Kamala Harris' Latest Incompetent Idea: Financing Internet Access in Africa

AP Photo/Rebecca Blackwell

Once in a while, a news piece comes along that makes one stop and ask, "In what insane universe is that a good idea?"

In the latest example of such, we see that the worst Vice President in the history of the Republic has had another of her typically daffy ideas, namely, burning a lot of pixels convincing private investment to finance "doubling" internet access across ... Africa.


Yes, really.

Vice President Kamala Harris announced a new partnership Friday that will double internet access across Africa.

Roughly 40 percent of the continent has access to the web, and the new partnership looks to increase it to 80 percent. Harris’s announcement follows a trip last year to Africa and came as Kenyan President William Ruto visited Washington for a state visit. 

During a conversation with Ruto, the vice president stressed that the U.S. wants to reimagine its relationship with Africa. She said Friday that it should “not be one of benevolence but of thinking about the relationship in the context of partnership.”

Apparently, Kamala Harris is of the opinion we want to reimagine how much money we send to Africa:

The continent has struggled to obtain the capital it needs to build its technological sector. Foreign direct investment fell in 2022 after reaching a record high the year before. Africa accounts for just 3.5 percent of foreign investment worldwide, The Associated Press reported.

While there are no details released as yet, at least there is no mention in either this article or the "Fact Sheet" Harris's office released of actually directly pouring American tax dollars into this scheme - yet. Not that the American taxpayers aren't already pouring money into Africa.


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But wait! There's more! Check out this listing of progressive buzzwords:

Harris announced her “digital inclusion” efforts because there is “great potential” for economic opportunity, to advance social equality and gender equality and to create jobs, the White House said in a release.

Isn't it enough that we have a President whose physical and mental breakdowns are growing worse day by day? Must we put up with the most incompetent Vice President ever, to boot? Bear in mind that this list of incompetent Vice Presidents includes Joe Biden, who has to rate a close second in this category. Kamala Harris is the very definition of failing upwards; we all know about the action that propelled her into office in the first place, and she hasn't shown much aptitude since then; most notably, her 2020 presidential campaign imploded before the first primary vote was cast. 

And now she's a heartbeat away from being POTUS.

The one question that nobody in the legacy media will ever ask the VPOTUS about all this is "Why?" Why is it always America's role to facilitate development all over the world, even at times in places that are hostile to American interests? In what way is internet access in Africa our problem to solve?


And does anyone think, that if the private investments fail to develop the progress desired, politicians will start yammering to expend American tax dollars to shore the whole thing up?

Internet access in Africa isn't America's problem. But it seems we're to get involved in it anyway, and in that, it can join a long, long list of things that the United States really has no business meddling in.


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