Results for: hatred

BREAKING: Virginia Governor Declares State of Emergency, Denounces Hatred and Bigotry in His Statement…es-state-emergency-denounces-hatred-bigotry-statement-n75238
– McAuliffe included in his statement a denunciation of hatred and bigotry as well as a reference to violence: “It is now clear that … “I am disgusted by the hatred, bigotry and violence these protesters have brought to our state over the past 24 hours.” … The reference to hatred and bigotry is dumb, because it will give the fringe right rally attendees an argument that police were called…
Many Should Be Seeing the Long-Standing Racism of the Left Now
– the Left and They Leave Little Doubt) But of all the left's hypocrisies when it comes to racism, none shine brighter than their hatred … on Wednesday evening and said that anti-Zionism, the belief that the nation of Israel should not exist, is synonymous with Jew-hatred … “Anti-Zionism is an incredibly shallow cover story for Jew-hatred – and because it is a cover story, it’s easier to proclaim your support…
The White House Manages to Double Down on Joe Biden's Defamation of Kyle Rittenhouse…le-down-on-joe-bidens-defamation-of-kyle-rittenhouse-n480709
– Psaki: "The president believes in condemning hatred, division, and violence. … There was no hatred or division involved in the Rittenhouse case, and to the extent that there was violence, it was in self-defense … Doocy did press Psaki further, at which point she just repeated herself about hatred and division, doing nothing to actually offer…
Democrats Are So Blinded by Hatred for Trump That They Forgot How Innocence Works
– Democrats have relied so heavily on the court of public opinion that they forgot how the concept of innocence works in our American justice system. During today’s circus of an impeachment hearing, Rep. Zoe Lofgren of California made a fascinating comment about President Donald Trump’s complete lack of self-defense...
The Left's Penchant for Self-Hatred and Destruction Manifests at the Supreme Court Protests…destruction-manifests-at-the-supreme-court-protests-n559963
– Body modifications are very common and while not typically an indicator of hatred for the self, these add to the overall purpose of … Mashing it all together, you get a person with a lot of self-hatred, hatred of others, and the fear of being anything else.…
Biden Stands on the Graves of Dead Black Bodies to Warn About Trump's Hatred…es-of-dead-black-bodies-to-warn-about-trumps-hatred-n2168438
– Welcome to the Biden 2024 Campaign Carnage Tour. Someone in the campaign office convinced the president that it is a good idea to do whistle stops at places where unrest or tragic deaths occurred in order to reinforce what is at stake in the 2024 election should former President Donald...
Funding Hatred: Daughter of 'Palestine Chronicles' Editor Works for Group Accused of Assisting Hamas…s-editor-works-for-group-accused-of-assisting-hamas-n2175378
– Sir Walter Scott said it best: "O, what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive."Nowhere is that truer than in the witch's brew of "media" outlets that combine leftist politics with pro-Hamas activism. In the latest example of this, we learn today that the daughter of...
Actor Shames Those with Trump Derangement Syndrome Who Hoped Dorian Destroys Mar-A-Lago…derangement-syndrome-hoped-dorian-destroys-mar-lago-n114461
– You have sunk so low in your hatred that you have become worse than what you hate,” tweeted Covert. … You have sunk so low in your hatred that you have become worse than what you hate. … This perfectly highlights how ridiculous the hatred for Trump has gotten and how bad our rhetoric as a nation has sunken.…
MAGA Hat Shame Game Is Not About Racism, It's About Suppressing Dissent
– We’ve gone from bad to worse this week in the debate over whether or not the MAGA hat represents racism and hatred. … If you wear the MAGA hat, you are giving “tacit endorsement for the hatred and violence…” according to Milano. … “Racism and hatred!!”…
PIVOT: Check Out The New Narrative On 'Kids In Cages'
– Continually and without apology they use language to incite hatred against the right while softening the same policy stance when it … Of course, we know that hasn’t occurred, but it hasn’t stopped the sycophants in the media from shifting their hatred of Trump from … It is criminal what the media gets away with, and frankly, it incites violence and hatred against conservatives. …
Catholic University May Disband Student Group for Holding Catholic Beliefs…y-may-sanction-student-group-holding-catholic-beliefs-n78656
– marriage, will undergo a Student Activities Commission hearing on Oct. 23, to defend itself against charges that the group fosters hatred … Georgetown Student Organization Standards, “Groups will not be eligible for access to benefits if their purpose or activities … foster hatred … The only group fostering “hatred or intolerance of others” is the gay pride groups currently attacking Love Saxa for their religious…
Chris Wallace's True Identity Revealed
– I don’t watch much TV, but he seems to really hate Trump and has trouble checking that hatred at the door although his hatred is softer…
HOT TAKES: The Left Takes out Its Hatred for the Second Amendment on Judge Benitez…its-hatred-for-the-second-amendment-on-judge-benitez-n391880
– The social media world is abuzz with talk about a federal court ruling Friday by a California judge which effectively overturns a decades-long ban on AR-15s in the Golden State. As RedState reported earlier, On Friday United States District Court Judge Roger T. Benitez issued an opinion after a trial on...
