Results for: the big guy

WaPo Reports Russia Trying to Interfere in 2020 Election to Help Sanders, One Day Before Nevada Caucuses…ction-to-help-sanders-one-day-before-nevada-caucuses-n129282
– This comes the day before the Nevada caucuses, in which Sanders has a big lead. … the story. … “I don’t know a soul that really thinks Russia wants Donald Trump to be the president instead of the guy that honeymooned in Russia…
May We Please Finally End All the Fake Obama Labor Department Discrimination Lawsuits?…l-the-obama-labor-department-discrimination-lawsuits-n129020
– But there was also a private sector war – of which Obama would have deemed Ellison’s Oracle to be the bad guy…again worthy of government … You know – the Anti-Obama. … End all the Obama holdover lawsuits – against Oracle, Palantir and Google. Google is the Evil Empire. …
After Joe Biden Threatens to Slap Detroit Auto Worker and the Media Tells Us This Makes Biden Look 'Terrific'…nd-the-media-tells-us-this-makes-biden-look-terrific-n130820
– in the face? … of the campaign is accelerating the pace of Biden’s dementia onset. … One of the first out of the box was The Atlantic’s David Frum.…
Unbelievable: A Brutal Fight Erupts Between a Hockey Coach and the Referee - at a Children's Game (Video)…ckey-coach-and-the-referee-at-a-childrens-game-video-n130720
– Halfway thru the second period, the coach for the Monarchs started yelling profanities at the ref. And banging on the door. … Fast forward through more cussing, and the official threw the guy out of the game. … The most disturbing part is you watch the players on the ice and after the altercation, you see some of the kids banging their sticks…
Ilhan Omar Virtue Signals About Supporting Black Women, but Kimberly Klacik Notices a Big Discrepancy…black-women-kimberly-klacik-notices-big-discrepancy-n130687
– But Kimberly Klacik, the Republican nominee for the Maryland Congressional district once held by the late Rep. … A Latina or Muslim woman throwing their support behind an old white guy like Sanders would not be given the “how dare she?” … they’ve become inconvenient to the electoral strategy of the Democratic party.…
Joe Rogan Waxes on Joe Biden's Apparent Incoherence: 'He Can't Be President'
– Podcaster and MMA Big Name Joe Rogan seems to feel the same. … you know the thing.” … So why in the great big world did anyone — including the DNC — let him get this far?…
I've Got My Popcorn - How About You? Don Jr. Challenges Hunter Biden to a Debate
The guy’s always good for a gun slingin’, from-the-hip piece of news. … And then, the Big Idea: “So, you know what would be great? I’ll let you host it. … Now Banned: Making Fun of Someone’s Age History is Made: The First Man Tries Out for the Women’s Olympics, and the Results May Stun…
News Summary From the Week That Was (1 – 7 March)
The suit was filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia by the Donald J. … collection of power-hungry elitists and grasping greedos than the doddering socialist Sanders and that Biden guy who should by all … Progressive Big Lies [That’s what Marxists do – lie about the past to shape the future according to their Marxist delusions.]…
Analysis: Tulsi Gabbard, AOC Accidentally Expose the Democratic Party's Identity Politics Sham…ally-expose-democratic-partys-identity-politics-sham-n130520
the DNC has been conveniently switching the rules in ways that benefit the rich, old white men but not the women: . … So I ask that you have the courage to do that now in the face of the DNC's effort to keep me from participating in the debates. … other, and by portraying them as “victims” of the system who “need rescuing” by big government Democrats.…
Here’s Why It Won’t Be Either Biden or Bernie
– We have been watching a political farce play out on the big screen, so-to-speak. … Unlikely due to the potential for open violence if the Bernie bros think their guy has been cheated again. Option #3. … I believe that the Clintons have been pulling the strings behind the scenes from the beginning: orchestrating the media takedown of…
Devin Nunes: My Lawsuit Against the Washington Post, FISA Abuse, and More
big contract that Hunter Biden got should have been answered during the impeachment hoax and would have had Republicans been able … They claim that I was talking to the President, going to the White House, trying to get the head of the Director of National Intelligence … I’ve been the guy that was predicting that the Russians were up to no good, and now for almost four years, every chance these lunatics…
MSNBC Cartoon Show: Katy Tur and Rob Reiner Discuss "Global Warming"
– This is from a guy who still believes the Russia hoax and has been completely blind to FISA abuses by his pals in the Obama regime … Me: Remember, this guy is an actor and director who doesn’t know the first thing about “infrastructure” or basic economics outside … like that guy in the Oval Office.…
Is Biden Surging or Is Sanders Choking?
