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Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) appeared on Tucker Carlson’s show last night to talk about the upcoming impeachment trial and he managed to get Carlson excited about what might be coming if the Democrats try to play the witness game.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi(D-CA) held back the articles of impeachment for three weeks after claiming impeachment was “urgent,” ostensibly claiming that there wouldn’t be a “fair trial” without witnesses.
But Senate Majority Leader Mitch Mcconnell (R-KY) held fast and said they would not bow to guaranteeing her anything, it was all within the control of the Senate and they would follow the Clinton impeachment rules which were already in place that said witnesses would only be decided upon after the House presented its case and the president presented his defense.
Kennedy said that the Senate wanted to guarantee a “fair trial” unlike the process which had taken place in the House. In the House, the president was not allowed to present any fact witnesses, Dems mischaracterized evidence constantly to the public, preventing a fair investigation.
Kennedy said, “You don’t have to be Mensa material, Tucker, to see that Speaker Pelosi is swollen with partisan rage.”
Kennedy said that such a “rigged” process wouldn’t be happening in the Senate, but they were going to be “fair” about witnesses.
From Daily Caller:
“We talk about Chuck Schumer’s witnesses or speaker Pelosi’s witnesses,” he said. “I think the speaker and Senator Schumer are together on it. I want to treat the defense fairly. Everybody gets a level playing field. And we could end up in a very odd circumstance where Senator Schumer, he caught the car. He asked for his witnesses. In fairness, the president gets his witnesses and we end up hearing from Hunter Biden and Joe Biden, whoever else is on the witness list. Any of the chairmen that were involved, and the prosecution doesn’t get to hear its witnesses because of executive privilege.”
“That sounds fair to me,” said Carlson. “Thank you so much. Now you got me excited about that.”
As we reported, McConnell has not ruled out calling Hunter or Joe Biden so if Democrats want to play this game, they may regret what they started.
Now there area unsettled questions about the use of executive privilege in impeachment trials, especially when there have been no actual crimes alleged and a court challenge could take a long time to work it out in the courts. Meanwhile we can all be hearing from Hunter Biden, Joe Biden and the whistleblower. And Democratic senators who are running for president wouldn’t be able to campaign.
Thanks, Democrats!
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