Bill Maher Bazookas Biden's Free College Plan, Calls Universities 'Luxury Daycare Centers'

(Janet Van Ham/HBO via AP)

Would you seize the opportunity to pay for strangers’ secondary schooling?

If you’re like Bill Maher, the answer’s No.

On Friday’s installment of Real Time, he skewered the notion of free college.


At the heart of the matter: Joe Biden.

On April 28th, the Commander-in-Chief unveiled his American Families Plan.

The trillion-dollar program allocates over a hundred billion to aspiring students:

Specifically, President Biden is calling for…$109 billion for two years of free community college so that every student has the ability to obtain a degree or certificate.

Last month, RedState’s Jeff Charles sounded off on the expenditure:

[B]iden’s plan [is] an unnecessary expansion of the federal government that gives the state far too much involvement in the lives of everyday Americans. In the case of “free” community college, along with other provisions…most of the $1.8 trillion…would go towards endeavors that won’t provide the benefits it promises.

Evidently, Bill Maher’s of a similar mind.

Firstly, the comedian’s not impressed by colleges in general:

“[C]olleges have turned into giant luxury daycare centers with overpaid babysitters anxious to indulge every student whim.”


The university climate has certainly changed.

Schools routinely make the news, but rarely for anything academic.

Cases in point:

At Protestors’ Insistence, College Sets Up ‘Reparations Fund’ to Pay for Black Students’ Books and Therapy

Tulane Students Submit a List of Demands Including Fossil Fuel Divestment – to Protect Them From Health-Hampering Hurricanes

Esteemed Private College’s Newspaper Decried as ‘Racist’ and ‘Ableist’ as Activists Demand an Antiracist Antidote


University President Sends a Letter Announcing the School’s Top Priority: Racial Justice and Equity

Ivy League School Offers Rock Climbing Class for Everyone But White Students

Harvard University Launches App to Help BGLTQ Students Find Inclusive Restrooms

Bill offered his own examples:

“The University of Missouri has a river grotto inspired by the Playboy mansion. Texas Tech has one of the largest water parks in the country. That includes a 25-person hot tub, tanning deck, water slide, and a lazy river.

“A third of students now spend less than five hours a week studying. And when they do, it’s for their onerous magnum-cum-[baloney] course load of Sports Marketing, History Through Twitter, Advanced Racist Spotting, Intro to Microaggressions, and You Owe Me an Apology 101.”

The HBO host also referenced actress Lori Laughlin’s daughter, who got caught up in 2019’s college admissions scandal:

“In the immortal words of…Olivia Jade, ‘I don’t know how much school I’m going to attend, but I do want the experience of, like, game days and partying.’”

Bill’s bottom line:

“Yeah, I’m not [stinking] paying for that.”

Politically, Maher appears to increasingly be a man without a country.

The DNC continues its move leftward, but Bill seems rather set in his ways.

Might he one day leave the Party of the Donkey?

I wouldn’t count it out.

About free college, the man asked a sensible question — one of taxation:

“I know free college is a left-wing thing, but is it really liberal for someone who doesn’t go to college and makes less money to pay for people who do go and make more?”


And he had more to say on the “scam” and “racket” of college.

I’d guess there are many Americans — including readers of RedState — who agree:

“A wannabe librarian needs a Master’s degree just to get an entry level job filing books. Ya know, I’ve heard this from so many nurses and teachers and administrators, rolling their eyes when relating how they needed to take some [nonsense] course in order to advance in their field when really they already learn what they need by working the job. … The answer isn’t to make college free. The answer is to make it more unnecessary — which it is for most jobs.”



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Find all my RedState work here.

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