Results for: chuck schumer

Left-Wing Terrorism Strikes GA-6 Race
– Unless I am mistaken, Nancy Pelosi nor Chuck Schumer have said a word. The same goes for the DNC.…
Unity Schmunity, Far Left Progressive Democrats Are Not Your Friends, Republicans
– there is real friendship—as opposed to just superficial cordiality— between, say, Paul Ryan and Nancy Pelosi, or Mitch McConnell and ChuckSchumer (or Harry Reid), then the entire political show is a farce.…
Tillerson Warns Congress Against Passing Further Sanctions on Russia
– These additional sanctions will also send a powerful and bipartisan statement to Russia,” Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY…
Put Not Your Faith in Those Who Put Theirs in Democrats ... Right?
– Gave $64,000 to Andrew Cuomo, helped elect and re-elect New York mayor David Dinkins, and donated $8,900 to Chuck Schumer, one of the…
Key Trump Administration Figures Partied With George Soros, Chuck Schumer On Saturday…n-figures-partied-george-soros-chuck-schumer-saturday-n73920
– In fact, this weekend saw Trump adviser, Jared Kushner, along with his wife, Ivanka Trump, hanging out with Democrat Senator ChuckSchumer, and billionaire financier and true lord of the Democrat horde, George Soros at a party hosted in the home of Lally Weymouth…
Was Mike Flynn Brought Down By A Personal FBI Vendetta?
– Back in January, Chuck Schumer made this observation about Trump’s twitter criticism of the intelligence community: New Senate Minority … Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) said Tuesday that President-elect Donald Trump is “being really dumb” by taking on the intelligence … “Let me tell you, you take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you,” Schumer told MSNBC…
Chuck Schumer... Actually, He May Not Be Wrong About The Senate's Obamacare Bill
Chuck Schumer spoke with George Stephanopoulos on Sunday about the Senate’s health care bill. … Schumer is playing up their influence in the House and Senate. … So, Schumer isn’t wrong when he says their is a 50-50 chance, he’s just wrong on why.…
Failure Not An Option: Cruz Fends Off Attacks on His Healthcare Amendment from Both Parties…on-consumer-freedom-amendment-from-both-parties-video-n74090
– In his response, Cruz rebutted Senate Minority and resistance Leader Chuck Schumer: I think it’s important for Republicans not to … be deceived by the attacks that are coming out of Chuck Schumer and the Democrats. … You know, Chuck Schumer this week blasted the Consumer Freedom Amendment, which is, I think, critical to getting this done. Yes.…
Trump Presses Putin on Alleged Election Interference (VIDEO)
– Many cattle will be birthed over Lavrov’s statement and one of the first cows was squeezed out of Chuck Schumer: “President Trump … Putin, but he has an equal obligation to take the word of our Intelligence Community rather than that of the Russian President,” Schumer
Win One for Charlie: A Rallying Cry for Wimpy Republicans
– As the Democrat leader in the Senate, Chuck Schumer, said last week: “Single payer is on the table” in the Democratic agenda. … If Chuck Schumer and his party has their way, America will be no different than England, and our children will be equally mistreated…
Water Cooler 7/26/17: Open Thread;Democrats Shift Gears Russia Out Communism In ; Illegal Officers of the Court ?…s-shift-gears-russia-communism-illegal-officers-court-n74606
– Either way Chuck Schumer outlined their new outreach to the voters they had previously betrayed. … Schumer (D-N.Y.) and other congressional Democrats traveled to a red pocket of purple Virginia today to spell out their new agenda … –PJ Media I have to give Schumer credit there’s few people in the world that can lie so easily as he can.…
Jared Kushner After Testimony: I Did Not Collude With Russia, nor Do I Know Anyone Else in the Campaign Who Did So
– The last statement is pretty much what Chuck Schumer said as he was unveiling the Democrats’ new economic scheme: “When you lose … Schumer (D-N.Y.) said in an interview previewing the new plan. “So what did we do wrong?…
Rules Committee Member Moves to Thwart Delegate Revolt
– to hurt his own campaign, and to hurt down-ballot candidates at a time when only five lost Senate seats would hand the gavel to ChuckSchumer.…
Trump Supporters Were Warned He's A Fraud; They Did Not Listen And Now The Chickens Are Roosting
– Just think of what 2017 and 2018 will be like with Hillary Clinton working with Senate Majority Leader, Chuck Schumer.…
The IRS Thinks Nearly Half the Olympic Victor's Winnings Is Actually the Government's…ly-half-olympic-victors-winnings-actually-governments-n61274
– Today, a bipartisan effort by Senators John Thune (R) and Chuck Schumer (D) is trying once again to alleviate the government’s demands…
Finally! Some Good Polling News For Republicans In This Electoral Mess
– A Hillary Clinton presidency is going to be bad enough without her having a Democratic led Senate and Chuck Schumer as majority leader…
What Is Evan Bayh's Link To the Ku Klux Klan?
