DNC Gets Nailed for Hilarious Transition on Night 2 That Shows What Hypocrites They Truly Are

AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

Democrats claim at their convention that they’re about joy and unity. Yet they demonize Americans who might support their opponent. Their convention so far has been full of chaos, with protesters outside, people who don't seem to know the National Anthem, as well all kinds of Democratic drama over the move to push Biden to the side and then not treat him respect on Night 1. 


Night 2 epitomized that division and chaos in the message. 


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Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) spoke and of course did his "billionaires are bad" shtick. The problem now is that this is a significant part of the Democratic Party -- including the nominee Kamala Harris -- where they want to penalize Americans for being successful. 

However, it's because of Biden and Harris that more people are living paycheck to paycheck. Their bad policies have led to crushing inflation, and Kamala Harris wants to end the Trump tax cuts that helped working families. It's not the fault of the billionaires, that's on the Democrats. But the Democrats just want to keep preaching class warfare. 


But as Matt Vespa at our sister site, Townhall, observed, what was truly funny was who followed Bernie's address -- a billionaire, Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker. This was a hilarious transition. Bernie says we need an economy that works for all of us, not just the billionaire class. 

Then Pritzker said "Take it from me, a real billionaire" and tried to attack Trump's wealth. But Trump is richer than he is. 

So much for that line of attack. It showed once again how Democrats are wrong about the simplest things. 

Let's see if we can make sense out of that. Billionaires are bad. Unless they're Democrats? How silly and fake are the Democrats with that? We should be celebrating people who are successful so we encourage more of it, not penalizing it or demonizing it. 


CNN's Republican pundit skewered the Democrats' ridiculous approach as Van Jones and David Axelrod tried, and failed, to defend it. 

Once again, Democrats show they are silly and not focused on the things they should be focused on, but that's because it really isn't about the American people, it's just about maintaining their own power.


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