Doctors Mutilated Her Breasts When She Was Just 13. Now She's Suing.

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Expect to see a lot more of these kinds of stories in the future: a young woman who had her breasts surgically removed at age 13 is suing the hospital and the doctors who performed the operation.


Kayla Lovdahl, who goes by the pseudonym Layla Jane, is now 18 and detransitioning—or returning to live her life as a female human. She was born with XX chromosomes and lived her early life as a girl before tumbling headfirst into the world of gender dysphoria. She filed the lawsuit last week in California‘s San Joaquin County Superior Court and accused the ghouls who approved the procedure of spending only 75 minutes evaluating her before recommending the drastic actions starting when she was only 12. Instead of advising mental health treatment or further evaluation, they instead quickly put her on puberty blockers and testosterone and gave her a double mastectomy when she was 13.

President Joe Biden will continue to call those who oppose this kind of stuff being done to our youth “hateful” and “bigoted,” but you can be sure Layla’s name and story will never come out of his mouth.

Layla, who goes by the pseudonym Laya Jane, specifically names doctors Lisa Kristine Taylor, Winnie Mao Yiu Tong, Susanne Watson, and Mirna Escalante as defendants along with the Kaiser Foundations Hospitals Inc.


The 35-page filing reads:

This case is about a team of doctors who decided to perform a damaging, imitation sex change experiment on [Lovdahl], then a twelve-year-old vulnerable girl struggling with complex mental health co-morbidities.

[Lovdahl] needed care, attention, and psychotherapy… Not cross-sex hormones and mutilating surgery.

The suit goes on to claim that Susanne Watson, a clinical psychologist and clinical director of Kaiser Foundation Hospitals’ Transgender Clinic at the Oakland Medical Center, rushed Layla’s diagnosis and basically convinced her she was transgender:

During the sit-down, Watson is said to have not disclosed any of the lasting health risks associated with a young child taking ‘off-label puberty blockers and high doses of powerful male hormone drugs’ – after discerning Lovedahl was transgender.

Taylor and Tong, a endocrinologist and plastic surgeon employed under the Oakland-based hospital system’s umbrella, all agreed with their colleagues’ assessment, starting her on puberty blockers and testosterone at age 12, and performing the double mastectomy a few months later.

The trio, the suit claims, ‘immediately, and negligently, affirmed [Lovdahl’s] self-diagnosed transgenderism without adequate psychological evaluation,’ and ‘failed to inform [Lovdahl] of the significant increased suicide risk that would continue to exist even after completing transition.’


The suit also says that doctors coerced her parents into agreeing to the transition by pulling out what it’s already becoming a tired old trope in the trans cult: “It is better to have a live son than a dead daughter.” This increasingly used scare tactic claims that your daughter will kill herself if you don’t allow her to have her breasts removed years before she can even drive a car or cast a ballot or get a tattoo.

It’s a sick—but lucrative—cult, and even though those pushing this kind of stuff say that they’re helping young people, Layla’s case clearly shows that harsh, life-long consequences can be the result.

Layla will be represented by Harmeet Dhillon’s Center For American Liberty, the same outfit that is representing another prominent detransitioner, Chloe Cole. Watch as the two young people discuss their ordeals:

Unfortunately, sad stories like this will continue to emerge as long as these outrages are allowed to continue. Kids should not be used as surgical guinea pigs and weapons in this bizarre and ghoulish culture war we’ve found ourselves in. One can only hope these doctors and the Kaiser Hospitals are forced to pay hand over fist.


Here’s Dhillon and Chloe Cole on the now-defunct Tucker Carlson Tonight show explaining their case:

Update: This story has been updated to make clear that Layla Jane is a pseudonym used by Kayla Lovdahl.

See also:

Why Would a ‘Basic White Girl’ Become Trans? Because She’ll Go From Zero to Hero in a Heartbeat

You Knew It Was Coming: CA Law Would Make It Child Abuse to Not Affirm Your Kid’s ‘Gender Identity’

Biden’s Pride Month Statement Has All the Woke Buzzwords—but Reveals Just How Radical He’s Become


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