Results for: the big guy
The Perfect Response To People Who Say ISIS Is Not Islamic
Fisher’s entire contribution to the argument is to quote a guy named Reza Aslan. … But the tenets of the religion they subscribe to are violent and that violence is an integral part of the faith to the extent that … In the Book of Vox, Saul is stricken with a vision of Christ on the road to Damascus, and He says, “Be who you always were, guy,” and…
Jeb Bush vs Marco Rubio - Just Stop Talking, Jeb
Bush, who still has the Establishment’s big money behind him (for now), has baffled many with his clear-cut attacks on a candidate … not even the guy after that, but Marco Rubio, who is currently pulling in almost 12% of the voters, according to the latest RCP average … Who would possibly donate money to this guy at this point?
If the recent stories are to be believed – not many people.…
We Wish You A Merry BLANK
You can’t fact-check some guy on Facebook who says that Starbucks hates Jesus because of a cup. His evidence IS the cup! … If the guy making the video is stupid, how stupid are the stupid lefties and pious righties rushing to make sure everyone knows how … But don’t pretend nothing happens or that people who worry when the symbols of this big important holiday, the biggest holiday of the…
The GOP Establishment Is Trying To Elect Donald Trump?
The party establishment is paralyzed. Big money is still on the sidelines. … More Hondas are made in the US than in the rest of the world combined. … Though it talks free enterprise, etc. etc., the big GOP donors, like the US Chamber of Commerce, are first to fill the trough and to…
Bernie Sanders Is Still Polling Better With Democrats Than Donald Trump Is With Republicans…ill-polling-better-democrats-donald-trump-republicans-n55209…ill-polling-better-democrats-donald-trump-republicans-n55209
He claimed at one of the debates that 1% of the population earns the majority of the nation’s income, which is roughly triple the actual … Part of his appeal is the fact that he casts himself as the guy who embodies “winning,” and that tends by nature to fade if you start … He’s the guy who uses his copious donations to both parties as an excuse to say “the system is rigged, of course you can buy politicians…
Are Iowa Evangelicals And Conservatives Moving To Ted Cruz?
One of the critical battles going on beneath the radar is the battle between Ben Carson and Ted Cruz for the Evangelical, and I’d … The winner of this fight could very easily become the nominee. … Consider, only a week ago the big issue among the candidates was immigration… of the non-terrorist variety.…
You Won't Believe What John Kasich is Saying on the Stump Now
The reason for it is pretty simple. … of a heart in the Republican primary. … Memo to John Kasich: “You’re too big of a jerk” isn’t special young people code for “you have too big of a heart.”…
Want to Know Why Homeland Security Lost Track of a Syrian Refugee?
Word got out about it, and, as of right now, no one knows where the guy is, except that he is probably heading to Washington D.C.. … David Vitter (R-LA)’ chamber=’senate’ mcid=’V000127′ ] (R-LA), who has been on top of the issue ever since, said he spoke with the … If that is the case – that there was a concern for his Constitutional rights – then that poses a big issue, because now we’re not just…
Adam Laxalt Takes on Obama. Sandoval Objects.
This may not seem like a big deal, but it is worth noting that in a state where federal land control is massive and resented, the Republican … What makes this so significant is that Laxalt was able to get the Republican delegation on board with him to stand up to the Governor … He’s a good guy. Conservatives nationwide need to have his back in Nevada. The state of [mc_name name=’Sen.…
Dan Price: Robin Hood Or Bernie Madoff
The lawsuit was not a result of the pay raise. … The possible retaliatory nature of the suit only adds to the drama of Price’s wage hike. … The brothers initially split the company evenly.…
How a Local Crime Story about Workplace Violence Becomes National News
On the basis of these facts, the media has convicted this guy of being a card-carrying Operation Rescue who was at the clinic specifically … at all, not how the media decides to cover the story du jour. … that this is a story the media is covering as a big deal, or as a bigger deal than any of the several hundred tragic homicides that…
Shocker: 2008 Obama supporter thinks democracy doesn't work!
