Results for: critical race theory

It Does Not Matter How "Woke" You Are -- It Will Never be Enough For the Aggrieved Race Activists…ill-never-be-enough-for-the-aggrieved-race-activists-n330896
– Now the “woke” race activists are demanding that standardized testing be eliminated altogether as part of the college admissions process … This “woke” race-hucksterism will not stop with the SAT.  … The application of “critical theory” to every element of life where there is a grievance lobby which shouts down the contrary evidence…
Arizona State University Dean Pens 350+ Page Book on How Grading Writing Is White Supremacy…page-book-on-how-grading-writing-is-white-supremacy-n338386
– of “labor-based” grading is rooted in critical race theory. … Critical race theory is the idea that America is rooted in racism as are the systems of modern American society. So grading? … It’s grating: Critical race theory contributed to Inoue’s idea that ranking things is a system rooted in racism.…
Has SECDEF Austin Been Planning the 60-Day Stand-Down Since He Was a West Point Cadet?…he-60-day-stand-down-since-he-was-a-west-point-cadet-n336828
– advance supremacist or extremist ideology, which includes those that advance, encourage, or advocate illegal discrimination based on racerace theory” and, indeed, apparently those of the Biden-Harris regime. … The imputed focus on race in this anti-extremism training is a disaster in the making, as nowhere does the specific racial demographic…
Jennifer Rubin Says We Should Stop Subsidizing States With Stupid COVID Responses and She's Right…ng-states-with-stupid-covid-responses-and-shes-right-n336452
– why “grocery workers” qualify as a special carve-out in vaccine allocations, see CDC Is Literally Trying to Kill Granny by Using CriticalRace Theory to Decide Who Will Get Wuhan Virus Vaccine.…
Bill Maher: The Left Is Ushering in a New Era of 'Resegregation'
– After decades of increased colorblindness and an emphasis on unity, culture is re-embracing separation according to race. … Notably, in the name of “diversity,” Columbia University announced supplemental, race-specific graduation ceremonies. … Race Theory – They’re Benefiting From Whiteness Find all my RedState work here.…
Reporter: 'Biological Males' Is a 'Serious Anti-Trans Slur'
– -ALEX   See more pieces from me: Southern School District Tells Teachers to Ignore White Parents’ Complaints Over Critical RaceTheory – They’re Benefiting From Whiteness Tinder Is Giving Away Pairs of COVID Tests to Get People to Go on Actual Dates Again…
San Francisco School Board VP Knows Why so Many Asian Americans 'Get Ahead', Now It's Just Getting Stupid…sian-americans-get-ahead-now-its-just-getting-stupid-n346916
– tweets from Collins, in which she complained to her followers that “Many Asian [Students] and [Teachers] I know won’t engage in criticalrace convos unless they see how they are impacted by white supremacy.” … The sickness of critical race theory.…
Southern School District Tells Teachers to Ignore White Parents' Complaints Over Critical Race Theory - They're Benefiting From Whiteness…ritical-race-theory-theyre-benefiting-from-whiteness-n346985
– Hence, the state’s largest school district is advising teachers: Dismiss the complaints of white parents over “critical race theoryrace theory into lesson plans. … From Critical race theory (CRT), the view that the law and legal institutions are inherently racist and that race
What Happened to Our Country?
– And the left’s sick, paranoid addiction to all things race is insane and getting more so by the day. … They are imposing radical “critical race theory” on our kids. They will never be satisfied.…
Ron DeSantis Goes Full Boss Over Critical Race Theory, and No Games Were Played…s-over-critical-race-theory-and-no-games-were-played-n345483
– @RonDeSantisFL announces Florida's curriculum will "expressly exclude…Critical Race Theory." … “There's no room in our classrooms for things like Critical Race Theory. … Critical race theory is a racist scourge, and Republicans should treat it accordingly.…
Mother of God: Tom Cotton Absolutely Takes Biden Nominee Apart During Hearing…absolutely-takes-biden-nominee-apart-during-hearing-n342780
– But it was her views on race that really got her into hot water with Sen. … After that, with the precision of a well-trained surgeon, he hits her with the question that every person pushing critical race theory
Tammy Duckworth Is Immensely Triggered by Tucker Carlson, but Her Response Is Still Garbage…by-tucker-carlson-but-her-response-is-still-garbage-n342725
– After criticizing the Biden-injected military for focusing on maternity flight suits and critical race theory instead of defeating … Rather, he riffed on the idea that we shouldn’t be wasting resources on maternity flight suits and pushing critical race theory, while…
VA Teacher WRECKS School Board, Critical Race Theory: 'You DO NOT Speak for US' (Watch)…d-critical-race-theory-you-do-not-speak-for-us-watch-n342438
