Results for: the big guy

Beto O'Rourke Has News for You About Your Guns
– In there minds, everything comes from the state and is thereby the purview of the state. … Of course, the other big issue here is exactly how such a plan would even be enforced. … There’s a certain justice in seeing a guy so propped up and mythologized by the media when he ran for Senate now crash and burn so…
Sean Hannity Dogs 'Super Patriot' James Comey Over DOJ Violations - He's Just 'a Leaker and a Liar'…riot-james-comey-doj-violations-hes-just-leaker-liar-n114223
– information contained in any of the memos to members of the media." … In case you missed it James: They said you F’d up big time in the performance of your job. … And the Fox host believes there’s more on the way: “Another massive investigation which I believe will become the biggest part of…
Sen. John Kennedy in Light of the Border Ban: The Dems' Stance on Immigration is 'On-The-Pipe Crazy'
– , if you go to the border you have to follow the rules. … It’s not the big rock candy mountain down there, it’s a law enforcement crisis. … If you have an iPhone and want to comment, select the box with the upward arrow at the bottom of your screen; swipe left and choose…
Alyssa Milano Has a Plan to Save America - Featuring Attorney General Cory Booker…might-expect-featuring-attorney-general-cory-booker-n114171
– In her op-ed, the Who’s the Boss star first derides CNN, seemingly for their failure to be professional and help oust the President … Somebody’s been doing their dad-gum best to make that guy seem like apple pie. And that someone is… …the media. … At the same time, we would bring the perspective of a new generation of leaders to the highest offices in the land.…
If We're Supposed To Care That Hamza bin Laden Is Dead Why Aren't They Also Talking About al-Zawahiri
The guy was an annoyance but never hit anything. … Every time the camp got a new commander, he’d want to send out a patrol and kill the guy. … This is the guy who was supposed to be calling the shots for al Qaeda and he’s totally disappeared from sight.…
MSNBC's Krystal Ball Tells Bill Maher the Network's Trump Insanity Has Damaged the Democratic Party…her-networks-trump-insanity-damaged-democratic-party-n115319
– So yeah, they built up expectations so much that when the report came out, people were like, ‘Oh, it was no big deal,’ when it was … a big deal.” … Krystal inferred Mueller was a giant cause of the whole Russian collusion disappointment — after all, the guy was a you-know-what:…
Beto Continues His Mad Dash for Abject Failure, Calls on Banks to Refuse Credit Card Use for 2nd Amendment Purchases…banks-refuse-credit-card-use-2nd-amendment-purchases-n115139
– Add your name to this petition we’re sending Visa, Mastercard, and the big banks: — Beto O'Rourke (@BetoORourke … ) September 12, 2019 Speaking to ABC News, the regular-ol’-guy burger-flipper and Irish-Spring-clean tire-changer believes banks … If you have an iPhone and want to comment, select the box with the upward arrow at the bottom of your screen; swipe left and choose…
Obamacare-Backing Big Insurance - Looking to Again Expand Government Medicine
– So when any opportunity arises to increase government’s screwing up of medicine – Big Insurance is all the way down with the struggle … Which seemingly means – expanding government medicine…yet again to the benefit of Big Insurance. … Who then became the key player in turning already-big insurance – into the biggest of Big Insurance.…
Where I Was On September 11
– When I got above ground, there was a crowd gathering to see the horror above: a big hole somewhere in the top 15-20 stories of the … I thought of the guy who cleans the coffee machines, someone I barely speak to but see every day, who has to be in at that hour. … Aragorn responds that, to the contrary, it is the simpleness and even the pettiness of the hobbits that makes the task worthwhile,…
Joy Behar Knows: If the Hurricane Had Hit a Country Full of Only White People, Trump Would Let Them All Come Here…icane-hit-country-full-white-people-hed-let-come-u-s-n114974
– there: “You know, this is a guy who had the Taliban — he’s going to have a big meeting with the Taliban. … Sunny Hostin added that The Donald “didn’t have a problem with the Bahamas when he hosted the 2009 Miss Universe pageant [there] and … If you have an iPhone and want to comment, select the box with the upward arrow at the bottom of your screen; swipe left and choose…
Is the CIA Up To Something Because That Rescued Russian Spy Is Living In This $1MM Virginia Home Under His Own Name
The big story CNN tried to float yesterday was that a highly placed spy in the entourage of Vladimir Putin was forced to be exfiltrated … An NBC News correspondent went to the man’s house in the Washington area and rang the doorbell. … to the media on this guy that would have put the FSB at his doorstep in a matter of days if not hours, he resists exfiltration, and…
President Trump Keeps the Focus On CNN's Faux Hurricane Scandal In Newest Video
The gist of it is that at one time the National Weather Service issued a forecast saying that Alabama around the time the NWS changed … the forecast, Trump mentioned the Alabama forecast. … Cupp (@secupp) September 8, 2019 and to give the @KFile guy someone new to dox KFile right now….…
Nothing Remains of This Know-Nothing Democrat but Hair, Teeth, and Eyeballs After Thomas Homan Gets Done…democrat-hair-teeth-eyeballs-thomas-homan-gets-done-n116290
