Results for: chuck schumer

Donald Trump Will Soon Learn the Lesson of Many Republicans Before Him
– There is a certain glow Donald Trump has when he looks in the direction of Chuck Schumer… it’s kind of creepy, to be honest.…
Schumer's Hot Mic Moment on the Senate Floor Is Tailor-Made to Enrage Trump Fans
– It’s also not a new development, since Trump has given thousands to Schumer in the past. … Said Schumer: “He likes us. He likes me, anyway,” Schumer was overheard saying to someone on the Senate floor. … Continuing, Schumer added: “Here’s what I told him. I said, ‘Mr.…
Continued Sanctions Relief for Iran Does Not Mean the Nuclear Deal Will Survive
– Given the stench of betrayal in the air after the alleged DACA deal President Trump cut with Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi, this could…
The Second Betrayal at the White House Dinner That No One Is Talking About
– On Wednesday night, in the murky waters of the still undrained D.C. swamp, President Trump had dinner with Chuck Schumer and Nancy … The fact that Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi, two leaders of the Resistance Party, resisted right into the arms of the orange siren … And on Tuesday night, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi tied themselves to this white man. That is betrayal.…
Confusion Grows as the White House Tries to Decide What Happened at the Trump-Schumer Dinner…s-to-decide-what-happened-at-the-trump-schumer-dinner-n76788
– Charles Schumer of N.Y., speaks following a Democratic policy luncheon on Capitol Hill in Washington, Tuesday, Sept. 12, 2017. … As you are aware, President Trump made the mistake (a foreseeable one) of having a private meeting with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer … Dinner ended, Schumer and Pelosi issued a joint statement on what was decided.…
The New Trump Finds Time to Extend the Media Some Love
– Now that he’s pulled off the mask and is making deals with the likes of Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi, however, he’s gotten a taste…
BREAKING: Trump Confirms the Wall Is NOT Part of the Deal (VIDEO)
– President Donald Trump confirmed this morning that any legislation on building a border wall is currently not part of the deal with ChuckSchumer and Nancy Pelosi.…
Fox News Star Sean Hannity Returns Power to Florida After Hurricane
– energy production initiative stemming from President Donald Trump’s dinner with House and Senate Minority Leaders Nancy Pelosi and ChuckSchumer.…
Trump's Early Morning Tweets Spell out the Extent of His Betrayal
– As I told you last night, Trump had a cozy dinner with his Democrat compadres, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, who emerged victorious…
– the spirit of some of Donald’s most ardent supporters, as word is out that his cozy dinner with new best friends Nancy Pelosi and ChuckSchumer included the President’s insistence that amnesty for 800,000 or so people covered under Barack Obama’s DACA come swiftly and … Schumer and Nancy Pelosi as well as Administration officials to discuss policy and legislative priorities.…
FLIP: Schumer and Pelosi Announce Hot New Deal on DACA With Trump
– After a cozy dinner among Democrats – that would be Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, and Donald Trump – Schumer and Pelosi were giddy … Pelosi and Schumer did allow for some border security “enhancements,” but there’s no word on what those are, yet. … Schumer and Ms. Pelosi said in a statement. “The discussion focused on DACA.…
In Another 'Victory' for Trump, Border Wall Funding Doesn't Have To Be Tied to DACA
– Isn’t that what we were told about Trump’s “deal” with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer? … As it turns out, the Trump administration knows their new best friends, Chuck and Nancy won’t go for border wall funding at all.…
White House: Don't Expect Border Wall Funding Attached to Fixing DACA
– So many contortions went into trying to excuse everything from Trump’s immediate capitulation to the liberal likes of Chuck Schumer
Did the Establishment Sneak One by the Democrats on the Debt Deal?
– McConnell said he did so over the objections of Senator Chuck Schumer of New York, the Democratic leader and aforementioned counterpart…
REVEALED: The Five Stages of Trump Train Grief
– is the new catch phrase after he sold out to Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, giving away his demand to build the wall.…
Steve Bannon Declares War on GOP Establishment at Raucous Alabama Rally for Roy Moore (Video)…p-establishment-raucous-alabama-rally-roy-moore-video-n77335
– The fact that Trump has now started edging back to the left, embracing the policies of Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi probably has…
Steve Bannon Paints Republicans as the Enemies of Trump at Sunday Rally
– Isn’t it Trump who rolled over on his core campaign promise, in order to work with Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi? … obligated to allow them to be voted out, handing those seats over to Democrats, and watch how fast the love affair between Trump, Chuck
Attorney General Jeff Sessions Is Still Pushing the Wall That Trump Has Abandoned
– And where Trump rolled over on plans for a border wall, once he got cozy with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, Sessions is holding firm…
ESSA: Nonsense By Another Name
– When you have the likes of Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi and Arne Duncan singing its praises, that should have been a signal that things…
Trump Lays Out Demands on DACA
– On September 12th, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer gave a joint statement indicating such. … The Democrats, Senator Chuck Schumer and Representative Nancy Pelosi, said in a joint statement that they had a “very productive” dinner … It could be as simple as Pelosi and Schumer overplaying their hand with their continued criticism of him.…
Democrats More Interested in Politicizing Gun Violence than Stopping it
– The day that the NRA came-out favoring the ban of bump stocks by the ATF, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer gave the proposal a tepid…
Chuck Schumer Takes a Victory Lap, After Trump Turns to Him for an Obamacare Reboot
– I called Chuck Schumer yesterday to see if the Dems want to do a great HealthCare Bill. ObamaCare is badly broken, big premiums. … According to Schumer today: “The president wanted to make another run at repeal and replace and I told the president that’s off the … table,” Schumer said in a statement on his call with Trump on Friday, news of which the president confirmed in a tweet.…
AGAIN? Trump Runs Back to Chuck Schumer for Help with Health Care Reboot
– Was anybody timing how long it would be before President Trump, who embraced liberal Democrats Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi, in … An Axios scoop says that Trump has ran back to his friend, Chuck Schumer, for help with Obamacare. … Trump called Schumer earlier Friday, hoping to revive the Obamacare debate, and he’s willing to work from the left to get something…
DREAMers Are Finding Out They Are Just Pawns in the 2018 Campaign
Chuck Schumer has been criticized. Why? … The principles would likely be a political non-starter for Democrats and infuriate Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Minority…
Folks, It's Too Late to Ban Bump Fire Stocks
– control, feeding into extreme left-wing talking points, and creating an opportunity for Donald Trump to make yet another deal with ChuckSchumer and Nancy Pelosi, this time to pass additional gun control measures.…
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