Results for: Bernie Sanders

Kamala Harris Blames Sexism for Failed Female Presidential Campaigns, but the Receipts Prove Her Wrong…presidential-campaigns-but-receipts-prove-her-wrong-n130368
– I wanted to sit back and watch Warren and Bernie Sanders (I-VT) politically destroy each other and their party (during the convention … state of Massachusetts, exit polling shows Elizabeth Warren: – lost women to Biden by 10 points– lost "very liberal" voters to Sanders … by 7 points– lost college + voters to Biden by 5 points– lost M4A supports to Sanders by 14 points — Tim Alberta (@TimAlberta) March…
MSNBC Cartoon Show: Katy Tur and Rob Reiner Discuss "Global Warming"
– [To discuss this is activist and director Rob Reiner.] … Bernie Sanders is saying that Joe Biden is controlled by the corporate world … We have a matter of years; action needs to be taken now, and Bernie Sanders supporters would argue that Joe Biden’s plan doesn’t go … Progressives and Bernie Sanders supporters would say that he does not go far enough.…
Is Biden Surging or Is Sanders Choking?
Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., and former Vice President Joe Biden, participate in a Democratic presidential primary debate at the Gaillard … However, there was always another guy out there- Bernie Sanders.   … Ideologically, Elizabeth Warren is the closest to Bernie Sanders.  …
A Matter Of When, Not If, Barack Obama Will Endorse
– The situation is frustrating to Bernie Sanders, who cannot build up a base with black voters without Obama. … Sanders is the biggest threat to that legacy. … There has to be a mathematical elimination of Sanders from winning a plurality of delegates and Sanders’ polling drops.…
Biden Appears to Sniff Hair of Baby, Tells Her, 'Don't Tell Mom What I Told You'…little-baby-tells-her-dont-tell-mom-what-i-told-you-n130313
Bernie Sanders (I-VT) aren’t far apart. … In order to win, Sanders will have to win the numbers outright and that’s going to be a challenge with the road left.…
The Airing of Grievances Is Underway as Bernie Bros Declare War on Elizabeth Warren…ay-its-onbernie-bros-declare-war-on-elizabeth-warren-n130309
Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., right, participate in a Democratic presidential primary debate at the Gaillard Center, Tuesday, Feb. 25, 2020 … Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren tapped danced around attacking each other until it went against their political interests to avoid … Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 4, 2020 Sanders even addressed how nasty it’s gotten between the two camps earlier today: Bernie
Marianne Williamson Deletes Her Tweet Protesting the Dem Establishment's 'Coup' Against Non-Radical Bernie…democratic-estabilishment-coup-bernie-super-tuesday-n130293
Sanders — has deleted a social media jotting for justice from Super Tuesday night. … Sanders, AGAIN! … Marianne seems to think Blue State lever-pullers are somewhat radical, even if Bernie isn’t.…
Scott Adams Thanks Black Voters For Saving Nation from Sanders. He Might be Right.…ers-for-saving-nation-from-sanders-he-might-be-right-n130286
Bernie Sanders (I-VT) doesn’t have an easy path to securing the Democratic nomination for the presidency. … Sanders. … I would like to thank black voters for protecting the United States from Bernie Sanders. Nicely done.…
The RedState Primary-cast -- Duke and The Shark Take on the Democrat Super Tuesday Fix…and-the-shark-take-on-the-democrat-super-tuesday-fix-n130279
– Speculation ran around how much of a fix was in for Biden and what could possibly transpire should Bernie Sanders get the expected … Everything was tossed on the table as we followed the results, from Biden learning how to read, to Sanders getting railroaded, and…
Chuck Schumer Incites Mob Violence Against Two Supreme Court Justices and the Media Are Nowhere to Be Found…court-justices-and-the-media-are-nowhere-to-be-found-n130277
– Isn't it weird that today Bernie Sanders cut a misleading out of context ad and Chuck Schumer threatened two SCOTUS justices and the … People on the right don’t assault folks wearing Sanders or Biden campaign items. That is the province of the left.…
Biden Is Not a Moderate, He's Promising to Raise Your Taxes and Donald Trump, Jr Has a Few Things to Say About That…d-donald-trump-jr-has-a-few-things-to-say-about-that-n130265
Bernie Sanders (I-VT). … to Sanders), Biden still has a host of positions that are very far left. … Bernie Sanders (I-VT). Here’s what would happen if Biden got what he wanted, according to the Americans for Tax Reform.…
Obama’s Crooks Jump on the Biden Train to Save Themselves
– I mean, the Democrats are masters at voter fraud; why wouldn’t they invoke some of those tactics to “stop Bernie”? … I wonder what the Bernie bros across the land are thinking about that today, as they are highly susceptible to conspiracy theories? … There is a reason Trump fears @joebiden and roots for Bernie.…
