Vindictive Dems Blast Out Fundraising Emails Demanding Trump Receive 'Maximum Sentence Allowed by Law'

AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana

As we’ve reported, Democrats gloated over Donald Trump’s conviction Thursday in a Manhattan courtroom over business fraud charges. Sentencing is set for July 11, and the question on everyone’s mind is, will the former president be thrown behind bars?


Be careful what you wish for:

HOT TAKES: Liberals Gloat Now, but This Verdict May Come Back to Haunt Them

Democrats, who are fond of superciliously making pronouncements like “no is above the law” and “Trump is a danger to democracy,” have apparently abandoned their fraudulent narrative that this wasn’t a political show trial and are now fundraising like crazy off the outcome. As Katie Pavlich reported Monday at our sister site Townhall, ActBlue, a major fundraising arm of the party, is ghoulishly pushing for District Attorney Alvin Bragg to demand the harshest penalties possible and for Judge Juan Merchan to mete them out.

Pavlich writes:

A new fundraising email sent out by ActBlue, the Democratic machine behind President Joe Biden's re-election campaign, is using "jurors against Trump" to demand Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg recommend jail time for former President Donald Trump. Trump is set for sentencing on July 11 by Judge Juan Merchan after being convicted of 34 charges in New York last week.

"As jurors, we are outraged by Donald Trump's relentless attacks on the people who make up our criminal justice system - including prosecutors, judges, clerks, witnesses, and jurors like all of us," an email from ActBlue states. "We therefore urge D.A. Alvin Bragg and Judge Juan Merchan to impose the maximum sentence allowed by law for Donald Trump's 34 felony convictions."


Remember, this was ostensibly a case about business records. For this, they want to jail a former president? You get the feeling a lot of these folks would sell their grandmother if it would get them a few more votes. 

Here are a couple of celebratory headlines on ActBlue's Joe Biden fundraising page:

Spank Trump with a donation to help defeat him!    

Trump is Guilty! Celebrate by Donating to the Biden Campaign


The damage from this trial to our country and to the (now-shattered) credibility of our legal system? “Meh, who cares,” you can almost hear them thinking. “As long as we get Trump.”

Not surprisingly, California Dem. Rep. Adam Schiff—he who for years promised evidence of “Russia Collusion” but never produced it—is getting in on the action, sending out his own missive:

"Trump’s felony convictions will not bar him from running for President, and we will still need to defeat him in November," Schiff sent in a fundraising email over the weekend. "So this is no time to let up in our efforts to ensure a Democratic majority in the House and Senate. Split $25 to my campaign and Josh Harder before our May fundraising deadline at midnight tonight to help defeat Trump and defend the rule of law."


It seems like with each month that passes by, as we creep ever closer to election day, Democrats keep finding new and even deeper depths to descend to cling to power.


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