The Press Is So Consumed With Ron DeSantis Hatred They Support Children at Sex Shows…n-desantis-hatred-they-support-children-at-sex-shows-n717834
– You have truly lost your way when you lobby for sexualizing children in order to own Ron DeSantis. This has been a truly remarkable week in the annals of journalism stupidity in reference to coverage of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. Not just once but multiple times we have been...
Adam Kinzinger Invokes Jesus in His Continuing Trump Hatred, Gets Completely Wrecked by Jenna Ellis
– It's sad, that's what he has descended to, and it's sort of funny that he's so wrecked himself because of his hatred of former president … That's the one subject he can never seem to let go of — the Trump hatred, just like Liz Cheney.…
National Public Radio CEO Katherine Maher’s 1st Amendment Hatred Shows They Removed the Wrong Person…mendment-hatred-shows-they-removed-the-wrong-person-n2172987
– The melodrama playing out at the tax-vacuum that is National Public Radio is entertaining to behold, but it is also a deeply significant event in the media environment. The very fact that this story continues to evolve and play out beyond the usual 24-hour news cycle is proof that something...
New Poll: Hillary and The Donald Too Close to Call
– Party) – 4% The poll also found that voters say neither candidate would be a good president and that the campaign has increased hatred … Sixty-one percent say the 2016 election has increased the level of hatred and prejudice in the U.S., — 67 percent of those blame the…
BuzzFeed: If you are opposed to anti-Semitism, you must hate Muslims
– We went to the vigil for one reason: to grieve the loss of innocent lives that were stolen from this world by vile hatred. … Omar and the hatred being directed at her. … A global environment of hatred and vilification against Muslims created this killer.…
99% Malarky
– To give you an idea of just how motivated people get via hatred, here is a recent story from Kansas City, MO. … – (HT:NY Daily News) Perhaps an effort to motivate others to do similar things while motivated by similar hatred explains … to be the question du jour as we see them deliberately and disingenuously doing everything in their corporate power to stoke the hatred
The Lady in Black
– The fact that a political party would try to oust a president based on their irrational hatred of him, rather than for an actual crime … When a party, an ideological movement, and an entire political agenda are based on hatred, people and policies become warped. … into a cruel caricature of a rare constitutional remedy for presidential criminality… The common denominator…is an existential hatred
As Israel Fights for Its Life, Why Does Open Antisemitism Seem to Be Getting a Pass?…hy-does-open-antisemitism-seem-to-be-getting-a-pass-n2164936
– For college-age students to acquire a level of hatred for one group of people in this day and age? … It begs the question, for kids who have been immersed in DEI in school their whole lives, did they learn hatred of Jews at home? … While you may perceive some wrongs done to Palestinians, how have you cultivated a hatred where you can somehow justify these acts?…
Trump: Everything I Said - "Just a Suggestion"
– When you look at San Bernardino, when you look at Paris, when you look at all of these horrible, horrible acts of hatred, this is pure … hatred.…
New National Poll: Third Party Voters Hate Hillary WAY More than Trump
– So, a lot more people are voting for both third party candidates due to hatred of Hillary than hatred of Trump.…
The Left Will Prove MAGA Hatred is Real Even if They Need to Manufacture the Examples
– The mounting list of falsified proof of conservative racism does little to change those convinced it is real. We are currently in yet another cycle of the media and celebrity set scrambling after their hysterical fable of MAGA hat-wearing bigots becomes just another hoax. It is a revelation of...
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