Reality Check: Democratic Voters Did Not Reject Socialism on Super Tuesday…cratic-voters-did-not-reject-socialism-super-tuesday-n130248
– The problem with Sanders is that he says the quiet part out loud about where the Democratic party is headed. … Warren and Sanders, they thought, had good ideas. But there was concern they couldn’t beat Trump. … Bernie was just a little more open about his mission.…
AOC, Omar, and the Squad Lose Big on Super Tuesday
– The most obvious example is Bernie Sanders well underperforming expectations and giving up a primary lead that most thought he wouldn … In the case of Ilhan Omar, she went all out for Bernie Sanders in her home state of Minnesota. … The most recent polling had shown Sanders with a slight lead.…
Former DNC Chair: 'The Most Impressive 72 Hours I've Ever Seen in American Politics'…st-impressive-72-hours-ive-ever-seen-in-u-s-politics-n130244
Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., former Vice President Joe Biden, talks before a Democratic presidential primary debate, Tuesday, Feb. 25, 2020 … Bernie Sanders in Real Clear Politics’ average of national polls, the Democratic delegate count, and the betting odds. … Just over one week ago, Biden’s odds stood at 9.1% and Sanders, 56.9%.…
There Are Already Rumblings in Democrat Circles Questioning the Dramatic Joe Biden Resurgence…ircles-questioning-the-dramatic-joe-biden-resurgence-n130256
– It is not simply that there were some surprises – like a victory in Texas that was expected to for Bernie Sanders — but the manner … In the days leading up to the vote, all polls showed Bernie Sanders winning, with the ranges ahead of the margin of error. … That there is discontent within the Bernie Sanders camp, and especially within his supporters, has already been established.…
It's a Two Man Race Now: Bloomberg Drops Out
– How do we stop Bernie? … The “stopping Bernie” started last week, after House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn (D-SC) officially endorsed Joe Biden. … In spite of the erratic nature of South Carolina polling in the final weeks, with some showing Bernie Sanders close to catching up…
Stop Gaslighting, Joe Biden Is Still Joe Biden and He's Not Ok
– Unlike the prior surge by Bernie Sanders, Biden will now be coddled, protected, and propelled into the rest of the primary season. … Yes, the former Vice President manages to be less liberal than Bernie Sanders on healthcare, though he still wants a limitless public … He’s worse on foreign policy than Sanders’ isolationism would be.…
Super Tuesday Fallout: The Path Forward For Biden and Sanders
Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., former Vice President Joe Biden, talks before a Democratic presidential primary debate, Tuesday, Feb. 25, 2020 … On the flip side, Bernie Sanders (as expected) won Vermont, Colorado, Utah, and California handily. … Honestly, it’s a dead heat between Sanders and Biden in the delegate race – and remember that Sanders is on the record saying that…
Scary Moment As Protesters Rush Biden on Stage
– Action Everywhere, which had previously interrupted events for Bernie Sanders in Nevada last month and Sen. … This group got very close to Bernie Sanders as well. … Great job, Symone Sanders and Jill Biden. But it shouldn’t be them having to protect the candidate.…
Trump on Standby to Taunt Liz Warren After Her Brutal Third Place Finish in Massachusetts Primary…her-brutal-third-place-finish-massachusetts-primary-n130227
Bernie Sanders has climbed atop the polling hill. … As of this writing, she’s in third place (20.7%), well behind Sanders (27.2%). … Bernie Bros are all over social media demanding she stop “dividing the progressive vote”, drop out and throw her support behind Sanders
Watch: MSNBC's Katy Tur Ventures out of the Bubble, Finds out All Latino Voters Do Not Think Alike…ubble-finds-out-all-latino-voters-do-not-think-alike-n130206
Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden. The man responded by saying he supported Sanders’ candidacy. … After some crosstalk about why he was supporting Sanders, Tur inquired as to if his daughter was “leading the charge” and helping the…
LA County's New Voting Machines Are a Cluster***k; Bernie Bros Hit Hardest
Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., with his wife Jane O’Meara Sanders, arrives to speak to supporters at a primary night election rally in Manchester … Machine malfunctions in East LA, whose Latino residents are generally Bernie Sanders supporters, forced properly registered voters … Bernie Sanders’ supporters have expressed a major lack of confidence that their provisional votes will be counted.…
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