Results for: the big guy

Kamala Harris Arrives in Guatemala and Is Met by Protesters With a Very Pointed Message…and-is-met-by-protesters-with-a-very-pointed-message-n392652
– Kamala Harris finally got around to taking her trip to the Northern Triangle to address the “root causes” of the boarder crisis. … Of course, the “root cause” of the border crisis is the guy sitting in the White House trying to decide what time to call a lid today … The protesters had some very pointed messages and very big signs, including “Go Home” and “Trump Won.”…
Meghan McCain Flogs Fauci: The Scientist 'Wanted to Be a Kardashian'
– ) June 4, 2021 As for Fauci, you’ve gotta give the guy a break… “[W]e have to put things in context,” Navarro explained. … “Understand, he was in the midst of dealing with the virus. … Let’s also remember that Fauci is a guy — he’s 80 years old — he’s been … Those were the big guns. So what’s the show’s lone conservative think of the emails? She’s not impressed.…
Golfer With Six-Stroke Lead Ejected From Top PGA Tourney—on Live TV (Watch)…lead-ejected-from-major-pga-tourney-on-live-tv-watch-n392237
– This story just infuriates the heck out of me. Jon Rahm was in the middle of playing golf in the PGA’s Memorial Tournament. … They just cost this guy a likely tournament win — and the huge monetary prize — because of an idiotic reaction. … best of the tournament.…
This Is Definitely the Dumbest, TDS-Infused Conspiracy Theory Ever
– Notice the original video is from that trusted news service “AC Junior.” … That’s what the Lincoln Project folks do: throw anything up against the wall, if they think it can hurt Trump. … So, here’s a little reality for Friedman, Wilson, and the other crazy buggers that went over the slide on this.…
Leo Terrell Debones Biden, Says: 'Somebody Needs to Tell Him He's a Racist'…s-biden-says-somebody-needs-to-tell-him-hes-a-racist-n390559
– From the Leader of the Free World: “The data shows young black entrepreneurs are just as capable of succeeding, given the chance, … This guy plays the race card. … I’m black. I’m a lawyer. I can’t say anything else. I’m black. (shrugs) … Breaking news.” … stand…” As for Leo, he’s not big on the Donkey Party in general.…
Kamala Harris Lets the World Know She Is Not Responsible for Managing the Border Crisis No Matter What Joe Biden Says…ging-the-border-crisis-no-matter-what-joe-biden-says-n389750
The unwillingness of the Biden bunch to even pretend to care about the crisis, the deaths of illegals, or the economic and social harm … The latest big-brain idea, paying Central Americans to stay in their home countries, will have the utterly predictable effect of providing … guy” has to say, she was not getting involved in the border crisis.…
A.U.D.I.T. of Elections: The Bombshell Revelations Continue…
– court regarding the size of the room available to scan the ballots per their communications to the court. … June 12, 2021 Georgia election official Gabriel Sterling claims that the Fulton County audit is just part of Trump’s “big lie” (that … He’s the guy in Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger’s office who supposedly ran the elections.…
Biden's Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism Encourages Americans to Turn Stasi to Show their Love of Big Brother…cans-to-turn-stasi-to-show-their-love-of-big-brother-n398783
– And the motive of the guy who killed 60 or so people in Las Vegas remains unknown. … This strategy will join the resources of The document also moves the US into the globalist information order visualized by the so-called … For our part, the US government commits to encouraging big tech to crack down on any online conversation they deem to be “extremist…
Dear Journalists: Turns out Kaitlan Collins Was Correct in Asking Joe Biden Why He Felt ‘Confident’…as-correct-in-asking-joe-biden-why-he-felt-confident-n398670
– “I owe my last questioner an apology.I shouldn’t have been such a wise guy with the last answer I gave.” he said, but then qualified … The attack on the press and the sexism on display would be screeched about for days. … And many in the press are siding with the President.…
HOT TAKES: Chris Cuomo Gets Ratio of All Time After Asking For Times He's Denied Facts…of-all-time-after-asking-for-times-hes-denied-facts-n398215
– But then Cuomo went over the slide and stepped in it big time. … This is the same guy who has been denying reality on virtually every major story over the past year. … This the same guy who denied it as New York became the worst state in the nation in terms of its response to the pandemic with thousands…
CNN Rewrites Reality on Biden Losing It at Their Reporter
– What the hell? What do you do all the time? When did I say I was confident? … “Maybe I shouldn’t have been such a wise guy, the last answer I gave,” says Biden, stopping to apologize to reporters before boarding … boarding AF1 to apologize for being such "a wise guy" at the end of his press conference when he was answering @kaitlancollins tough…
Joe Manchin Phone Call Leaks and It Has Massive Implications
– meeting was hosted by the group No Labels, a big money operation co-founded by former Sen. … For the life of me, I have no idea why West Virginians continue to believe this guy is anything other than the Democrat that he is. … That’s not good news for a GOP that had been relying on him to hold the line given he’s from the reddest state in the union.…