– With the fate of the Senate hanging in the balance, Chuck Schumer pulled out all the stops in recruiting candidates. … One, in particular, was supposed to be a game changer: For months, Chuck Schumer toiled on a seemingly fruitless task: Trying to…
Mark Levin Ditches #NeverTrump And Hops the Trump Train (Full Audio)
– He’s going to adopt an immigration policy written by Chuck Schumer — to whom Trump has contributed lavishly — and, what’s more, he … will pick judges that Chuck Schumer approves of.…
CNN: "Will Schumer bring on new Democratic era?"
– Yes… but the CNN article goes on to speculate that Schumer’s strategy – and note that the article is assuming that Chuck Schumer can … Harry Reid (D-NV)’ chamber=’senate’ mcid=’R000146′ ]’s dysfunctional mess* to win in 2016 when Chuck Schumer isn’t even running the … Ron Johnson (R-WI)’ chamber=’senate’ mcid=’J000293′ ] of Wisconsin) would send Chuck Schumer a fruit basket, for a very basic reason…
Follow the Money: Angie's List
– religion as a qualifier for relief in a legal proceeding, was modeled after the 1993 RFRA that was sponsored by Democratic Senators ChuckSchumer and Ted Kennedy and signed by then President Bill Clinton.…
Watch: Leftist Makes Wild Claim About Charlottesville Nazis Carrying 'Automatic Weapons'…laim-charlottesville-nazis-carrying-automatic-weapons-n75363
– Former Chuck Schumer operative, Jim Kessler was on Fox News earlier today to discuss the fate of Steve Bannon’s job within the Trump…
Trump Releases Campaign-Style Political Ad, but He Really Shouldn't Have (VIDEO)…style-political-ad-but-he-really-shouldnt-have-video-n75283
– President Trump Do His Job” and features a hit parade of the left’s worst of the worst, including Maxine Waters, Elizabeth Warren, and ChuckSchumer.…
Senator McCain To North Korea's Jong Un: Act Aggressively, WELCOME TO EXTINCTION
– McCain, in addition, slammed the President Trump-Chuck Schumer-Nancy Pelosi debt ceiling deal as “devastating to national defense,” … Ryan and [Senate Majority Leader Mitch] McConnell, were surprised to hear that he had cut this deal with [Senate Minority Leader ChuckSchumer] and [House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi].”…
New York Times Gives Trump a Taste of That Highly Addictive Media Praise
– Yesterday I explained (adding my voice to a chorus of others) that Trump is very likely at the beginning of a bromance — not with ChuckSchumer, but with the media. … Keep working with Chuck and Nancy, and we’ll continue to applaud.…
Conservative Talker Mark Levin Blasts Trump: 'He sold us out.'
– Mark Levin, seeing the light, went after President Trump for his capitulation to Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi. … He’s selling out the country by working with Pelosi and Schumer just to get back at Republicans Trump broke his promise on DACA. … He sold us on this deal with Schumer….this continuing resolution because it doesn’t include the wall.”…
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