He Doesn't Wanna Date Ya: AOC Hits JD Vance for the Crime of Manspreading, Gets Hoist With Her Own Petard

AP Photo/Jeff Dean

Sen. JD Vance (R-OH) is driving the left absolutely bonkers, and we are so here for it.

When last we left you on the subject of the GOP vice presidential nominee, Vance was showing how it's done in response to presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris picking woke Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz as her running mate.


"To her credit, Kamala Harris and Tim Walz do make an interesting team," Vance said while campaigning in Philadelphia on Tuesday. "Tim Walz was the guy who let rioters burn down Minneapolis, Kamala Harris was the one who bailed the rioters out of jail." 

READ MORE:  JD Vance Response to Walz Pick Shows Just How It Should Be Done

While you can rest assured that images of left-wing rioters looting and burning down entire city blocks in Minneapolis are going to be front and center in future Trump/Vance campaign ads, one image that was bizarrely front and center in the mind of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) was one of Vance from a podcast clip that was shared to his Twitter/X account on August 2nd.

In it, Vance was talking about the dangers of hormone therapies being used on children. He was sitting in a chair like a lot of guys typically do.

Squad leader AOC, though, was focused on, um, other things, and took to the social media platform to insinuate he was guilty of the crime of manspreading:

It didn't take long, however, for her to be hoist with her own petard:

There was also this image of AOC vacationing in Miami Beach with her boyfriend Riley Roberts at the end of 2021 at a time she was demanding everyone wear masks:


I should note that this isn't the first time a leftist has been caught eyeballing a popular Republican's, er, sitting position.  Back in 2021, we wrote about how then-Vox.com "journalist" Aaron Rupar took issue with the way Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis was sitting during a GOP gubernatorial town hall on Fox News:

But back to AOC, according to her standards, this must mean she wants to date JD Vance. After all, here's what she said at the time about criticism of her and Roberts over that infamous Florida trip:

"If Republicans are mad they can’t date me they can just say that instead of projecting their sexual frustrations onto my boyfriend’s feet."

Further, if this is the best they've got against JD Vance (or DeSantis, or anyone else on the right for that matter), he must be doing something - well, a lot - right. You know you're on the right track when your political opposition has been reduced to these types of criticisms.

Related-->> 'Most Left-Wing Ticket': No Mercy Shown in Republican Reactions to Kamala Harris Picking Tim Walz


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