WATCH: Jon Stewart Mercilessly Mocks the DNC Hypocrisies in Brilliant Bit

AP Photo/Brad Barket, File

Jon Stewart is most definitely a Democrat and he's leveled plenty of criticisms at people on the right during the DNC. 

However, he's one of the few people on the left who can still occasionally be funny and will also on occasion mock his own side. He even spoke about how Joe Biden has a  "resting 25th Amendment face" after the debate with former President Donald Trump in June. 


READ MORE: Jon Stewart Goes There With Joe Biden and the 25th Amendment - Even His Audience Is Shocked

I would have almost thought he read our site with the things he mocked about the Democrats at the end of the DNC. But the problem for the Democrats is that the points he made about their hypocritical actions were just so glaring even he could see them, even liberals were getting it. 

It was brilliant simply because it was honest and frankly, acknowledging what most people would think. 

"They had a guy [Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT)] yelling, "Screw the billionaires" followed immediately by a very happy billionaire [Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker]," he said, as the audience cheered loudly. 

"It's all okay if it's our billionaire," Stewart mocked them, waving his hands and skewering the Democrats' double standards. 

"They had guys making fun of people going to Yale," he said, putting up a picture of the ridiculous Tim Walz, Harris' running mate. "And...a bunch of people who went to Yale." 


"The Democrats had people who prosecuted sexual predators...," he said showing a picture of Kamala Harris. "And...," then he showed a picture of Bill Clinton. 


DNC Gets Nailed for Hilarious Transition on Night 2 That Shows What Hypocrites They Truly Are

JD Vance and a Few Ironic Facts Destroy Walz's Desperate, Weird 'Yale' Attack

He couldn't even hold it together after he said that, laughed his head off at his own joke, and then said, "There goes that booking."

Even Stewart's getting some of the problems, and perhaps even more importantly, his audience is seeing the problem too and was roaring in agreement with the mockery. And when he's willing -- or permitted -- to break away from the narrative, even for a few moments, people wonder if that might be a sign of change in the winds. It may be about remaining relevant. 

He also mocked their identity politics leaving out "Palestinian-Americans" and their theme of "joy." 

The Uncommitted folks -- the guys on the left mad at the Democratic powers that be over Gaza -- thanked him. 


There was frankly so much material to lampoon because it was such a disorganized mess, with all the intra-party upset about Biden being shoved aside. They even tried to con their own audience by promising a special guest, with broad hints it was Beyonce, then pulling the bait and switch, and saying it was Kamala Harris. 

What a let down and the folks who were looking forward to Beyonce were peeved. Stewart had a lot of things from which to choose. 


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