
MOTR, Ep. 80: Sanctuary Cities Now Seek Sanctuary From Joe Biden's Illegals

AP Photo/Andres Leighton

The U.S. Southern border with Mexico has been a festering problem for many years, leaking thousands of illegal immigrants into the country every year.

Most presidents have attempted to address the problem but with little success. Donald Trump's remain-in-Mexico policies staunched the flood for a while. Until, that is, Joe Biden took over.

His goal so far seems to be to reverse virtually every one of Trump's policies, including on the first day in office, disassembling the nation's hard-won energy independence. That has produced disastrous consequences for American drivers and the nation's Strategic Petroleum Reserve.

To dodge responsibility long-term, Biden put Vice President Kamala Harris in charge of finding a workable solution to the border mess. Giggles. She hasn't. And won't.

The ongoing impacts of Biden's malignant actions have been to create a tsunami of humanity across that border. Estimates put the number of new illegals in the country above two million just since the Big Guy took office 32 very long months ago.

All this has placed incredible financial, social, and political burdens on local governments and their taxpayers, especially in those same Democrat urban strongholds that so proudly and defiantly declared themselves Sanctuary Cities during the Trump years.

Most people, and even some moderately intelligent pets, could have seen serious trouble coming from that de facto decision to issue a blanket invitation to illegals to come to town.

Well, now that humanity is coming home to roost. New York City's Mayor Eric Adams, who liked the sanctuary idea early on, now says it is dooming his city. Some people feel woke Gotham was well on the way to self-destruction anyway.

But the invasion of illegals is costing New York millions of dollars a day. Guess who will foot that bill eventually.

More than 100,000 illegals have settled in the city just since April. “New York doesn’t deserve this," said the mayor who invited them.

Adams says the responsibility for this human disaster rests with fellow Democrat Joe Biden. Joe Biden bluntly disagrees, as my colleague Nick Arama reported here this week. Biden rejected a get-together with Adams during the president's photo ops at the United Nations.

The big question really is exactly why Joe Biden is creating, prolonging, and exacerbating such a costly disaster. You might suspect the reason, as I do in this week's audio commentary.

The most recent audio commentary criticized the ridiculously regular (and expensive) international gatherings of groups of elites at the G-20, G-7, et al.

They have lovely banquets to celebrate their self-importance, but their communiques reveal the moral cowardice that permeates such gatherings.

The audio before that warned against swallowing the televised opinions of political operatives who cloak their paid political statements as mere observations, which they are not.

Judging by the avalanche of Comments, this week's column turned out to be much more controversial than expected. It examined the overall legacy of Mitt Romney, who announced his Senate retirement after next year's elections.

The reaction also reveals the contagion of myopia that has infected our politics on a bipartisan basis. So many people seem to have lost the ability to listen, once a hallmark of our politics, in more productive days.


Why Is the US Mood So Foul Now?


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