Results for: critical race theory

UTLA President Is an Embarrassment to LA Educators
– These foundations are not only critical for effective citizenship but living a fulfilled and flourishing life. … These agenda items include defunding campus police, boycotting Israel, pushing academically dubious subjects like “critical race theoryrace theory is racist and that being white makes you inherently oppressive.…
Undercover Footage: Pro-Antifa Teacher Admits to Scaring and Guilting Kids Into Being Communists…s-to-scaring-and-guilting-kids-into-being-communists-n435915
– Many teachers attempt to force the concept of Critical Race Theory on them, others attempt to make it seems as if capitalism is evil…
Fortnite Is Allowing Players to Witness MLK Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" Speech Through an Interactive Mini-Game…have-a-dream-speech-through-an-interactive-mini-game-n435127
– public schools, King’s message about civil rights has been largely perverted by political interests groups attempting to each kid’s criticalrace theory, which is the exact opposite of King’s teachings.…
AP Throws Pity Party for 'Toxic and Impossible' Job of School Boards
race theory. … Race Theory Curriculum (Kira Davis) Protecting Child Education From the Ills of Critical Race Theory (Guest Editorial) Five Thousand … School Over Critical Race Theory (Jeff Charles)…
It's Your Values or Theirs for Your Children
– The problem has gotten so out of control that the left has attempted to secretly indoctrinate children with anti-capitalist and criticalrace theory-based curriculum without the knowledge of parents.…
Bill Maher Takes Apart Wokeness and the New 'Segregation'
– You’re taking children and making them hyper-aware of race in a way they wouldn’t otherwise be.”[….] … He’s right about the push at every level to divide by race. … He pointed out how schools have become a “social justice factory” with things like Critical Race Theory being taught.…
Trump Jr.: Did Hapless Biden Just Hand Billions of Dollars of Top US Military Technology to China?…ns-of-dollars-of-top-us-military-technology-to-china-n441228
– But our genius military is really focused on ‘white rage’ and critical race theory and teaching us that diversity will somehow make…
Who Knew? Pentagon Chief Lloyd Austin: Al-Qaeda? Yeah, They'll Probably Be Back, Too…oyd-austin-al-qaeda-yeah-theyll-probably-be-back-too-n440279
– Mark “Critical Race Theory” Milley whether they rated the likelihood of regeneration of al-Qaeda or the Islamic State group in Afghanistan…
Politico Unintentionally Lets on How Dangerous the Republican Party Is Right Now…s-on-how-dangerous-the-republican-party-is-right-now-n440319
Critical Race Theory leaped off the pages of Tumblr and made its way into the wider world with concepts such as “America is a racist … a stronger GOP as once-uninvolved conservative candidates flood local government and party races, seeking a platform to fight criticalrace theory, student mask requirements and other culture war issues centered on kids.…
Ron DeSantis: Will He or Won’t He?
– The governor also imposed a ban on the teaching of Critical Race Theory (CRT) in Florida’s classrooms. … And we’ve got to do it. … It’s offensive to the taxpayer that they would be asked to fund Critical Race Theory. … “if we have to play whack-a-mole all over this state stopping this critical race theory, we will do it.”…
Major University Launches Racial Justice Center, Funds Nonwhite Initiatives and Offers 'Masterclass in Activism'…white-initiatives-and-offers-masterclass-in-activism-n448461
– Citizen Participation Specialist Member of Congress Political Consultant Political Research Scientist Political Researcher Political Theory … Regarding race, the Center’s Racial Justice Student Initiative Fund “provides financial support for student-led racial justice initiatives … that advance a more critical understanding of the social and political conditions that impact Black, Native and Indigenous, Latinx…
Did Matt Walsh Just Pull off the Most Epic Troll of the Year?
– That’s been driven by a realization that while priorities have been focused nationally, things like Critical Race Theory and transgender…
New Timeline of Mark Milley 'Treason' Invalidates His Defense
– Milley was, of course, at the head of pushing critical race theory to servicemembers and the disastrous evacuation from Afghanistan…
Democrats Running Scared Ahead of 2022 Elections and With Really Good Reason…ahead-of-2022-elections-and-with-really-good-reason-n446346
– This is the list; the critical thing to note is that GOP firebrands like Marjorie Taylor Greene are not on the list. … There is Afghanistan, the border crisis, gas prices, inflation, and the force-feeding of Critical Race Theory to schools and the federal…
What to Do About Public Schools?
– … By perpetuating the narrative that America is fundamentally evil, steeping children in race theory, and lionizing the Portland … rioters, they have consciously pushed students in the direction of race-based “revolution.” … Race Theory being the most prominent.…
Jake Tapper Is Heavy on Gaslighting, Light on Facts in His Attempt to Shame GOP Gov.…hting-light-on-facts-in-his-attempt-to-shame-gop-gov-n445159
– Americans are getting the Civics lessons that have been so clearly lacking in our school system, because teachers unions think criticalrace theory is what children need to be learning, instead of the mechanics of how our government is actually designed.…
Stand Back...I'm About to Salute The Young Turks' Ana Kasparian
– Kasparian appeared opposite of the Daily Wire’s Ben Shapiro, and through a moderator, they discussed and debated everything from CriticalRace Theory to the future of media.…
Psaki's Response on Use of PATRIOT Act Against Parents Raises Red Flags…use-of-patriot-act-against-parents-raises-red-flags-n453107
– noted earlier, there’s a lot of concern from parents that the Biden administration may be targeting them for their objections to CriticalRace Theory and or pandemic restrictions in schools with the announcement of Attorney General Merrick Garland that he would be coordinating…
Republican AGs Rip the 'Weaponizing' of DOJ and FBI to Target Parents
– Many saw it as an effort to chill the speech of parents pushing back against things like pandemic restrictions and Critical Race Theoryrace theory. … That’s what they’re objecting to and saying requires federal intervention because of “opposition to critical race theory” and someone…
AG Garland Facing Questions About Connection to Zuckerberg-Linked Educational Company…connection-to-zuckerberg-linked-educational-company-n452783
– School Board Association suggested that parents were engaging in “domestic terrorism” when they were objecting to things like CriticalRace Theory (CRT) in the schools.…
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