Results for: eric adams

The Abbott Express Is Accomplishing Its Mission
– Let’s start with New York City Mayor Eric Adams, whose city is struggling to handle the constant flow of foreigners. … Adams joined a list of current and former politicians who have condemned others for wanting to stem the tide of immigration and built … Adams has repeatedly criticized the Biden administration for failing to develop solutions to address the border crisis.…
WATCH: Karine Jean-Pierre Calls Concerns Over Border Funding 'Political Stunts'…calls-concerns-over-border-funding-political-stunts-n2164610
– New York City Mayor Eric Adams, a Democrat, has repeatedly criticized President Joe Biden for failing to provide enough support to … “The city is being destroyed by the migrant crisis,” said Adams. […] Referring to other elected officials in New York City, Adams … Perhaps the White House might change the tune as more Democrats join Mayor Adams and Rep.…
Damn Right I'm Mad as Hell, My Country Is Going Down the Toilet
– Booted From Nursing Home to Make Way for Illegal Aliens  You know how bad it's been getting there when even the Democratic Mayor EricAdams blasted Joe Biden over the issue. … As we reported, Biden blew off Adams when he was in NYC recently, not even bothering to meet with him. …
Law Enforcement's New Surveillance Drone: A Better Way of Policing or a Threat to Liberty?…ement-a-better-way-of-policing-or-threat-to-liberty-n2164434
– New York City Mayor Eric Adams is a huge fan of the idea, especially when it concerns high-speed car chases and other situations.…
New York Mayor Eric Adams Gives Rousing Speech at Pro-Israel Rally: 'We Are Not Alright'…using-speech-at-pro-israel-rally-we-are-not-alright-n2165049
– At a time when the world is sorely in need of encouragement and unity, New York City Mayor Eric Adams stood before a crowd, outside … Adams’ remarks come as Israel has laid siege to the Gaza Strip, the territory Hamas controls. … These occurrences seem to underscore Adams’ words: “We are not alright.”…
Not in My Backyard: The Growing Immigration Challenge in Democratic Strongholds…is-reshaping-democratic-perspectives-on-immigration-n2164830
– New York City Mayor Eric Adams, who has been a vocal critic of the Biden administration’s handling of the border crisis, condemned … Adams also argued that “this crisis should be dealt with in a manner where the national government carries out the role that it is…
Three Children Knifed to Death in Los Angeles—Yet Border Kids and Gun Control Take Priority…ngeles-yet-border-kids-and-gun-control-take-priority-n358554
– go farther — we need common-sense reform to get guns off our streets and end this national nightmare. — EricAdams (@ericadamsfornyc) April 10, 2021 “Gun control is about who controls America” — Dinesh D'Souza…
New York City Mayoral Race Proves Identity Politics Is a Bunch of Crapola…l-race-shows-identity-politics-is-a-bunch-of-crapola-n399273
– We saw this again on Saturday after New York mayoral candidate Eric Adams, a Black man, took a swipe at his opponents Kathryn Garcia … Despite being Hispanic and Asian Americans, as one might deduce from their last names, Adams seems to not consider the two to be “people … But, it seems Adams think it does matter to NYC voters — so much so, he’s willing to state that two non-white candidates are actually…
What American history tells us about police shootings
– If this doesn’t remind you of the situation in New York, where Eric Garner was participating in smuggling of overly-taxed cigarettes … Defended by John Adams, six of the troops were acquitted. Two others were found guilty of manslaughter. … Samuel Adams named March 5 “Massacre Day”. The people did not forget that the arms of their own leaders were turned on them.…
Hell Yes, Barack Obama Fundamentally Transformed the United States of America; Read this Amazing Thread…pushed-to-the-left-by-eric-holder-and-loretta-lynch-n128934
– Times’ Jeff Carlson shows how, by deliberately following the policies formulated by Obama and carried out his attorney general, Eric … Christian Adams highlighted the highly politicized DOJ hiring practices put in place by Obama and Eric Holder in an extensive series … of investigative articles. — Jeff Carlson (@themarketswork) February 16, 2020 4) Eric Holder came up…
Here's How Eric Holder Helped the Obama Administration Transform the Democratic Party into a Party of Thugs…arty-it-was-then-that-they-became-the-party-of-thugs-n130630
