Results for: democrats should replace

Biden Recklessly Draining Strategic Petroleum Reserve to 'Buy Down Political Risk for Midterms'…leum-reserve-to-buy-down-political-risk-for-midterms-n634778
– in history continues to drain the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) to dangerous levels — in a desperate effort to insulate the Democrats … Yup, just another dangerous example of why Biden should be impeached and convicted. … That includes Democrats and their lapdog media.…
Nury Martinez' Narcissistic Resignation Statement Sounds Less Like an Apology, and More Like an Awards Acceptance Speech…an-apology-and-more-like-an-awards-acceptance-speech-n642574
– Well, he should know. It is apparent the radical progressives are intent on eating the moderate progressives. … We may roll over for most Democrats, but we have a long history of animus with Hispanics. Trust me, this will not be forgotten. … But the ones looking to replace them are even more dangerous to actual accountability, leadership, and governance in Los Angeles.…
Nevada Is the Perfect Political Storm and This Is Not a Drill
Democrats NBC ran this headline: Nevada Democrats see signs of nightmare scenario: Latino voters staying home. … The Democrats need heavy Latino support to win several senate races and take back control of the House. … The conversation in Nevada needs to be about anything but poll numbers, and Republicans should replace their temporary confidence in…
Aaron Ford and Voter Suppression Are Reasons Why I'm Voting for Sigal Chattah for Nevada Attorney General…voting-for-sigal-chattah-for-nevada-attorney-general-n649427
– What I saw was the “voter suppression” the Democrats always talk about everyone but themselves aiming to do. … Not only should they vote in Nevada; they should vote everyone responsible for the years of ineffective governance and chaos right … I’ll be casting my ballot for Sigal Chattah (R) in the Attorney General race to replace Ford, for many reasons.…
Are Democrats Shooting Themselves in the Foot on the Abortion Issue?
– , while 37% think abortion should be illegal in all or most cases.” … As I’ve argued previously, Democrats have moved from being pro-choice to pro-abortion. … Additionally, 80% felt it should be banned during the third trimester.…
Death Row Records Co-Founder Endorses Nathan Hochman for California Attorney General…orses-nathan-hochman-for-california-attorney-general-n645557
– On his release, Harris had this to say: “There’s not a dime of difference between Democrats and Republicans when it comes down to … You see, Californians are beyond fed up with the so-called criminal justice and soft-on-crime policies upheld by its leaders, who should … murders of innocents, Californians of all stripes are ready to get rid of the business-as-usual, go-along-to-get-along officials and replace
Heritage Foundation: US Military Is 'Weak' and Unprepared for Two Regional Conflicts at Once…ak-and-unprepared-for-two-regional-conflicts-at-once-n645336
– administration’s proposed defense budget for [fiscal year] 2023 falls far short of what the services need to regain readiness and to replaceDemocrats will likely decry the report, arguing that it’s from a conservative think tank so should be ignored.…
The Newsom Recall: We Called It Here First
– corruption, fraud, and malfeasance of the California Employment Development Department, as well as Newsom’s refusal to address it, should … — Ashley Zavala (@ZavalaA) June 25, 2021 I also said early on that California Democrats are running scared. … If California is ever to return to sanity, then we must remove this governor and replace him.…
Democrat Voters in NYC Mayoral Primary Abandon BLM and Antifa -- Pro-NYPD Candidate Takes Huge Lead in Race…nd-antifa-pro-nypd-candidate-takes-huge-lead-in-race-n401025
– The winner of the primary is expected to have little trouble in the general election and will replace current Mayor Bill de Blasio … What is remarkable about the outcome, and should terrify the Democrat Party and Democrat candidates for office from now to November … The Democrats may need to get busy looking for more of them because the AOC model may have gone out of style.…
A.U.D.I.T. of Elections: Democrats Can’t Stem the Flow of Revelations No Matter How Hard They Try…the-flow-of-revelations-no-matter-how-hard-they-try-n408164
– [The Hologram’s “over-heated rhetoric” about returning to Jim Crow laws is a sign of pure panic by Democrats!] … The Democrats are trying to get ahead of the growing push for voter ID while retaining the fraud that benefits Democrats. … Joe Manchin (D-State of Duplicity) saying voters should show ID or a utility bill, Clyburn is singing a different song.  …
Assemblyman Kevin Kiley Throws His Hat Into the CA Governor's Recall Race…ley-throws-his-hat-into-the-ca-governors-recall-race-n407374
– I’m running to replace Gavin Newsom as the Governor of California. — Kevin Kiley (@KevinKileyCA) July 6, 2021 Asm. … If more then 50 percent of voters respond YES to the question, “Should Gavin Newsom be Recalled?” … , then the next question, “Who Should Replace Gavin Newsom as Governor?” will be the pivot point.…
CA Recall Election Pits Grassroots Conservatism vs. Republican Establishment; Which Will CA Choose?…ism-vs-republican-establishment-which-will-ca-choose-n410480
– There are over 100 candidates signed up so far to contend for the California Governor’s seat should Gavin Newsom be recalled. … (EDITOR’S NOTE: The question of whether Gavin Newsom should be recalled and, if so, who should replace him are on the same two-question … There are about 15 or so Democrats registered, over 20 No Party Preference candidates (California’s version of “Independent”), a few…
A.U.D.I.T. of Elections: Shock and Awe or Calm Before the Storm?
