Since randomly painting “Black Lives Matter” and “Defund the Police” messages on city streets (and on the sides of buildings) has been declared an acceptable form of “free speech” by our intellectual betters on the left, pro-lifer Tayler Hansen took it upon himself recently to paint a different kind of “BLM” mural on a city street in Salt Lake City, Utah.
According to KUTV, Hansen painted a “Baby Lives Matter” mural in front of a Planned Parenthood location in SLC early Saturday morning. The news station described the mural as being created by using “red and blue” paint, but it’s clear from the overhead shots and videos that the lettering was actually pale blue (for baby boys) and hot/powder pink (for baby girls).
Hansen told KUTV that he painted the mural at around 1 a.m. Saturday (July 18th) with paint that would wash away in about ten days, because he didn’t want to get in trouble. But he also told them that “With recent events unfolding…I thought I would bring awareness to one of the biggest human rights crises” that people should be talking about but aren’t.
Here’s the video report from KUTV. Below that are some overhead images and other video clips of the mural:
Let’s make this a new national trend, it’s time we defend the voiceless! pic.twitter.com/fZVXPgoP8g
— Tayler Hansen (@TaylerUSA) July 19, 2020
“Baby Lives Matter” mural painted on the street in front of a Planned Parenthood in Salt Lake Citypic.twitter.com/KL62bVTFWQ
— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) July 19, 2020
‘Baby Lives Matter’ painted on the street front of a Planned Parenthood in Salt Lake City overnight.
Once leftists opened up public roads for political speech it was only a matter of time before a conservative response.
The pro-life artist was @TaylerUSA
Expect more of this: pic.twitter.com/IcoVpVY9C3
— Benny (@bennyjohnson) July 18, 2020
Unfortunately, the mural was removed by an unknown person or persons sometime later Saturday morning, which leads to other questions, like what about Hansen’s First Amendment rights? Hot Air’s Jazz Shaw speculates:
Now that it’s been established by elected officials around the country that painting murals on city streets is not only allowable but apparently some sort of civil right that can’t be impinged upon, what sort of justice is available for Mr. Hansen? You don’t have to agree with his sentiment about how the lives of babies matter, but you also most certainly can’t silence his voice on a hotly contested issue of public debate. And yet someone has done just that. Where are the armies of protesters rushing to Tayler Hansen’s defense?
Perhaps I’m once again simply showing how jaded I’ve become after six decades on the planet, but I wouldn’t hold my breath. Clearly, some messages “matter” more than others.
Apparently that “some messages ‘matter’ more than others” thing also applies to Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT), who marched shoulder to shoulder with Black Lives Matter protesters in the aftermath of the death of George Floyd, has been nowhere to be found on Hansen’s mural, not on Facebook, nor Twitter, nor Instagram. This in spite of the devastating impact abortion has had on the lives of unborn black children.
Perhaps I shouldn’t be so harsh. Maybe he’s just taking the time to carefully revise his position on abortion for the, what, 10th or 11th time (?) in his decades-long political career.
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