Results for: Biden Family Business

There Are Signs That Biden's Foreign Policy Towards China May Resemble Trump's Foreign Policy More Than the CCP Might Like…e-trumps-foreign-policy-more-than-the-ccp-might-like-n338254
– Given the very public history between Joe Biden, members of his family with China and Chinese business interests, one of the most interesting … orientation of the Trump Administration to whatever orientation was desired by members of the Biden Administration. … Politically Biden cannot be seen as slipping back between the sheets with the Chicoms. …
H.R. 1 and the PRO Act Prove "For the People" is Code for "Control the People"…prove-for-the-people-is-code-for-control-the-people-n337471
– During the 2020 campaign, both Biden and Harris expressed their support for AB5 and the PROAct, so if it gets through the Senate, it … Hello to my reps @SenFeinstein @SenAlexPadilla @RepTedLieu Self-employed business owner here. … One is a 2016 law that bans anyone other than a close family member or caregiver from collecting absentee ballots, sometimes called…
The New York Times Is Looking For A New Editor, So I Helpfully Reworked Their 'Wanted' Ad…a-new-editor-so-i-helpfully-reworked-their-wanted-ad-n336847
– After all, in our business we treasure accuracy, don’t we, NYT Editorial Board Member Mara Gay? … or any Biden parental units, and lockdowns, and directing a team of editors and visual and audio journalists sycophants who haven’ … You will represent Times Opinion in conversation with journalistic and business leaders across the Times.…
Texas Democrat Running as 'Faith-First' Candidate Probably Shouldn't Have Written Book Shredding Evangelicals…ly-shouldnt-have-written-book-shredding-evangelicals-n342898
– I’m a mom, small business owner, and community leader, and I’m running for Congress as a Democrat. … “My faith and my family taught me to stand up for what’s right,” she said in her kickoff video. Just one problem. … Speaking of which, Joe Biden and at least 13 of his presidential campaign staffers, and Kamala Harris were unavailable for comment.…
There's Poop on Floor at the White House
– Don’t look at any cognitive issues that you might think Biden has and how that might endanger us. … Don’t pay attention to any issues related to his son, Hunter, or Hunter’s business relationships in Ukraine or China. … to be the happy veneer, one of the things to pitch cute stories about the Biden family rather than questions about the flood of illegal…
'Someone Has to Tell the Truth' Says Filmmaker Phelim McAleer About His Upcoming Hunter Biden Biopic…helim-mcaleer-about-his-upcoming-hunter-biden-biopic-n353542
– “The story of Hunter Biden…has been actively suppressed,” McAleer says. “It’s a national scandal.” … “The media and big tech covered up the bombshell report by The New York Post that showed the depth of corruption in the Biden family … BREAKING: Hunter Biden Movie “My Son Hunter” to be made by Gosnell filmmakers Ann McElhinney & Phelim McAleer.…
Former CA Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, Democrat Voters Weigh in: Gavin Newsom Will Be Recalled…mocrat-voters-weigh-in-gavin-newsom-will-be-recalled-n353427
– Arnold Schwarzeneggar rode his name recognition, close ties with the Kennedy family (he was married at the time to Maria Shriver), … Even Californians who helped elect Newsom to his first term in 2018 are angry over prolonged school closures, the whipsaw of business … sucks to be lumped into a group of white supremacists and anti-mask Republicans when a few months ago I was text-banking for Joe Biden
Tis the Time's Plague When Madmen Lead the Blind
Biden also “suspended new oil and gas leasing and drilling permits on U.S. lands and waters.” … The Biden regime has been forced to stuff the illegals (many of whom have the ChiCom virus) in temporary tent facilities, military … News reports are breathlessly reporting that the Biden regime is “weighing vaccine passports for Americans.”…
Gavin Newsom's New AG Pick Rob Bonta Has A Few Skeletons That Need Addressing…k-rob-bonta-has-a-few-skeletons-that-need-addressing-n349838
– for an Attorney General to replace Xavier Becerra, who was confirmed as the new Secretary of Health and Human Services under the Bidenbusiness.” … Instead, he’s gone on to provide political cover for my abuser, repackaging him as a God-fearing family man.…
China Expects Billion-Dollar-Bought-Off Biden Will Restore Pre-Trump US Capitulation…ght-off-biden-will-restore-pre-trump-us-capitulation-n304617
– Bobulinski Tells Tucker Carlson that Joe Biden Lied about Son Hunter’s Business Dealings Hunter Biden ‘Made 411 Trips Across 29 Countries … ’ Often to Make Deals with ‘Foreign Oligarchs’ Hunter Biden’s Family Name Aided Deals with Foreign Tycoons ‘The Biden 5’: Deals in … Hunter Biden’s $1.5 Billion Bank of China Deal Source: Joe Biden Is The ‘Big Guy’ Referenced in Hunter’s Massive China Business Deal…
Quiet Before The Inauguration
– There is a bit of eerie quiet in the country the night before the inauguration of Joe Biden as the 46th President of the United States … My sitting here in shock over having to write the above sentences about Joe Biden, simply pale in comparison to those things. … America has elected a person that is clearly diminished and has so many questions hanging over his family business dealings that his…
NRA Files for Bankruptcy, Pulls a Joe Rogan
– What she announced was nothing less than her intent to put the National Rifle Association out of business by going after its business … mission of the organization for personal use by senior leadership, awarding contracts to the financial gain of close associates and family … families, and advocates across the country — to defeat the NRA and end our epidemic of gun violence. — Joe Biden
Recalling Gavin Newsom Is Not Just Good for California, It's Good for America
