Results for: chuck schumer

Cruz: 2017 Is About Obamacare Repeal, Tax and Regulatory Reform and Gorsuch (Video)
– Hannity noted how Schumer has furiously tried to shift the blame to the Republicans for the further diminishment of the filibuster, … As Hannity put it, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer is doing something that has never happened before — filibustering an up or…
White House Offers To Fund Obamacare Subsidies In Exchange For Border Wall Funds
– Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer responded to the White House’s offer with a bit of bite: “The White House gambit to hold hostage…
Ted Cruz Was Asked If Warren Could Beat Trump in 2020, His Answer Has Everyone Talking
– Freedom Caucus, are doing the bidding of the left, of [House Democratic Leader] Nancy Pelosi [Calif.] and [Senate Democratic Leader] ChuckSchumer[N.Y.],” he said.…
Report: Trump's Border Wall Now Estimated to Cost $70 Billion
– Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer signaled that Democrats want the border wall fight to be moved over to the 2018 fiscal year funding…
Ted Cruz: Democrats Under Pressure To Provoke A Government Shutdown
– I think [Senate Minority Leader] Chuck Schumerand the Democrats want a shutdown,” he said, according to the Texas Tribune. … “And so I do have some concern that to appease the radical left, Chuck Schumer and the Democrats may do everything they can to try…
When Both Sides Win on the Spending Package, Americans Lose
– is a good agreement for the American people, and takes the threat of a government shutdown off the table,” Senate Minority Leader ChuckSchumer said.…
Donald Trump Gives the Media an Aneurysm at the NRA Convention
– Imagine if the president referred to Chuck Schumer as Shylock. Or Obama as Sambo.…
Schumer. We Will Block New FBI Director Until We Get a Special Prosecutor
– Jake Tapper talks to Chuck Schumer about the firing of Comey and the Russia probe. … If you look closely at Schumer you can see the slitted reptilian pupils. … SCHUMER: I think there are a lot of Democrats who feel that way.…
Donald Trump's Extremely Low Bar For Success, As Set By Supporters
– I suppose some people enjoy watching him talk about “fake news” and using his cute nicknames like “Crying Chuck Schumer” as they did…
Will Amy Schumer Have Failure “Snatched” from the Jaws of Success
–   The career ascendancy of Amy Schumer over the past few years has been following the Hollywood leftist blueprint. … Chuck Schumer, to become a gun control  proponent. … The script was written by Schumer.…
Pop Culture Matters Because it Has the Power to Make People Stupid
– Elizabeth Warren and Chuck Schumer wield the “stupidity of the American voter” like a weapon just as easily and cynically as  Barack…
Senator Who Didn't Know What Race She Was Has 'No Doubt' that Comey Firing is a Cover Up
– Like Chuck Schumer, she has proven that she’ll say just about anything, true or not, to score political points and obstruct the White…
On Twitter (Where else?), Trump Offers His Lame Excuses for Firing James Comey
– Still, Trump is going to be Trump and so instead of holding a press conference to explain his actions; he took to Twitter: Cryin' ChuckSchumer stated recently, "I do not have confidence in him (James Comey) any longer." … Schumer is an idiot. But how about cooling it with schoolyard nicknames, ok?…
Is There Anything Joe Manchin Won't Say to Get Re-elected?
– Manchin talks a good game at home but when he’s in Washington he’s a fairly reliable vote for Chuck Schumer.…
Ted Cruz Wins the Internet
– but Ted Cruz had the perfect caption for the now-infamous photo taken this morning of a confab between Ben Sasse, Tom Cotton and ChuckSchumer.…
Ben Sasse Talks About His Book And 'Smoking Reefer' With Chuck Schumer
– SenSchumer and I are smoking reefer outside a wedding… — Ben Sasse (@BenSasse) May 18, 2017 Schumer … Well that escalated quickly. — Chuck Schumer (@SenSchumer) May 18, 2017 The senator has been promoting…
What Democrats Are Actually Saying About Impeachment
– Both Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) publicly tamped down impeachment…
Chuck Schumer's Threat to Block New FBI Director Shows Democratic Incompetence
Schumer should follow. … As we wrote earlier, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer is open to blocking whoever Trump’s nominee is to head up the FBI unless … Then, here comes Chuck Schumer, like Regis Philbin, handing Trump a lifeline as if he was a contestant on ‘Who Wants To Be A Millionaire…
Donald Trump Body Checks Montenegro Prime Minister at NATO Photo Op (VIDEO)
– It has long been said that the most dangerous place in DC is between Chuck Schumer and a television camera.…
Robert Mueller's New Staff Guarantees His Investigation Will Get Its Own Investigation
– $10,000 to help Democrats get elected to the House and another $10,000 on the Senate side, including money to Senate Minority Leader ChuckSchumer.…
Schumer Twitter-Attacks Trump for Cutting "Anti-Terrorism" Funding
– New York Senator Chuck Schumer (D) used the Saturday attack in London to complain about President Donald Trump’s proposed budget cuts … , particularly as they relate to what Schumer calls “anti-terrorism” funding: Amazingly, with terrorism on the rise, President Trump … — Chuck Schumer (@SenSchumer) June 4, 2017 Disregarding for a second how tacky it is to play politics on the heels of the deaths…
It May Be Loretta Lynch's Turn To Be Investigated
Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), the Judiciary Committee chairman, stressed that no decisions have been made and staffers needed to first “ … Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer hasn’t give full throated support of the idea, but he has said that he would like to hear from…
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