Welcome to the RedState Weekly Briefing — where we take a quick look at the week’s most viewed stories in case you missed any of them. Grab a cup of coffee and sit down with this 21st Century Weekend Edition of your favorite (online) publication!

#1 – University Removes Slave-Owning Benefactor’s Name, His Family Demands Their $51 Million Back — by Alex Parker
Out with the old, in with the new. But T.C.’s family wants their man’s old money back: If he’s unworthy of recognition for his efforts, they figure, his cash should be no good as well.
T.C.’s great-great-grandson explained in a letter to the president.
If suddenly his name is not good enough for the University, then isn’t the proper ethical and, indeed, virtuous action to return the benefactor’s money with interest? … [I]s it not a form of fraud to induce money from a benefactor, and then discredit the benefactor after he is long dead? Surely the Williams family would not have given a penny to the University knowing that the University would later dishonor the family.

#2 – WATCH: Hilarious Video of Vegans Vowing to Stop Livestock Truck, Learning a Hard Lesson — by Jim Thompson
But being stupid and a vegan terrorist seems to be completely compatible.
Vegan antics often end badly for the actors. Sometimes, it really ends badly like getting clocked for disrupting business at a pizza place or getting the vegan beaten out of you for invading a rabbit farm. The worst might be being turned into a human pancake by a truck — which brings us to today’s offering.
Vegan terrorists were prepared to stop a massive truck loaded with livestock. A bearded vegan steps into the frame and tells the audience the truck headed to the rendering plant will be stopped by him and his carrot-eating chums. He narrates that the truck is headed to the slaughterhouse “where 10,000 lives are taken daily,” just for the tastebuds of humans. Well, yeah.

#3 – Pfizer Finally Responds to Bombshell Project Veritas Sting Gone Bad — by Bonchie
There’s a lot of doublespeak and hiding behind language there. While Pfizer insists it performs no gain-of-function research, it goes on to admit that in a “limited number of cases,” the company engineers the COVID-19 virus to “enable the assessment of antiviral activity in cells.” That seems like it requires a lot more explanation, does it not? Because it seems to be somewhat in contradiction with their initial claim.
The real issue here is what is worth the risk and what isn’t. It’s not completely out of line for a pharmaceutical company to do research toward developing vaccines for possible variants. To completely frame that pursuit as nefarious would be to dismiss and discourage lots of positive research throughout the history of medicine.

#4 – ‘Dr.’ Jill’s Latest Actions Confirm All Is Not Well in the Biden White House — by Sister Toldjah
As I’ve said previously, in a normal situation, a woman stepping in to protect and defend her aging husband, to make sure he’s not taken advantage of or made to look bad, is not a big deal. There are caregivers all across America who do just that every day with their spouses, and that’s okay.
But this is not a normal situation we’re talking about there. Joe Biden is the President of the United States, a position in which projecting strength and demonstrating the ability to communicate coherently and make your own decisions is paramount to your success, here at home and abroad, as well as with your international foes, who though they may not respect whoever the president is at any given time, do respect strength.

#5 – More Chickens Come Home to Roost for Chris Wallace and His CNN Show — by Nick Arama
Chris Wallace fled Fox to go to CNN last year, right as the shake-up at CNN began. It seemed he thought after all those years that Fox was somehow beneath him and now his talents were going to be truly honored by CNN. But to be frank, it appeared that he mentally fled to CNN long before he left Fox since he’d been acting like a proponent of their liberal mantra for years.
Fox viewers didn’t exactly miss him when he was gone. Indeed, they enjoyed when — after leaving Fox — Wallace seemed to get his just deserts when the reason he went — a promise from Jeff Zucker to do a weekday interview program on CNN+ — imploded. Zucker got booted and CNN+ predictably tanked, which left Wallace at sea and caused him to have meltdowns.
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