The guy is not only an authority of immigration policy and the nuts-and-bolts of how all the components of the immigration system works … This was the view from the left Former ⁦@ICEgov⁩ Dir. … And watching the left squirt blood out of their whatever in rage over seeing their precious ones disrespected is definitely a big plus…
Their Rules: Des Moines Register Journo at Center of Carson King Tweet Controversy Gets Canceled…o-center-carson-king-tweet-controversy-gets-canceled-n116234
– (King is the viral beer sign guy who donated $1.1M to an Iowa Children’s hospital), is out at the Register. … I’m not a big fan of cancel culture, but I’m also not a fan of the mainstream media doing so-called “routine background checks” of … This was a feel-good story about a local guy doing a good thing, and the paper of record in the state completely blew it in their rush…
Another Supposed Bombshell On Trump-Ukraine Goes Up In Flames
– To put it lightly, the media have gotten almost every detail of this story wrong along the way. … A big nope on that score as well. He has refuted the report. … bit the hook again.…
DOJ's Criminal Division Clears Trump of Wrongdoing Related to Zelensky Call and has 'Concluded the Matter'…mp-wrongdoing-related-zelensky-call-concluded-matter-n116072
– I will ask him to call you along with the Attorney General. Rudy very much knows what’s happening and he is a very capable guy. … The former ambassador from the United States, the woman, was bad news, and the people she was dealing with in the Ukraine were bad … the Russia probe.…
Dot-Connecting on Some Very Important News Stories
– A false NY Times report was derived from a book, and the guy behind it all was on Bill Clinton’s defense team during impeachment proceedings … Here’s the typical anti-Trump spin by a guy who’s been sliming @POTUS since early 2016. Well, not so fast! … It’s SHAMEFUL, if not a complete cover-up, as this is at least the third time around for this guy (two men previously OD-d, and the
Joe Biden Is Acting Like a Man Who Knows the Fork Has Been Stuck in Him
The far left, or, rather the center of the Democrat base, is conceding that Biden isn’t the right guy for 2020 in record, temperament … Biden got the big things wrong repeatedly over the last 40 years. … In what he has since called a “big mistake,” he championed the infamous 1994 crime bill that contributed to the unconscionable mass…
Woman Gets Pinned by a Camel at a Louisiana Truck Stop, Bites Him in the Testicles to Escape. Who's the Real Victim?…bites-him-in-the-testicles-to-escape-whos-the-victim-n115894
– Naturally, the dog crawled under the fence to reach the tasty delights. The woman crawled in after him. … From The Daily Wire: It turns out the couple provoked the camel before it sat on the woman. … Poor guy. Although, I would guess that, at 600 pounds, her bite probably encompassed barely a tad of the ‘nad.…
Major Purveyor of the Russia Hoax Is Now Pushing an Investigation of Joe Biden's Influence Peddling…pushing-investigation-joe-bidens-influence-peddling-n115875
– subtly pushing the corruption story behind the scenes. … APP (@TrumpWarRoom) September 23, 2019 but now at least one big name in the media is saying that there are unanswered questions … Delanian was the go-to guy for Fusion GPS in flogging the Russia Hoax.…
Mitt Romney Comments on the Trump-Ukraine Story and It's Exactly What You'd Expect
– attorney, it would be troubling in the extreme. … Critical for the facts to come out. … He’s never condemned the Obama administration for their witch hunt against Trump, who was also political rival at the time.…
CNN Speaks To Voters In What's Always Been A Democratic Stronghold In MN And Hears The Unexpected…ats-always-democratic-stronghold-mn-hears-unexpected-n115679
– Forty or fifty years ago, the Iron Range, as it’s called, was booming bringing big city prosperity to small towns like Eveleth. … Savidge narrates: The number of mining jobs in the region went from over 14,000 in the 1980s to just about 4,500 today, leaving families … The mayor replies, “Economics…He’s our guy. He supports mining. He’s our guy.”…
A New York Shootout with a Career Criminal Ends with Onlookers Shouting Death to the Cops. How Did We Get Here?…okers-shouting-death-to-the-cops-how-did-we-get-here-n115479
–     On Tuesday in The Big Apple, cops got in a shootout with a career criminal following a call of domestic assault. … He’s the one to blame for the way the public treats cops,” citing the 2014 ambush slayings of Officers Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos … You call the police to do a job, a cop gets shot, but they’re upset that a guy who was shooting a cop is dead.”…
Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick Crushes Beto - the 'Radical Looney' Will 'Never be a Threat to Texas Politics Again'…ooney-will-never-be-a-threat-to-texas-politics-again-n115484
– He’s stuck in tiny single digits in the polls, so he’s not going to be president, but now the Democrats can’t even put him on the ticket … It’s a big state, but the people I talk to don’t want to give up their guns. … If you have an iPhone and want to comment, select the box with the upward arrow at the bottom of your screen; swipe left and choose…
Is Mitt Romney Eyeing a Primary Challenge Of President Trump
– Last week, in the aftermath of the release of the so-called whistleblower complaint alleging wadded panties in conjunction with … ’t hard to see where at guy with Romney’s massive ego could convince himself that the he’s so beloved in the GOP that he’d be an instant … because I was (an am) convinced that he’d leave the national GOP in the same shambles that he left the MA GOP.…
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