Team Biden Unleashes Full-On Attack on Trump, Calling Him a 'Convicted Felon'

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

After claiming to hold its fire on Friday, in the wake of Thursday's verdict against former president, Donald Trump, in the Manhattan trial, the Biden campaign went off its leash late in the day by releasing a caustic attack on him. I'll get to that in a minute.


Of course, Trump had thoughts on the Manhattan jury's decision, which he shared more fully (after Thursday's remarks) in a Friday press conference.

Read: Trump War Room: The Former President Speaks on the Manhattan Verdict, Joe Biden, and More

We had a preview of how the campaign planned to pivot from Politico over a week ago, when a report emerged that Team Biden would go after Trump in earnest after the verdict happened.

Read: Biden's Disgusting Plotting Over Possible 'Statement' About Trump Verdict

But it was not exactly all lowkey up to this point, as readers likely recall from the antics on display outside the courthouse with Academy Award-winning actor, Robert De Niro.

Read: Biden Campaign Holds Wild Presser Outside Trump Trial, With Special Guest... Robert De Niro?

We also had an ad drop from the Biden campaign minutes after the court decision which, from the title alone, gives you an idea of how much of a unifying and hopeful vision of America it expresses: 


As I said, late Friday, they threw this no-holds-barred attack out into the world.

Just browsing through those items, the aside comments mainly come across as juvenile and catty. Not the product of professionals working in a presidential campaign office. But that's what you have to expect from Democrats today, apparently.

Axios shared some of the background on the move:

Why it matters: The broadside from Biden's campaign — in a press release chiding Trump for his "unhinged" rant earlier in the day — put President Biden in the same camp as many Democrats who are now mocking the ex-president.


Zoom in: Throughout the day Friday, Biden advisers and Democratic strategists on congressional campaigns said they wanted to know more about how Trump's conviction on 34 felony counts is playing with voters before launching a full-throated attack strategy.

But by the evening, Biden's campaign apparently had made the call. It sent out a press release clearly designed to get under Trump's skin, listing "34 Lowlights from Convicted Felon Donald Trump's" speech.


Biden pollster Celinda Lake is gung-ho about the strategy:

I think it unquestionably helps Joe Biden, because I think it'll have some impact on some marginal Republicans.

If this is a character contrast, then the best thing the president can do is act presidential. Keep doing your job, worry about everyday people's real lives, and let Donald Trump speak for himself.

Just let that sink in a minute. Biden needs to just keep acting presidential and worrying about people's everyday lives? The administration's own policies and refusal to uphold the laws on the books refute that already. The economy for most Americans is in shambles, with no relief to skyrocketing inflation in sight. No one's buying that.


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