– Sounds like Critical Race Theory is not so great. Gosh, we’re shocked. Watch this. Trust us. It’s the bomb. … Question: Why did a high school senior in Las Vegas fail his mandatory Critical Race Theory class? … As the tweet below reads, [a] “critical race theory workshop summed up in one pic.”…
Marco Rubio Battles Amazon, and There Will Be Gnashing of Teeth
– This is how you get ridiculous, racist trash like critical race theory being forced on employees at corporations like Coca-Cola.…
Question: Why Did a Biracial Student Fail 'Critical Race Theory' Class? Answer: Because He Refused to Confess His 'White Dominance'…er-because-he-refused-to-confess-his-white-dominance-n342148
– A biracial high school senior in Las Vegas is being threatened with not being able to graduate for failing a Critical Race Theory class … Biracial student fails Critical Race Theory class for refusing to confess his ‘white dominance,’ mom claims … His mother filed a lawsuit against the school in December over the curriculum of the Critical Race Theory class, seeking damages after…
'Racial Literacy Curriculum': An Organized Plan to Indoctrinate America's Children…an-organized-plan-to-indoctrinate-americas-children-n352177
– I’ve written several articles on “Critical Race Theory,” and its insidious spread through federal government agencies, major corporations … Even though “race” dominates our media and news cycles, our sense of identity and psyche, race is often not comprehensively taught … To analyze race as a primary institution of the United States.…
From COVID to 'Critical Environmental Justice'?
– Enter “critical environmental justice.” … Just remove “critical race theory” and insert “environmental justice” — everything sounds far more ominous and moral if “critical and … In his 2018 book, What is Critical Environmental Justice?…
Coming to a Hospital Near You? Doctors Call for 'Proactively Antiracist Agenda for Medicine'…call-for-proactively-antiracist-agenda-for-medicine-n351626
– clear: I’m not suggesting your grandma should receive preferential medical care over a person of color or anyone else, based on racerace theory (CRT), in particular,” they say. … The cancer known as “critical race theory” is doing its damnedest to force its way into life-saving — or denying — medical procedures…
US Special Operations Command Appoints a Political Commissar to Make Sure the Whole Place Is Woke Enough to Suit the Left…sure-the-whole-place-is-woke-enough-to-suit-the-left-n351139
– over President Trump’s veto (it had only twelve No votes in the Senate and 87 No votes in the House) was the mainstreaming of CriticalRace Theory into the U.S. … officers who aren’t enthusiastic enough about what Chief Justice John Roberts called “a sordid business, this divvying us up by race
Nothing to See Here: Just New Black Muppets Teaching Two-Year-Olds About 'Racial Literacy'…muppets-teaching-two-year-olds-about-racial-literacy-n350640
– And let’s call it what it is and it will teach (attempt to program) our kids: controversial “critical race theory.” … The show launched several new “ABC’s of Racial Literacy” resources to teach parents and children about race and racism. … Many people call this race. But, even though we look different, we’re all part of the human race.”…
Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, LTG Flynn, George Floyd, the McCloskeys et al: The Left’s Criminal Prosecutions Are Not About Convictions…efts-criminal-prosecutions-are-not-about-convictions-n349195
– grounds in order to force changes in company policies and obtain public virtue-signaling pronouncements (e.g., company-mandated criticalrace theory training and “donations” to Black Lives Matter).…
Making History: Illinois City Becomes the First in America to Pay Reparations to Black Residents…rst-in-america-to-pay-reparations-to-black-residents-n349229
– Quantum Supremacy’ – for Obvious Reasons Virginia School District Tries to Deal With ‘Secret Enemies List’ of Parents Against CriticalRace Theory Find all my RedState work here.…
North Carolina State University Makes Students Take Diversity Training That #Cancels 'Whitesplaining'…take-diversity-training-that-cancels-whitesplaining-n348732
– hate speech: “The American Bar Association defines hate speech as ‘speech that offends, threatens, or insults groups, based on race … Quantum Supremacy’ – for Obvious Reasons Virginia School District Tries to Deal With ‘Secret Enemies List’ of Parents Against CriticalRace Theory University Professor Calls out the Racist ‘Dehumanization’ of Saying Asians are Good at Math Find all my RedState…
Does Not Compute: Science Tries to Cancel the Term 'Quantum Supremacy' - for Obvious Reasons…ancel-the-term-quantum-supremacy-for-obvious-reasons-n348701
– to say: We consider it irresponsible to override the historical context of this descriptor, which risks sustaining divisions in race … -ALEX   See more pieces from me: Virginia School District Tries to Deal With ‘Secret Enemies List’ of Parents Against CriticalRace Theory University Professor Calls out the Racist ‘Dehumanization’ of Saying Asians are Good at Math Wax Museum Removes Replica…
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