– He has overtaken Bernie Sanders in the overall popular vote among the Democrat voters and has pulled ahead in the delegate haul.   … As Trump noted, the big losers of the night were Elizabeth Warren who performed miserably, and Mike Bloomberg, although he won those … They have all endorsed Biden; so for the sake of argument, I lumped them in with Biden as the “establishment wing” of the Democrats…
A Matter Of When, Not If, Barack Obama Will Endorse
– However, Obama can’t just come out and say it, because Sanders is proving to be the guy who comes closest to rebuilding the coalition … Each candidate has what the other needs, but neither base will back the other in the current climate. … It’s another to have Susan Rice come out and do the same on the same day, along with Harry Reid.…
Super Tuesday Fallout: The Path Forward For Biden and Sanders
– That’s a big deal and it severely hurts the Sanders talking point that the voters want a revolution. … The entire party appears to be lining up behind him, and that is just as big a motivator behind Biden’s surge as the confidence voters … Do they rally around someone they think stole the nomination from their guy?…
Lou Dobbs et al on Doug Collins Challenging Republican Establishment-Backed US Senator Kelly Loeffler in Georgia…lishment-backed-us-senator-kelly-loeffler-in-georgia-n130130
The strategy is to get the rules of the election changed, even though the process has begun. … Goodwin: And the person picked in that seat now has been a big contributor to Republican causes, and I’m thinking Mitch McConnell likes … Goodwin: Yeah, he’s a scrappy guy. Dobbs: And it is a state contest after all and not one that will be decided by the NRSC.…
Government Tries to Cancel Trial in Key Mueller Case Because the Defendant Isn't Playing Fair…mueller-case-because-the-defendant-isnt-playing-fair-n130134
The government is trying to con the judge into cancelling the trial on the specious grounds that they aren’t participating (wtf? … The prosecutor is not particularly anxious to be known as the guy who lost Mueller’s big case and, quite honestly, there are a lot … Odds are she lets the government avoid the trial and the humiliation that will come with it.…
Biden Optimistic Going Into Tuesday Despite Low Poll Numbers In Key States
– Mike is a solid, serious guy, he’s in the debates now and we’re able to discuss the differences that we have.” … If the battle for the Democratic nomination boils down to Biden and Sanders, the war between the moderate establishment and the progressive … Both conflicts represent the struggle for the soul of the party, and both could have serious ramifications for the rest of the nation…
From the Mailbag! (This one is INCREDIBLE.)
– They put big gold letters at the top of a Trump tower in Vegas so it would tower over the Strip for everyone to see. … They have a secret society called the Founders. The guy who built the town, also built Disneyland. … The Amway people originally set ops at the Crystal cathedral near Disneyland. My cousin was the lead.…
Celebrities Make Collaborative Video Singing "Imagine" and Its Cringe Level Is Off the Charts…nging-imagine-and-its-cringe-level-is-off-the-charts-n131757
– Whatever happened to that guy? … fan — this isn’t the way. … We’re dealing with enough of that with the media’s politicization of the virus right now.…
Cheer Up! Hallmark Will Be Running a Christmas Movie Marathon to Help Us Through Self-Quarantines…s-movie-marathon-to-help-us-through-self-quarantines-n131742
The stunt on the Hallmark and Hallmark Movie channels continues into the early morning hours of July 15. … Middle”) and Robert Pine (“Frozen”) – Another fun CCB movie that includes another Hallmark favorite plotline – big city gal/guy moves … And also the big gingerbread baking contest is hilariously terrible. So…don’t miss it.  4:00 a.m.…
A Google Employee Is Countersuing a Pro-Life Activist for $5 Million After Allegedly Assaulting Him (Video)…g-a-pro-life-activist-after-allegedly-assaulting-him-n131731
The Google guy went to unlock his bicycle lock, and Michael grabbed the bike. … No further investigation was attempted, and the U.S. Attorney’s Office declined to pursue the case. … Michael’s cell phone clips — as well as other similar videos in the news over the last few years — serve as quite the indication of…
Concerned CNN Panel Frets About How Trump's Handling of Wuhan Coronavirus Crisis Makes Him Look Presidential…wuhan-coronavirus-crisis-makes-him-look-presidential-n131712
– “would rob Trump of the ability to do these large rallies”, the pandemic had given him “one big platform right now” to demonstrate … to the nation that he is up to the task of leading Americans through it. … Axelrod then speculated that there had been some “big strategic discussions” behind the scenes as to how Trump presented the issue…
Amid a Spanish Lockdown Over Wuhan, Cops Stop a Street-Strolling Tyrannosaurus Rex (Video)…n-coronavirus-tyrannosaurus-rex-costume-police-t-rex-n131691
– And personally, I feel sorry for the big guy — if you think about it, who’d be more frightened of an extinction-level event than a … Do not use your pet as an excuse to break the rules.” The PM’s particularly close to the illness — literally. … “We will overcome this emergency by relying on advice from science and with support from all of the resources of the state.…
Bernie and Biden: Two Old Geezers Talk Past Each Other, Part IV
– Keep in mind that these guys are big-government socialists to the bone; Bernie is overtly so while Biden practices “stealth socialism … Biden continued: Number three, I’m the guy that wrote the domestic violence law and I’m the guy that put in the prohibitions that no … Vice President Biden, you recently said for the first time that the Obama-Biden administration made a big mistake in deporting millions…
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