Results for: Democrat Party

Elizabeth Warren's Failure Proves the Democrat Party Doesn't Like the Democrat Party…es-the-democrat-party-doesnt-like-the-democrat-party-n128395
– Warren positioned herself to be everything the Democrat party could have wanted. … The party is clearly split and Warren, being the Democrat’s Democrat, couldn’t seem to keep up with what the party really wanted. … The old Democrat party is dead. The Democrats don’t want Democrats anymore.…
There Is No Democrat Party
– And trust me, if there's one thing the Democrat Party knows about, it's age, given the fact that everyone in its geriatric leadership … That Democrat Party, the one they remember from long, long ago, is gone. … Whether or not these attacks are bad are easy questions to answer but members of America's own Democrat Party won't answer.…
2020 Elections: Democrat Party Activists
– All of the energy in the Democrat Party these days is contained within the radical base of activists who are entirely motivated to … How did the Democrat Party evolve to its current leftwing ideological state, and where did all these radical activists come from? … And they were politically aligned with the local Democrat Party organizations and indeed controlled some local elections.…
The Democrat Party Is Breaking
– Normally, the Democrat Party is a house united with nary a toe out of step. …  The Democrat Party spent years crafting the radical. …  This is exactly what's happening to the Democrat Party.…
A Democrat Dance Party, Gross Candy...and Another Democrat Dance Party: Are We Doomed?…gross-candy-and-another-democrat-dance-party-doomed-n119645
– Welcome to Are We Doomed? the weekly column in which I will take the latest news and try to determine if it’s all downhill from here. Dancing Democrats A Buttigieg dance was tweeted this week, and it’s not helping Mayor Pete’s campaign. Good god — Secular Talk (@KyleKulinski) November 4,...
Portland Is the Democrat Party Platform
– The case that is Portland may be extreme but let’s not pretend this is just a fringe example of the Democrat Party. … This is the Democrat Party platform. … The Democrat Party is telling you who they really are in Portland and we should believe them.  …
Former Democrat Voters Didn't Leave the Party, the Party Left Them
– How your wit and wisdom continue to return and haunt the Democrat Party with every move they make. … They were once Democrats, but that’s not the Democrat Party they used to be. … And thus, we arrive at this: In the past I voted Democrat, because they were (mostly) the kindness party.…
The Democrat Party: The Republican Creation Machine
– Former President Ronald Reagan famously said that he didn’t leave the Democrat party, it left him. … It’s a phrase you can truly appreciate today as the Democrat party and its mainstream media propagandists become more and more extreme … (READ: Third Sheriff Defects from the Democrat Party to Join Republicans Over Democrat Calls to “Defund the Police”) The problem…
Happy Memorial Day from the Democrat Party
– I can’t think of anything that better represents the utter selfish, self-absorbed, callous, and cavalier reign of Obama than this tweet from the DNC. On a weekend that commemorates America’s war dead, the best image Obama can come up with is him licking an ice cream cone. What a man....
The Democrat Party Is Collapsing in on Itself
– If you were to take a step back and look at the Democrat Party over a timeline of ten years, you’d see something pretty incredible … Democrats are fleeing the party and signing on to vote for Republicans during the midterm. … foisted on them by Democrat politicians.…
Will They Really #WalkAway from the Democrat Party?