– Up until this point, Newsom has been able to coast on his good looks and family ties. … Gavin Newsom has grown up with some extremely wealthy benefactors, including the Getty family, and his “aunt” not by birth but by close … Share the Recall Newsom petition with your friends and family and encourage them to share.…
Kira Davis: Free Speech Is Not Dead, But It Is On Life Support
– What is most shocking is that so many of our friends, family and loved ones see the silencing of half the country as perfectly justified … I have made my name in this business on being a reasonable and logical voice for unity. … Many say, “well, 81 million voted for Biden” as if that means anything for the future.…
Fox News Making Changes to Their Daytime Lineup — Ratings Decline Starting to Be Felt?…e-lineup-serious-ratings-decline-starting-to-be-felt-n308099
– ensures Fox News Media will continue to deliver outstanding coverage for our viewers who depend on the most trusted names in the business … Where their father once saw a business opportunity, Lachlan and James see only news content and an editorial point of view that they … In the last election cycle, James and his wife maxed out their ability to contribute to the Biden-Harris campaign — EACH donating a…
Democrats Hint They Will Try to Use the Fourteenth Amendment to Expel GOP Representatives Who Challenged the Electoral Votes
– This is how they make you wear face masks and refuse to socialize with friends and family on holidays. … transparency of this ploy was made clear yesterday when the Democrats said that an impeachment probably would not take place until after Biden … isn’t enough that they can express their views; you must publicly agree with their views, or they will attempt to bankrupt your business
UPDATE: Hunter Biden Still Owns Stake in Chinese Venture Capital Firm That Acquired U.S. Stealth Technology…re-capital-firm-that-acquired-u-s-stealth-technology-n319337
– Although Joe Biden promised way back in 2019 that his son Hunter would offload his stake in Bohai Harvest RST (BHR), a Chinese Communist … venture capital firm, it appears that Hunter still holds that interest today – a major national security risk now that the elder Biden … , solely owned and controlled by Hunter Biden, holds a 10 percent stake in BHR.…
News of the Whirled: He's Tried Congressman, President...Now Beto Gets Around to Governor
– and His New Domain May Surprise You — RedState (@RedState) October 19, 2020 Unlike Rodney, business … But it didn’t have to be: He inherited $5 million and married into a family worth half a billion. And now Mr. … O might be getting back to the business of government. As reported by The Daily Wire, Beto — who challenged Sen.…
Marjorie Taylor Greene, Louis Farrakhan, and Me
– Your friends and maybe even your family are likely to abandon you or even join the crowds howling for blood so they can save their … If I tell you his entire family was suffering the most grievous agony—barely coping day-to-day—as they watched leukemia slowly take … But, speaking as a Jew, above all else, I wish all you gentiles out there would learn to mind your own business.…
Joe Biden's Tacky (and Possibly Corrupt) Younger Brother
– How Tacky is Frank Biden, Joe Biden’s younger brother? … “The Biden family has allegedly used Joe Biden’s influence as senator, vice president and now president for financial gain for years … The icing on the cake of the Daily Mail UK piece is that Frank Biden also owes more than $1 million to the family of Michael Albano…
Why the Reddit WallStreetBets-GameStop vs. Hedge Funds Matters to Me
– In this Biden regime, it’s still precarious, as it is clear he is intent on destroying the little guy: and we are it. … One of the WallStreetBets Redditors, “SSauronn”, explained the reason why he was taking on the business as usual, destroy and conquer … You really want to choose them, over your own family and friends?…
Biden’s ‘Buy American?’ He’s Making It Impossible for Anything to Be Made in America…ing-it-impossible-for-anything-to-be-made-in-america-n316724
Biden Signals ‘New Direction’ on Regulations What was Biden predecessor Donald Trump’s old direction? … Biden Is Already Making Your Life Worse Three Ways the Biden Administration Will Make Things Worse for Working Americans As New … and family-owned farms and is a contributing factor to many farms going out of business.…
Biden Picks CA Labor Sec Julie Su, Responsible For $10B in Fraud Losses, for Deputy DOL…u-responsible-for-10b-in-fraud-losses-for-deputy-dol-n316284
– Yet another California Democrat with a record of failure might be headed to Washington if Joe Biden gets his way. … Biden has already announced the nomination of Attorney General Xavier Becerra, who spent more time suing Trump than doing his actual … Her nomination should be opposed vigorously by anyone who values a vital business environment in this country.…
On Cancel Culture and Ex-NYT Editor Lauren Wolfe, Who Needs Some Cheese for that Whine…or-lauren-wolfe-who-needs-some-cheese-for-that-whine-n315721
– “The New York Times reportedly canceled an editor’s contract after she tweeted that she had ‘chills’ watching Joe Biden land at Joint … “Lauren Wolfe tweeted on Tuesday: ‘Biden landing at Joint Base Andrews now. I have chills. … , but because they wanted to kill small business and get cheap real estate.…
Pipefitters Union Gets Shafted With Biden's Keystone Pipeline Cancellation…s-shafted-with-bidens-keystone-pipeline-cancellation-n314357
– — Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) January 15, 2021 Biden has only been in office for 24 hours and he’s doing little to rescue America … ( The union endorsed Biden for president. ( Biden has questions to answer. … It’s not anti-business.…
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