What Do Those Closest to Joe Biden Have to Say About His Announcement? Jill and Hunter Weigh In

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

While President Joe Biden's decision not to seek reelection after all may not have come as that great a surprise — particularly in light of his abysmal debate performance and the calls by many in his party for him to step aside — the announcement of it was somewhat unorthodox: a signed letter, posted on X, with no accompanying photographs or videos of Biden himself. In fact, some have even wondered (jokingly — mostly) if Joe himself was even aware the announcement had been made. 


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As rumors have swirled in recent weeks regarding the likelihood of Biden bowing out, his inner circle has repeatedly pushed back on them, even as that circle reportedly shrank to primarily his family members. 

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Following Sunday's announcement, both First Lady Jill Biden and First Son Hunter Biden issued statements regarding Joe's decision not to seek reelection. Jill's response was short and sweet:

Dr Biden, whose loyalty to the president has been unswerving during their 47 years of marriage, shared his historic statement on social media platform X and added a simple heart emoji.


Hunter's response was a bit more involved:

“For my entire life, I’ve looked at my dad in awe. How could he suffer so much heartache and yet give so much of whatever remained of his heart to others? Not only in the policies he passed, but in the individual lives he’s touched,” Hunter said.


“Over a life time I have witnessed him absorb the pain of countless everyday Americans who he’s given his personal phone number to, because he wanted them to call him when they were hurting. When their last hopes were slipping through their hands,” Hunter said.

“That unconditional love has been his North Star as a President, and as a parent.”

The first son concluded his statement by hailing his father, who stepped aside due to Democratic concerns about his mental acuity, for being authentic throughout his years of service.

“He is unique in public life today, in that there is no distance between Joe Biden the man and Joe Biden the public servant of the last 54 years. I’m so lucky every night I get to tell him I love him, and to thank him. I ask all Americans to join me tonight in doing the same. Thank you, Mr. President. I love you, Dad,” Hunter added.


Per his announcement Sunday, Joe Biden intends to serve out the remainder of his term in office. Whether that will hold is, of course, debatable. Also debatable is whether Biden's insistence that he would not pardon his son, who was convicted on felony gun charges in June and faces trial for multiple tax violations in September, will hold. What isn't debatable is that Joe Biden was no longer a viable option as the nominee for the Democrats. And so, as has become the custom, he was ushered off the stage. 


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