Hunter Biden Has a New Racket to Pull in Huge Amounts of Anonymous Cash…new-racket-to-pull-in-huge-amounts-of-anonymous-cash-n397337
– So one has to ask if everything was on the up-and-up; if people weren’t bargaining for access to Joe and whatever benefit the big guy … Meanwhile, the scandals and Hunter’s use of the n-word apparently aren’t impairing the price of the people getting involved with selling … the art.…
Bill Maher Fillets the Young and Woke Over White Power Reaching a Record High…ung-and-woke-over-white-power-reaching-a-record-high-n396262
– “This is one of the big problems with wokeness,” he said. … The year of the Tulsa race massacre? Higher than the years when the KKK rode unchecked and Jim Crow went unchallenged? … ) May 6, 2020 Even the leader of the free world — and head of the Democrats…and also the guy in the video Bill used to kick off…
Kamala Is Desperate for a Good Photo-Op, but She Still Can't Escape That Question…ood-photo-op-but-she-still-cant-escape-that-question-n395892
– Even the Guatemalan president told her that the “cause” was essentially the Biden/Harris policies. … Secret Service guy in the bowling shirt and the sunglasses just freaking as she does that, looking in all directions. … Poor guy. You can pick out the Secret Service people by the sunglasses.…
EXCLUSIVE: Defector Provides Evidence That the Chinese Military Orchestrated the Creation of COVID-19 and Lab Leak…y-orchestrated-the-creation-of-covid-19-and-lab-leak-n395384
– kept in the dark about the fact that the defector was working with the DIA. … Many in the intelligence community were highly skeptical of that claim for logistical reasons (i.e., China obviously knew the guy was … genome it provided the world at the beginning of the outbreak?…
Facebook's COVID 'Expert' Still Believes COVID-19 Pandemic Originated at Wuhan Wet Market…ves-covid-19-pandemic-originated-at-wuhan-wet-market-n393453
– This guy, Peter Daszak, also controlled more than $120 million in research grant funding from the US government, to conduct research … Daszak, incredibly, was a member of the WHO “mission,” and believes that the group made a big discovery during their time in China … But the fact that those animals are there is the clue. The clue to what?…
How To Let the World Know You Are A Good and Kind Person
– It’s easy to tell who the Scientifically ignorant are because they are always talking about the “research” and the “studies” and the … He even threw out the first pitch at a Red Sox game. He seems like a really good guy who just wants to keep America safe. … It says COVID in very big letters, and then has the name of the corporation who made millions from the vaccine.…
A Major Democrat Comes out Against Bitcoin and Gives the Entire Game Away in the Process…itcoin-and-gives-the-entire-game-away-in-the-process-n394464
– Democrats are always going after the little guy while claiming to protect the little guy, and Bitcoin, at least to a large extent is … Sure, big investors have latched on the last few years, but there’s still something grassroots about the entire thing that’s got a … More recently, it was the pandemic.…
Fake Nice Guy John Kasich is a Jerk to a Cop for No Reason (VIDEO)
– One of the most nauseating and transparently fake things to come down the pike in a long time is John Kasich’s nice guy act. … Kasich is one of the most notorious jerks in the history of Washington, DC, which is a town full of jerks. … To paraphrase the Big Lebowski, that places him high on the list of jerks worldwide.…
Here's how the Donald Trump Democrats would ruin the GOP
– Ducking Donald Trump is attempting to realign the parties in the United States. … Democrats, who were long seen as being on the side of the little guy, are now perceived as having abandoned these voters, who were … Conservatives are still the enemy And then they’d turn on the conservatives, who in The Turner Diaries received more venom than the
A Difficult Goodbye
– In my first year of graduate school I wrote a  paper on American conservatism, and Rush Limbaugh was a big part of the paper. … So explaining the anger, the envy, the resentment, the jealousy, the fear, I mean, it’s all there. … He was the background of most of my life – at least in the middle of the day.…
John Kasich's Pyrrhic Victory in Ohio
– on the heals of the Watergate Scandal. … get along” nice guy persona Kasich has been able to adopt will get replaced by the guy who called a police officer an idiot, who threatened … Instead, he is going to be the guy who either helped Trump win the nomination or left the party mortally wounded by a convention bloodletting…
New York Times Stunned To Find Trump Volunteers Are Not Racist Skinheads
– Unfortunately, the sad thing is that Williamson is simply saying what is the basis for the dislike of Trump voters. … The aftermath of the Great Recession cost Mr. … The grievances are real and as the economy goes further into the crapper it will only get worse.…
Everything You Need To Know About North Carolina's 'Super Tuesday 3' Primary Vote Today…tuesday-3-primary-vote-today-rubio-trump-cruz-kasich-n57559
– win the state. … So the percentage of the vote will absolutely determine the degree of success for each candidate including whoever wins the largest … A close race is the best race, even if your guy isn’t the leader. Happy Super Tuesday 3, North Carolina!…
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