– . ========= ========= Is this the beginning of an exodus away from the Democrat Party? … You may have noticed that the center of the Democrat party now includes ideas formerly found on the fringe. … It’s one thing for some MAGA hat wearing Trump supporter to tell a Democrat their party is on the ‘wrong side of history’.…
The Democrat Party Still Has Some Sanity Left
– I’m a proud West Virginia Democrat. We are the party of working men and women,” tweeted Manchin. … Because the iron is hot to forge a new Republican party, and all we need to do is use the extremism of the current Democrat party to … Even if that comes from a portion of the Democrat party that still has some sanity in it.…
Arizona Democrat Party Censures Sinema Over Filibuster Vote
– In a move that was all but expected, the Arizona Democratic Party has voted to censure Sen. … Senate Republicans and fellow Democrat Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) on Wednesday to keep the filibuster rule intact. … Here’s the full statement from party chair Raquel Teran, which was released “following the Executive Board meeting this morning,” KNXV-TV…
Maxine Waters Delivers Fifth Democrat Party Response on BET
– Continuing the Democrat party’s incredible display of unity, Maxine Waters gave the fifth Democrat response to the State of the Union … Blames everything on people of color…it was a tedious exercise in Democrat talking points delivered without conviction or passion. … The five responses to the SOTU simply underline the utter chaos that has now enveloped the nation’s opposition party.…
Trump Gets It On Israel And The Democrat Party
– President Trump Official White House Photo Trump Gets It On Israel and the Democrat Party As reported by my colleague and good friend … Pointing out the hostility displayed towards Israel by by Democrat House Members, Omar and Tlaib, the President called out the Democrat … The President makes a very strong case that the Democrat Party has gone off the rails and has slipped so far to the left that it actively…
CODE RED COMICS: The Face of the Democrat Party
– Last night Joe Biden stumbled and mumbled through another attempt at political theater. Several answers were technically English but made no more sense than the Muppets’ Swedish chef. The President is an addled old man. Anyone not in a coma knows it. Any sighted person can see him searching...
Marxists Have Taken Control of the California Democrat Party
– Communist groups formed an alliance, in order to first take control of the Democrat Party at every level in California, then in a number … Daraka Larimore-Hall, the California Deputy Democrat State Party Chairman, is a Marxist. … The linked article above outlines how the Marxist and Communists took over the once Patriotic Democrat Party.…
California Democrat Party Rejects Dianne Feinstein and Embraces Socialism
– There is no doubt that this is a populist and popular uprising in the Democrat party. … What is obvious from all of this is that the brushfire that Sanders started in 2016 appeals to a significant part of the Democrat party … The real challenge is going to lie in keeping traditional Democrats in line with the new Democrat party.…
Democrat Governors Officially Call Tea Party Activists "Political Terrorists"
– It would be really funny if it were not true.Remember the advertisement from the Republican Governors Association themed “Remember November”? The left went nuts because the ad was so effective.The RGA followed it up with a new ad ridiculing the over the top rhetoric and distortions from the media.Well,...
Scarlett Johansson Has Had Enough, Declares Democrat Party "Broken"
– She still indicates that she’s a Democrat, but that she doesn’t yet see a leader. … I think the Democratic Party is broken in a lot of ways and just damaged from these past several years. … It might be that Johansson is feeling animosity toward this new kind of Democratic party.…
Talking, the Most Terrifying Thing to the Democrat Party
– While every major political party has a set of narratives they’d rather not have challenged, Democrats are particularly reliant on … Kennedy Jr., a Democrat 2024 presidential candidate whose platform differs greatly from many in the Democrat Party. … Kennedy will no longer be a threat to the authority of the Democrat Party, and they can keep their figurative walls nice and high.…
The Democrat “Debate”: The Party of Crazy Old People
– Has anyone told Jim Webb he might be running for the wrong party? Guns for hunting and protection? Mr. … According to your party, the only time a gun is fired is when a maniac with bad eyesight crosses into a gun-free zone and uses the … Webb may have been a little close to mortar explosions a few too many times, but this Democrat candidate actually sounded like an American…
Democrat Frontrunner in 2018 Florida Governor Race Leaving Party
– Prominent trial lawyer and fundraiser for the Democrats, John Morgan, is leaving the Democrats’ Party. … And polls have shown him leading the other Democrat contenders. Morgan told Politico Florida he thinks U.S. Sen. … Morgan also said, while he would support some Democrat candidates, he would not raise a dime for national groups like the Democratic…
Update on Democrat Negotiations Shows a Party in Chaos
– 2021 It’s certainly something to see a sitting senator admit he’s “totally out of sync” with almost every other member of his party … But being a Democrat, he’s desperately tried to provide them with a lifeline by offering a deal. … In the end, these comments on negotiations show a party in chaos.…
Green Party Candidate Cornel West Slams 'Beyond Redemption' Democrat Party — for All the Wrong Reasons…cornel-west-slams-beyond-redemption-democrat-party-n2163237
– For all of the wrong reasons, of course, but yes, today's Democrat Party is out of touch and "beyond redemption" with a majority of … The Democrat Party has for six decades intentionally failed to meet the needs of the poor, as promised, because if "poor people and … But the more West talked, it occurred to me that maybe he does understand the disingenuousness of the Democrat Party, after all.…