– That poll even had 10% of the Democrats who were polled supporting audits. … That RINOs are frequently worse than Democrats?] … This is the Deep State covering for Democrats yet again.] Pennsylvania. State Sen.…
'Most Popular Ever' Joe Biden Gets Heckled and Can't Draw an Audience
– referring the 1,097-mile crude oil pipeline extending from Edmonton, Alberta to Superior, Wisconsin, that Enbridge is going to replace … At that event, Biden spoke to a room that was at least half-empty, in what should have been “Biden territory.” … about rigging the audience as well, especially given the nature of the questioners and questions, which were heavily weighted to Democrats
FreedomFest 2021: Election Integrity – Securing the Sanctity of the Ballot Box…on-integrity-securing-the-sanctity-of-the-ballot-box-n415062
– vote is a two-step process, with the first step being a vote of greater than 50% to recall Newsom before voting for candidates to replace … No one asked me about why I should run. They knew my politics and understood the issues just like I did. … Elder: 66% of Democrats believe the 2016 election was stolen (numbers changed by the Russian).…
The Socialist Crowd Isn’t Faring Too Well at the Moment
– County (Ohio) Democratic Party and a member of the Cleveland city council, soundly defeated former state senator Nina Turner to replace … In a opinion piece for the Washington Post, columnist James Hohmann noted: Biden has to be attentive to the left, given Democrats … all know that the progressive left has no problem with the government overstepping its boundaries — because they don’t believe it should
Biden’s ‘Infrastructure’ Bill Includes Massive Slush Funds for Green Energy Boondoggles…des-massive-slush-funds-for-green-energy-boondoggles-n421817
– However, this seems lost on the Biden administration, congressional Democrats, and far too many Republican senators, who are all-in … including in rural communities, helping school districts across the country buy clean, American-made, zero emission buses, and replace … But, under no circumstances, should we allow the Biden administration to claim that this is an infrastructure bill that will fix America…
Massive School Board Recall Efforts Are Underway -- That’s a Good Thing
– In Loudoun County, parents are seeking to replace six of the board’s members. … It is also important to note that the Democrats have been focusing on local and state-level politics as well. … But the Democrats are also targeting other southern red states like Texas and they have been doing so for years.…
In Depth: New CA Recall Poll Spells Bad News for Gavin Newsom, Good News for Larry Elder…bad-news-for-gavin-newsom-good-news-for-larry-elder-n420665
– In the event that should happen, Newsom would be recalled. … Which brings us to the second part of this poll: Should Newsom be recalled, who would replace Newsom as Governor?  … Of note from the crosstabs: 22% of Democrats are voting to recall. …
MSNBC's Joy Reid, Eric Swalwell & Co. Compare Conservatives to Terrorists Who Want to Kill Our Kids…onservatives-to-terrorists-who-want-to-kill-our-kids-n425307
– I’m working to replace them from Congress. … Reid ended the delusional hatefest with this gem: “These kids have rights too, or at least they should. … Sadly, today’s Democrats are damn good at practicing the exact opposite.…
Democrats Are Channeling Josef Goebbels With Jim Crow 2.0 Narrative
– importantly, it is a maxim that is highly relevant to the conversation over race in America – especially when it comes to the Democrats … She also said a member of the leadership threatened to fire all of the white teachers and replace them with minorities. … Nobody is buying what the Democrats are selling except the people who already want to buy it.…
Devin Nunes: House GOP Will Call Adam Schiff as Their First Witness, and There's a Precedent…will-call-adam-schiff-first-witness-theres-precedent-n119317
– Adam Schiff (D-CA) as their first witness in the Democrats’ bogus impeachment inquiry. … John Ratcliffe (R-TX) in July to replace RINO Dan Coats as the Director of National Intelligence. … He should immediately be stripped of his chairmanship and thrown off the Intelligence Committee.…
Dissecting Marie Yovanovitch’s Disgraceful Opening Statement
– She’s there exclusively to help the Democrats’ build a false narrative. … Lutsenko or other Ukrainian officials who they should or should not prosecute. … Instead, I advocated the U.S. position that rule of law should prevail and Ukrainian law enforcement, prosecutors, and judges should
Stop the Presses: Expert Bill Clinton Gives Trump Advice on Handling Impeachment…bill-clinton-gives-trump-advice-handling-impeachment-n120113
– this impeachment inquiry, and they should just have at it. … Then the declaration: Let’s replace Mr. Do Nothing! … Of course, Democrats look to have no intention of winning the election. So there’s that.…
Nikki Haley Gives Her Thoughts on Impeachment and Teeth Are Gnashed
– once respected. — Matt Lewis (@mattklewis) November 8, 2019 This is yet another reasonwhy the GOP should … Some see this Ukraine matter as their way to finally get rid of Trump while salvaging a chance to replace him in 2020. … Most Republicans simply aren’t willing to hand the country to Democrats over an action that pales in comparison to others that never…
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