Results for: chuck schumer

GOP Chair Explains, In Terrific Thread, What Dems Were Doing While Admin Has Been Working to Address Wuhan Virus…while-admin-has-been-working-to-address-wuhan-virus-n131031
Chuck Schumer demanded that more time be wasted with new impeachment witnesses. (3/8) — Ronna McDaniel (@GOPChairwoman) March 11, … Chuck Schumer was busy soliciting inspectors general to open NEW investigations into @realDonaldTrump. (5/8) — Ronna McDaniel (@GOPChairwoman…
Kevin McCarthy Provides More Insight Into the Start of Spread of the Wuhan Virus…insight-into-the-start-of-spread-of-the-wuhan-virus-n130858
– Pirro: Speaking of Democrats, when Chuck Schumer (D-CA) this week criticized two Supreme Court justices put there by Donald Trump – … Should Chuck Schumer be impeached? What should happen to him? … He should have demanded that Schumer resign, not pass the buck to the Democrats so they could clean up their own mess.…
Ted Cruz Explains the Vote on the Relief Bill and What We Can Expect Now That It's Passed…lief-bill-and-what-we-can-expect-now-that-its-passed-n132634
– That said, if anyone deserves the blame for the additional spending, it’s House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader ChuckSchumer, who took advantage of a crisis to push social engineering while everyone’s backs were against a wall.…
Mazie Hirono Discusses the Economic Stimulus Bill; It’s Like Fingernails on a Blackboard…c-stimulus-bill-its-like-fingernails-on-a-blackboard-n132492
Chuck Schumer said that that would ensure that laid-off workers on average will receive their full pay for four months. … You know, were it not for the 72 hours that we fought for workers and for what Chuck Schumer refers to as the “Marshall Plan,” the … Schumer made a point that the people writing legislation shouldn’t be able to write legislation that benefits them.…
BREAKING: Senate Unanimously Passes $2 Trillion Dollar Stimulus Bill
– In this image from video, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., speaks on the Senate floor at the U.S.…
Schumer Watch: Sen. Tom Cotton Expertly Explains 'Chuck-Speak' on Wuhan Coronavirus Relief Bill Messaging…uck-speak-on-wuhan-coranavirus-relief-bill-messaging-n132444
– FILE – In this Dec. 11, 2018, file photo, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., speaks to reporters on Capitol Hill in Washington … Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) has shown over the stalemate on the Wuhan coronavirus relief bill into a thimble. … again took to the Twitter machine to translate: Schumer says talks on coronavirus bill are now on the 2 yard line…
BREAKING: White House, Senate Reach Agreement on Coronavirus Stimulus Bill…te-dems-reach-agreement-on-coronavirus-stimulus-bill-n132389
Chuck Schumer, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, incoming White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, and White House legislative affairs … Schumer said negotiators agreed to put “unemployment insurance on steroids” by expanding those covered to include people who are furloughed … Schumer was in touch with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi during the negotiations.…
FEMA: The President Invokes the Defense of Production Act - 60,000 Test Kits Coming…defense-production-act-masks-respirators-ventilators-n132309
– In recent days, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, among others, have urged the Commander-in-Chief to employ the Act in order to…
Watch: Tom Cotton Brutalizes Pelosi and the Democrats on the Senate Floor Over Their Ludicrous Demands…ats-on-the-senate-floor-over-their-ludicrous-demands-n132247
– He even bashed Minority Leader Chuck Schumer for blocking Sen. Susan Collins from speaking on the bill. … “Chuck Schumer’s office. … Go right through that door and ask Chuck Schumer what he’s demanding in secret behind closed doors.”…
NY Times Does It Again, Spins Yet Another Headline to Defend Dems, Attack GOP Over Virus Relief Bill…other-headline-to-defend-dems-over-virus-relief-bill-n132231
– Up through Saturday, it had looked like the bill was going to pass with what people — including Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer
Schumer Tells Reporters He 'Expects' to Have an Agreement Tuesday Morning on Coronavirus Stimulus Bill…reement-tuesday-morning-on-coronavirus-stimulus-bill-n132239