Nah, it just tells him that the country’s ungovernable: “Late in life, the great Amb. … , it’s the fault of the Republic. … I’m not insisting that they wear a big scarlet ‘I’ for idiot, or anything like that; but the least we deserve is a basic I made a mistake…
I Love Santa
If the Santa at your mall is skeevy, or if the whole thing gives you the skeeves, skip it. Don’t get a picture. … Little things may change, but the big things remain the same in Christ. … Santa Claus is the embodiment of the spirit of Christmas, based on the life of an actual saint.…
If Marco Rubio is "Establishment," then Donald Trump is a Neo-Nazi
A guy who has supported every insurgent candidate who has ever existed, including the ones who lost by 20 points like Christine O’Donnell … There’s absolutely no doubt, as evidenced the fact that you see a big fat 100% next to his name repeatedly throughout this post, that … That’s all the more true about a guy who is knocked in many quarters for having been in DC for about five years.…
FBI Looking At ISIS "Sleeper Cells" In San Bernardino After Obama Says There Is No Threat
The more we are learning about the San Bernardino shooting the less it is looking like some meek-and-mild Islamic kid went batsh … We know that the constant stream of Middle Eastern men visiting the Farook home at unusual hours alarmed the neighbors but they did … the attack — which was just the kind he discussed when terrorism news reports flashed onto the tavern’s television.…
Hey, you -- Trump supporters! Listen up!
But he’s just as happy with making Donald Trump’s portion of America great again, and the rest of you big, fat losers can just su…suffer … You think he’ll be your advocate against the machine that has become our political system.
You’re being played. Big-time. … While you’re off looking at the Big Shiny that is Donald Trump, they’re actually talking about ideas.…
This One Statistic DESTROYS John Kasich's Presidential Campaign
Even so, the RCP average had Kasich up by 20 on the eve of the election, not 30.
What happened? … Moreover, the idea that the GOP needs an Ohio-centric campaign is a fallacy. … The more Republicans see of Kasich, the less they like him – not traditionally a characteristic of a guy whose chief selling point…
FAIL. POLITICO Sees Ted Cruz's Federalism As Dishonesty
Lets go to the tape, as they say:
Male questioner: “Can I ask you a question? So, I’m a big supporter. … And I’m curious: Given all the problems that the country’s facing — like ISIS, the growth of government — how big a priority is fighting … As to the unnamed GOP consultant, this guy is so out of touch with the general mood of GOP voters that one wonders what he could possibly…
Against Despair: A Christmas Credo for Republicans
Second, and at the opposite pole, we have the anti-Establishment crowd, in the extreme case the “burn it all down” crowd. … November if that guy they dislike so much gets the nomination. … I’m sick of seeing most of the really big cases at the Supreme Court deliver victories for the Democratic voter base handed over and…
Patrick Murphy's parents buy him a Democratic Senator's endorsement for Christmas.
I did a post back in 2009 about the relationship between the late, unlamented super-lobbyist PMA Group and the particularly odious … Say what you like about the GOP, but push the base too hard and the fangs come out*. … *Just ask Eric Cantor, who went in a single night from being the next Speaker of the House to being some guy working a lobbying job…
What Is the Logic In Chris Christie's Attacks On Marco Rubio?
Ted Cruz has maintained a low profile for the most part in the scrum. … Watch the whole interview or just skip to 3:00 for the lead in to the immigration comments. … So Rubio is the guy who is holding the piggy-bank of votes ready for the taking AND Christie has to believe that ultimately he, much…
What Would a Rubio Win Look Like?
South Carolina has been – besides Newt beating Romney in 2012 – the traditional “decider” state, and Jeb being nothing if not a guy … At the close of the day, the map looks like this, prompting Christie and Carson to exit the race (the shaded candidates are the ones … Cruz takes North Dakota on April 1, but Rubio again claims the larger share of a big Midwestern prize, Wisconsin.…
If You Are Convinced Hillary Can't Be Beat, For Heaven's Sake Leave Us Alone
Ask yourself, who do you know under age 70 that actually depends on one of the big three broadcast networks or CNN for news? … voting for the first black guy to run for president was cool and self-validating — and his sharply creased slacks was enough to tingle … The lies about the video to the families of the dead. Libya. Syria. The rise of ISIS. The list goes on and on.…
This Anti-Gun 'Evangelical' Can't Be Pro-Life Because He Just Murdered Logic
And our belief in the basic sinfulness of humankind should make us skeptical of the NRA’s slogan, “the only way to stop a bad guy with … So the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is with a bad guy with a gun, then. Fine. I’m fine with that. … Here at last he is at least somewhat addressing the big, click-gathering headline that you can’t be pro-life and pro-gun.…
Marco Rubio's Path to Victory
If Cruz wins Iowa, South Carolina, and then has big wins in the SEC primaries — primaries that are mostly proportional and a commanding … The longer voters are willing to wait, the longer Rubio has a shot at winning the whole thing. Why? … The guy is a natural and he has a team in place that includes Terry Sullivan, who helped Jim DeMint.…