Manchin Delivers Crippling Blow to Top Democrat Election-Year Priority…rippling-blow-to-top-democrat-election-year-priority-n595325
– Al Gore, John Kerry, and Leonard DiCaprio were seen furiously nodding in approval. It gets “better.” … WATCH: Sen. … John Kennedy Piles Damning Facts on Biden’s ‘Deeply, Profoundly Stupid’ Energy Policy Biden Shuffles off to Middle East Tuesday to…
WATCH: Sen. John Kennedy Piles Damning Facts on Biden's 'Deeply, Profoundly Stupid' Energy Policy…cts-on-bidens-deeply-profoundly-stupid-energy-policy-n594304
– Someone who has blamed Biden consistently has been Louisiana Republican Sen. … John Kennedy, who on Tuesday, took to the Senate floor to blast Biden’s assault on America’s fossil fuel industry, which Kennedy noted … How hard did Kennedy blast Biden? Really hard.  Like, “Deeply, profoundly stupid” hard.…
A Petulant Joe Biden Makes a Cowardly Move in Presser Held After GDP News
– As Sen. … John Kennedy (R-La.) correctly pointed out in a Fox News interview after the GDP report was released, “Most Americans don’t really … “And the bottom line is the economy sucks,” Kennedy also stated. “And it’s not going to get any better.”…
Watch: Sen. John Kennedy Gives Joe Biden a Roasting for the Ages After Dismal GDP Report…iden-a-roasting-for-the-ages-after-dismal-gdp-report-n603061
John Kennedy (R-La.) explained during an epic roasting he gave Joe Biden during a “Fox and Friends” interview Thursday morning, what … John Kennedy? Because we need a lot more like him in Congress. A lot more. Flashback: Sen. … John Kennedy Humorously Sums up Joe Biden’s First Year in Office in Just 20 Seconds…
Sen. Kennedy Speaks for All of Us as He Takes Apart Dems for Passing Manchin-Schumer Bill…he-takes-apart-dems-for-passing-manchin-schumer-bill-n608539
– But Sen. … John Kennedy (R-LA), who is known for his folksy style, said it for all of us when he called what they did a “special kind of stupid … That’s called stagflation,” Kennedy said.…
Have you seen me?
– Jim Webb (D-VA) Sen. Herb Kohl (D-WI) Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-MD) Rep. … Patrick Kennedy (D-RI) Sen. Jack Reed (D-RI) Rep. Gary Peters (D-MI) Rep. Lynn Woolsey (D-CA) Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick (D-AZ) Sen. … Roland Burris (D-IL) Sen. John Kerry (D-MA) Rep. John Olver (D-MA) Rep. Richard Neal (D-MA) Rep. Heath Shuler (D-NC) Rep.…
Red State Weekly Political Synopsis
– Senate Update Arkansas: Sen. … Colorado: Despite leading appointed Sen. … Massachusetts: The death of Sen. Edward Kennedy leaves his seat open.…
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