– It had all begun with an agreement between Obama and his Attorney General Eric Holder. … Christian Adams provide those resumes and so much more. … How long it will take to repair the damage that Eric Holder has done to the management and operation of the Justice Department?…
Trump Fires Intelligence Community IG Michael Atkinson, Whose Actions were Instrumental in Triggering Impeachment…y-inspector-general-who-brought-us-the-whistleblower-n133389
– of the House Cheryl Johnson deliver the articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump to Secretary of the Senate Julie Adams … Atkinson received the infamous complaint from an anonymous whistleblower, believed to be CIA analyst Eric Ciaramella, which triggered…
Politico Writer: Show Me One Shred of Evidence of Obama Administration Wrongdoing or 'I'm Going Back to Bed'
– Starting with the DOJ, Obama and his Attorney General Eric Holder worked toward this goal deliberately and methodically. … Christian Adams and Hans von Spakovsky, a senior legal fellow at the Heritage Foundation, wrote a series of reports at PJ Media called … Adams also wrote a book, which I’ve read, that tells the whole story.)…
Bubonic Plague "Imminent" in Los Angeles, Says Dr. Drew Pinsky
– endemic to the valleys Southern California and comes down through the foothills on squirrels and raccoons, Pinsky explained to Scott Adams … So, the solution Kamala Harris, Gavin Newsom, and Eric Garcetti tout, “affordable housing,” won’t have an effect on the “vast majority … Adams posited that maybe elected officials focus on housing because “the real problem isn’t solvable.” Dr.…
Joe Biden Beclowns Himself (Again) as He Repudiates the Founding Fathers on the Reason for the Second Amendment
– The Booker-esque loser from California, Eric Swalwell once addressed the issue of an armed citizenry being a brake on a tyrannical … Eric Swalwell (@RepSwalwell) November 16, 2018 That’s right, Swalwell actually said that if the citizens got too frisky they would … Samuel Adams, Paul Revere, and John Hancock, who have been identified as “ringleaders” of the extremist faction, remain at large.…
Meet Andrew McCabe's Laughable "Character Witnesses"
– Over a dozen high-ranking ex-officials have committed to defending him, including Eric Holder, John Brennan, James Clapper and Susan … 7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1173666707258380288&…
Greg Abbott Springs an Unwelcome but Well-Deserved Surprise on Lori Lightfoot…welcome-but-well-deserved-surprise-on-lori-lightfoot-n620904
– , Abbott added New York City to the list, after which a contentious back and forth broke out between Abbott and the city’s Mayor EricAdams, who also whined about resources allegedly being depleted and angrily denounced Abbott as an “anti-American governor.” … September 1, 2022 While Lightfoot’s office is playing nice so far, expect her to eventually lash out big time at Abbott just as Adams
The Abbott Express Strikes Again: More Illegals Sent to Kamala Harris’ D.C. Home, NYC…ain-more-illegals-sent-to-kamala-harris-d-c-home-nyc-n628843
– New York Mayor Eric Adams has complained about the influx of migrants since it first began, claiming that it has taxed his city’s resources … Mayor Adams has said the New York’s shelters have reached a “breaking point” and City Hall has begun saying the Big Apple’s “right…
What Joe Biden and the Media Don't Want You to Know About the 'Bused Migrants' Nontroversy…ant-you-to-know-about-the-bused-migrants-nontroversy-n627672
– illegals the Biden administration was continuing to dump in Texas, which has led to a very public war of words from NYC’s Mayor EricAdams and Chicago’s Mayor Lori Lightfoot directed at Abbott, who has been correct to point out that both cities are self-declared…
Ron DeSantis Sends Illegals to the Elites on Martha's Vineyard
– DeSantis and Abbott are sending illegals to these sanctuary cities and states because the leaders of those cities, such as EricAdams, Muriel Bowser, and Lori Lightfoot, claimed to be sanctuaries.…
Credit Card Companies Cave to the Anti-Gunner Lobby
– New York City Mayor Eric Adams lauded the decision, saying: “When you buy an airline ticket or pay for your groceries, your credit…
WATCH: Man Tries to Kidnap 5-Year-Old Girl From Mom After First Asking to Buy Her…year-old-girl-from-mom-after-first-asking-to-buy-her-n625760
– Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascón, New York City Mayor Eric Adams, Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot, and Cook County,…
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