Oops: White House Transcript of One of Those 'Cheap Fake' Videos Kinda Sorta Proves the Point

AP Photo/Alex Brandon

If we were to take what the Biden White House and their apologists say at face value about the alleged "cheap fake" videos, we'd believe everything was okay, move along, nothing to see, Biden's making perfect sense and sounding fine, so what's the problem and all that.


But holes can be blown into their arguments easily and in a number of ways, with the main one of course being that the videos - some of which came from Biden-friendly sources, including the White House of all places - speak for themselves. Further, it's not exactly a good look when your own press secretary, when questioned about the clips, point-blank refuses to say whether she thinks you're "fine" no matter how often she is asked if she believes you're okay.

READ MORE-->> 'He's Fine?' Journo Shares Unintentionally Revealing Moment From Exchange With KJP on ‘Cheap Fakes’ Issue

Complicating matters even more for the Biden team (and their shameless media allies) in their quest to pull the wool over everyone's eyes ahead of the presidential debates and Election Day is that in at least one official White House transcript from one of the disputed "cheap fake" video clips in question, not even they can translate what he said.

First, let's take a look at the video, which came from the mass amnesty event he held on Tuesday. My RedState colleague Bonchie described it like this:

Biden appears to forget the name of his secretary of Homeland Security. In doing so, his brain turns to pudding for several seconds before he mumbles something about not introducing him. As Biden's brain breakages go, that's probably one of the worst yet.


He wasn't wrong. For those who missed it, watch:

Now, let's take a look at how the transcript reads:

And thanks to all the members of the Congress and Homeland Security Secretary — I (inaudible) — I’m not sure I’m going to introduce you all the way — (laughter) — but all kidding aside, Secretary Mayorkas, as well as Secretary Becerra and advocates and families for law enforcement, faith leaders, everybody who is here.

Biden's handlers have become infamous over the years for editing transcripts to make Biden sound coherent, sometimes making stealth edits, sometimes changing the words he says, and at other times putting the correct word in brackets while leaving in place the incorrect word.

SEE ALSO: The Press Are Strangely Incurious As WH Makes More Troubling Corrections to a Biden Transcript

But the fact that there have to be so many corrections/edits made at all - 148 from January to April this year alone, doesn't that kinda sorta go a long way towards proving the point Biden's critics have been making about him all along?


In fact, instead of doing Biden's bidding on the alleged edits in the "cheap fake" videos, maybe a better use of the MSM's time would be to investigate why there are so many edits and corrections to Biden's official transcripts. It's in that where the real story of deliberate deception resides - which is undoubtedly why they've been running interference on the videos.

As we've said before, the media are nothing if not a predictable lot. Wash, rinse, repeat. The cycle never ends.

Flashback-->> WATCH: Insane Amount of Edits in Pre-Recorded Joe Biden Video Raises Eyebrows - and Questions


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