– FILE – In this Dec. 11, 2018, file photo, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., speaks to reporters on Capitol Hill in Washington … Democratic congressional leaders, Schumer and Rep. … Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin signaled the two parties were close to an agreement on the sorely…
Dan Crenshaw Calls Out The Democrats as Liars When They Turn Political to Block the Virus Relief Bill…n-they-turn-political-to-block-the-virus-relief-bill-n132199
– Yes, the media is blatantly in bed with the Democrats on this pathogen crisis, but even they would certainly see a problem with ChuckSchumer praising the bill he and the Democrats helped write, only to turn around and trash it less than 12 hours later, solely on…
Fox Reporter: 'There is Verbal Open Brawling on the Senate Floor,' Worst He's Seen in 25 Years…wling-on-the-senate-floor-worst-hes-seen-in-25-years-n132166
– Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., speaks to reporters about the possibility of a partial government shutdown, at the … Fox News contributor Guy Benson tweeted that he’d been in touch with a senior GOP aide who had told him that “Schumer and Pelosi were … Schumer and Pelosi (and it appears to be Pelosi who is driving the bus) are delaying aid to Americans who sorely need it, to push through…
Pelosi Releases Stimulus Bill, Accuses Trump Admin of "Being in Court Right Now to Tear Down ACA"…p-admin-of-being-in-court-right-now-to-tear-down-aca-n132164
– Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer was consulting with her “hour by hour” and noted his “delight” that there had been “a great deal … Schumer, and Rep. … Political Editor at our sister site Townhall, tweeted out what a source told him were the Dems’ demands: Via senior GOP aide, Schumer
Here's the Absolute Garbage Democrats Are Holding the Wuhan Virus Relief Bill Hostage Over
– Ron Wyden, D-Ore., the ranking member of the Senate Finance Committee, left, and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., holds … with Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer and top House Democrat Nancy Pelosi. … This after Schumer had praised the “bipartisan compromise” just 10 hours earlier.…
Mitch McConnell Unloads on Democrats for Playing Politics on Coronavirus Relief Bill…ats-for-playing-politics-on-coronavirus-relieve-bill-n132116
– rise back into something akin to normalcy failed to pass after Democrats decided they didn’t like it despite Senate Majority Leader ChuckSchumer agreeing to the framework of the bill from the get-go.…
Democrats Decide Getting the Orange Man Is More Important than Saving Lives…n-virus-relief-bill-more-worried-about-hurting-trump-n132093
– Ron Wyden, D-Ore., the ranking member of the Senate Finance Committee, left, and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., holds … with Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer and top House Democrat Nancy Pelosi. … Schumer and Pelosi are shooting back with a statement asking for talks with top GOP leaders in Congress instead because, they wrote…
HuffPo Reporter Asks How Biden and Pelosi Screwed Up Coronavirus Response So Badly…and-pelosi-screwed-up-coronavirus-response-so-badly-n132015
– surprise was to read Carter’s take on Democratic Party leaders including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), Senate Minority Leader ChuckSchumer (D-NY) and presumptive presidential nominee Joe Biden.…
The Washington Post Runs a Shameless CIA Authored Hit Piece to Blame President Trump for the Spread of Wuhan Virus…blame-president-trump-for-the-spread-of-wuhan-virus-n132023
– from the Washington Post story is any mention of President Trump stopping travel from China on January 31 even as Nancy Pelosi and ChuckSchumer were blasting him for overreacting.…
News Summary From the Week That Was (15 – 21 March)
– House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer, for example, issued a joint press release Sunday that included … Predictably, Pelosi and Schumer fail to provide any objective facts to support this claim.…
Democrats Continue to Self-Identify as Enemies of the People During the Wuhan Virus Crisis…enemies-of-the-people-during-the-wuhan-virus-crisis-n131932
– House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer, for example, issued a joint press release Sunday that included … Predictably, Pelosi and Schumer fail to provide any objective facts to support this claim.…
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