Sen. Bob Menendez Gives Up the Ghost, Reportedly Says He'll Resign From Congress

AP Photo/Seth Wenig

He's steadfastly maintained his innocence, but Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ) was convicted by a federal jury in New York on Tuesday on 16 charges, including bribery, extortion, acting as a foreign agent, obstruction of justice, and several counts of conspiracy. 


Since his indictment, Menendez has batted away calls for him to resign his Senate seat, including by fellow Democratic Senator John Fetterman (PA).

BREAKING: Verdict Reached in Sen. Bob Menendez Trial

John Fetterman Says Bob Menendez Must Go, Demands Expulsion
From Senate Over Foreign Agent Charges

However, on Wednesday, Menendez reportedly told allies that would, indeed, resign.

WASHINGTON — Sen. Bob Menendez, D-N.J., has told allies that he will resign from Congress after being convicted on federal corruption charges, two people directly familiar with those conversations tell NBC News.

Menendez, who had been defiant for months in the face of calls from dozens of Senate Democrats to resign, appears to have finally relented after the guilty verdict and growing threats to expel him if he refused. He is calling allies to notify them of his intention to resign, these sources said, which would end a three-decade career in Congress that included a powerful committee chairmanship, writing major legislation and two criminal trials over allegations of corruption.

Among those who urged him to resign were Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y.; Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin, D-Ill.; and Menendez's friend and fellow New Jersey Democratic senator, Cory Booker.

“In light of this guilty verdict, Senator Menendez must now do what is right for his constituents, the Senate, and our country, and resign,” Schumer said in a statement after Menendez's latest corruption trial ended in guilty verdicts.


However, after NBC published that report, Menendez pushed back on it.

"I can tell you that I have not resigned nor have I spoken to any so called allies ... Seems to me that there is an effort to try to force me into a statement. Anyone who knows me knows that's the worst way to achieve a goal with me."

Once Menendez steps down — if he steps down — New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy (D) will appoint his replacement to finish out his term (which ends in 2025). Currently, Menendez is running for reelection as an Independent, while Andy Kim is challenging him as the Democrat, and Curtis Bashaw is running as the Republican candidate. Will he bow out? I guess we'll see...


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