Results for: Bernie Sanders

The Steele Dossier's Biggest Fan Goes Full Bernie Bro Because 'Authoritarianism' or Something…ull-bernie-bro-because-authoritarianism-or-something-n129528
– insistence on devolving into insanity to constantly snipe at Trump means there’s only one choice for them in November, i.e. going full Bernie … In that respect, Sanders is the perfect candidate for someone like Wittes. … Meanwhile, Bernie is already saying he’ll blow up the rule of law by abusing executive actions and parliamentary rules to shove through…
The Law of Unintended Consequences Strikes the Democrats
– They are not about to take the leap to full-blown socialism to join the likes of Bernie Sanders. … The Democrats didn’t plan for the Justice Democrats, the Indivisible Team, The Squad, or the likes of a Bernie candidacy. … If they had, they would never have allowed Bernie to run in Democrat Party primaries in the first place.…
Biden Is Feeling the Sanders Pressure, Has a Virtual Gaffe-Arama In South Carolina
Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and knowing that if he doesn’t pull out South Carolina with a big win, he’s pretty much toast.…
Chris Matthews Compared Bernie to Hitler, but Karma Outdid Him
Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., raises a fist as he arrives for a breakfast meeting with Al Sharpton at Sylvia’s Restaurant, Wednesday, Feb. … Host Howard Kurtz served up the following: “Chris Matthews should apologize to Bernie Sanders. … Howard was surprised: “You would think that Bernie Sanders and MSNBC with all its liberal hosts and commentators would be a marriage…
Should Never Trumpers Be Welcomed Back Into the Fold?…trumpers-be-welcomed-back-trends-but-its-complicated-n129525
Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., speaks during a Democratic presidential primary debate Wednesday, Feb. 19, 2020, in Las Vegas, hosted by NBC … (AP Photo/John Locher) With a Bernie Sanders victory in the Democratic primary shaping up to be a reality, an interesting question … Bernie Sanders represents the greatest threat to American norms, whether it be culturally, economically, or in foreign policy, in modern…
Bernie Sanders Is Spending Time in Texas. Why?
– Last weekend before the Nevada caucuses were finished Bernie Sanders was already in Texas. … Bernie Sanders, 28% to 26% in the Democratic presidential primary race. … Yet in a “solid” red state was is Bernie even this close? In a short reference. California.…
Hey Bernie: Less Government = MUCH More Money for Everyone - Including Government…nt-much-more-money-for-everyone-including-government-n129443
Bernie Sanders Admits He Hasn’t a Clue of the Cost of His Socialist Stuff: “In a ’60 Minutes’ interview with host Anderson Cooper … Bernie Sanders acknowledged that he’s not yet put a ‘price tag’ on much of the proposals he’s pushed.  … Bernie Sanders Makes Reinstating Net Neutrality a Campaign Promise Because of course.…
South Carolina 'Fat Lady' Warming Up For Bernie Sanders Victory
– Clear front runner Bernie Sanders seems to be on a path to his adopted Party’s presidential nomination despite the fact the Democrat … If Bernie Sanders is atop the ticket, it’s going to make it tougher for all of us to win in Florida. … Sanders.…
There Is No Comparison Between Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders
– There are a lot of people out there commenting that the rise of Bernie Sanders in this primary is in many ways like the rise of … Aside from the political views of each, the fact is that Sanders is capitalizing on something very different than Trump did. … Sanders, for example, isn’t attacking the status quo nearly as much as he’s attacking the entire American system and way of life.…
Opinion: The Primary/Caucus System Is Just Fine
– thing called “superdelegates” which the party bosses use to nudge the nomination towards their preferred candidate, as in 2016 when BernieSanders accused that system of costing him the nomination.…
The Box "NeverTrump" Puts Itself In
Bernie Sanders is on the path to becoming the nominee, with maybe one or two chances for a more moderate candidate to take the reins … Each one of them is panicking because Sanders represents everything they’ve ever fought against, and their promise to vote for the … I fully expect Rubin and Boot to vote for Sanders, because they haven’t really been conservatives for the last decade or more.…
Too Little Too Late: Elizabeth Warren Rises to Second Place in National Poll…zabeth-warren-rises-to-second-place-in-national-poll-n129495
Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) won Saturday’s Nevada caucuses decisively, after winning the New Hampshire primary and essentially tying former … So Sanders is the Democratic frontrunner, and he also leads nationally in a new CBS News/YouGov poll released Sunday, drawing the support … Sorry sister but your ship has sailed and Bernie and his bros hijacked it from you.…
Rep. Jayapal Pushes Medicare for All By Telling a Ridiculous Lie
– Then there’s the Bernie Sanders wing, who are currently salivating over a government takeover of healthcare. Enter Rep. … What we shouldn’t do is destroy the most innovative, life saving system in human history to appease the Bernie Bros.  …
Biden Claimed South Carolina Was His 'Firewall,' But He Could Be In Trouble There, and Even CNN Is Mocking Him…ould-be-in-trouble-there-and-even-cnn-is-mocking-him-n129494
Bernie Sanders (I-VT) march to the nomination. … Biden did not do well in Iowa or New Hampshire and came in second in far distant second behind Sanders in Nevada, with Bernie having … Bernie is stacking up the delegates already and Biden needs a big and decisive win if he’s to have any hope of being one the “anti-Bernie
Bloomberg Delays CNN Town Hall Tonight to Practice For Tuesday Debate.
Bernie Sanders’s (I-Vt.) resounding victory in the Nevada caucuses over the weekend. … Preventing Sanders from opening up an insurmountable lead has become paramount to the Bloomberg campaign after Sanders’s Nevada victory … Bloomberg is the only one that can stop Bernie Sanders’s march into Super Tuesday and taking the nomination way before the July convention…
Never Trump Entertains Delusion to Make Peace With a Bernie Sanders Nomination…usion-to-make-peace-with-a-bernie-sanders-nomination-n129453
Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., raises a fist as he arrives for a breakfast meeting with Al Sharpton at Sylvia’s Restaurant, Wednesday, Feb. … (AP Photo/Seth Wenig) The reactions to what looks like a near-inevitable Bernie Sanders nomination have been fascinating to watch … The kind of election that would allow someone like Bernie Sanders to win would almost certainly also make Chuck Schumer the majority…
The Democrat Civil War: Justice Democrats Fight Back
– And the Bernie bros are not backing down. … Sanders presidential campaign. … Yep, right down Bernie’s alley – and of course they’re all in for Bernie in 2020.…
Never Trumper Decides Racism Is the Only Hope to Stop Bernie
Sanders. … Abrams would likely gladly join a Sanders ticket, as they aren’t far apart on policy. … There’s no eleventh-hour savior coming to rescue her political dream of Bernie Sanders not being the nominee.…
LA Times: Trump Has 'Flipped' the 9th Circuit, 'Shockwave' of New Judges
– Can you imagine the difference between a Trump court and a Bernie Sanders influenced court? … Sanders, Bloomberg, and other Democratic candidates would only set back any positive movement that has been accomplished.…
You're Not Going to Get Your "Fair Share" Under Socialism
Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., speaks Tuesday, Jan. 14, 2020, during a Democratic presidential primary debate hosted by CNN and the Des Moines … Bernie Sanders has proposed raising the taxes on Americans, and not by a little: Sanders would fund his radical proposals by raising … Sanders has also pledged to “absolutely” raise the corporate rate from 21 to the Obama-era 35 percent, which would decimate economic…
The Rise of Bernie Sanders Reveals NeverTrump for the Scam We Always Said It Was…eveals-nevertrump-for-the-scam-we-always-said-it-was-n129421
– Now, with Bernie Sanders leading the Democrat pack, these same principled people are aghast. … Like Warren, Sanders is in favor of confiscating wealth. … If anything, Sanders is actually more conservative in many respects than is Warren.…
Howls of Laughter Erupt After NYT Columnist Paul Krugman Suggests Sanders Is 'Not a Wannabe Authoritarian'…gman-suggests-sanders-is-not-a-wannabe-authoritarian-n129433
Bernie Sanders (I-VT) in national and state-level polls, his strong 2nd place finish in Iowa and his wins in New Hampshire and Nevada … about who Sanders is and what kind of president he might be in a multi-tweet rant: America under a Sanders presidency would still … The types of taxation Sanders proposes is tyrannical and oppositional to freedom.…
Congressman James Clyburn Sounds the Alarm About South Carolina Supporting Bernie Sanders…alarm-about-south-carolina-supporting-bernie-sanders-n129426
– Eventually, Stephanopoulos asked whether Sanders’ expanding coalition is having an impact in South Carolina, and “do you think it could … I wonder if the next revelation will be that water is wet and Bernie is super duper old with a bad ticker. … However, I’m willing to at least entertain that possibility now that all these establishment Democrats are worried about Bernie.…
Democrat Panic: First Carville, Then Matthews, and Now Lockhart ...
– The Democrat Establishment has apparently determined that a Bernie Sanders nomination is a ticket to Democrat Party disaster in November … Bernie Sanders’ assessment of him as a “political hack,” adding that he’d rather be a hack than a “communist” like the senator from … On 8 February, after a Democrat debate, as a direct broadside aimed at Bernie Sanders, he pointedly commented that socialism doesn’…
Media Worry That Republicans Will Pounce on Bernie Being a Commie
Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., right, with his wife Jane, raises his hand as he speaks during a campaign event in San Antonio, Saturday, Feb … NBC News decided to be the first media outlet to try this tack, complaining that Republicans are sure to weaponize Bernie Sanders’ … It’s not like Bernie is a newcomer to politics or even the national stage.…
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