Results for: the big guy
Obama's Weakness Encourages Chinese Aggression
If you’re a little guy and weak it doesn’t happen all that often because there is nothing gained in the way of building a reputation … If you are the big, fat, stupid kid, then bullies line up to mess with you. … from the Senate and questioned the logic behind the agreement.…
Accountable government is impossible, according to liberals
campaign unaware of the balance of powers, the polarization of politics, the right-ward march of the GOP and other structural limits … There’s never been a Big Government failure quite like ObamaCare, and the VA scandal is a fast-forward look at where it’s dragging … People are suckers for Big Government because they think the bums can be thrown out of office if they mess up. …
Assorted Notes on Last Night’s Elections
unhappy people in the state, despite the fact that McConnell is the party leader and wields so much power. … These candidates ran against the establishment side of the argument, and in the case of immigration, they signed the FAIR pledge against … He is one of the best candidates of the cycle and will provide us with a bold contrast in the runoff. …
Tech at Night: Trying a change of format. Long form Net Neutrality Update.
The leftys want you to fear the big boys like Comcast, but it’s just not happening. … The first big test case was when FCC went after Comcast for targeting users who were running copyright infringement rings on their … If NFL wants blackouts, let NFL enforce its own blackouts and be the bad guy.…
Tech at Night: FCC is still a problem. GOP vs UN-run Internet. Snowden complains ironically.…m-gop-vs-un-run-internet-snowden-complains-ironically-n49225…m-gop-vs-un-run-internet-snowden-complains-ironically-n49225
By the way, the extreme Net Neutrality alternative pushed by the far left, Title II Reclassification? … The guy who fled to China and Russia wants us to believe his documents are full and genuine, but NSA’s are cherrypicked and lying. … Even better: the GOP idea currently isn’t a big comprehensive bill!…
The top 9 most crazy things Hickenlooper said in under 10 minutes
show up at your house, it’s like the Internet on paper but with fewer cats) realized it was a big deal. … The. Eff. … (Warning: NSFW)
If a big and important Governor apologizes for not taking time to talk to a supermajority of the top elected law…
Sure, Hillary Clinton should promise to fulfill Barack Obama's legacy!
Or student loan reform: but not the ‘make debts dischargeable by bankruptcy and put schools partially on the hook for the bad loans … Empirical evidence to the contrary, it wasn’t exactly my intent to unload on the poor guy who has to somehow turn five and a half years … This guy doesn’t even have that, and while I will not judge anybody who callously shrugs at the author’s poor life choices I’m just…
Tech at Night: The Supreme Court lets the government side against Aereo innovation
So the Aereo case went to the Supreme Court, and it’s official: Aereo lost, and may be killed as the result of government. … Clarence Thomas is the kind of guy that, if he rules against what I thought was right, I’ll doublecheck to see if I was wrong. … Government is always slow on the uptake of new technology, but it always happens to fall behind in favor of the big, established guy…
Chad Mathis: Why I'm supporting Gary Palmer in AL-06
– and stood on the frontlines of the conservative movement. … It won’t matter which party gets in the way, Gary will stand strong for unleashing our economy, not big government. … “Here’s all you need to know about Gary — he will tell his own side no and there are no guarantees that the other guy will,” Erick…
Tech at Night: A second look at Edward Snowden?
I’m sorry, but the uncritical fawning this guy gets in some circles is gullible with a capital G. … Big bucks are funding the radical left organizations, and we know and we know where that money’s coming from, in order to push the … The Big Lie of the left right now is that American Internet is terrible. But make no mistake, it’s a lie.…
NRSC Independent Expenditure Guy Buys A Lot of Phone Calls
FLS Connect is a big vendor to the GOP. I’ve written about it more than once. It got Voter Vault from the RNC. … The NRCC paid FLS Connect a lot of money in 2008. And the Chiefs of Staff of the RNC have had a habit of coming from there. … But he’s a robocall guy. It is in his blood. And he just spent $93,000.00 at the NRSC to do more robocalls.…
No, an Obama Presidential Library / outhouse float is not racist. ...*Duh*.
But if you are the sort of person who thinks that the most important part of ‘scene of a black guy in overalls, using a walker, and … It’s like the entire ‘waterboarding as torture’ nonsense: when the Left managed to get the two terms equated in America’s heads, the … to scream ‘racism’ do Western society a favor by sitting down, and having a nice big cup of Shut The Heck Up. …
BREAKING: New Allegations Point to Cochran Campaign in Mississippi Senate Vote Buying Scandal…chran-campaign-mississippi-senate-vote-buying-scandal-n49583…chran-campaign-mississippi-senate-vote-buying-scandal-n49583
guy to vote,” it looks like to me by the numbers that they did pretty much did what they were supposed to do. … A guy high up into the thing.
INTERVIEWER: So saleem worked for thad Cochran?
FIELDER: YEAH! … And and and it’s gonna look bad, a guy helping the tea party, but I don’t care cuz the bottom line it was there’s some wrong that’s…
Tech at Night: The Return. Go home, John McCain.
big guy, and hurting the little guy. … You see, this version of the idea admits the biggest problem with forcing “a la carte cable”: It puts the cable companies over a barrel … And guess who would get the blame for this big rise in prices? That’s right, Comcast and the other cable companies.…
Mark Begich's Feeble Attempt to Run Away From (and Against) President Obama
In the Senate, Begich is a junior figure, moving through the chamber’s power structure at the speed of a mastodon trapped in a glacier … * * *
The other big message of Begich’s campaign: He knows how to get tough with the Obama administration. … You temporarily held up the promotion of some guy no one in Alaska’s ever heard of and who never did anything wrong until you got some…
My first decade on Red State
Guard were the big issues. … If I had to point to two turning points in the history of the site (three if you include my elevation to the front page) the first … The cats, of course, being the contributors.…
Two-Faced Union Bosses Help Shape Obama's Attack On 2nd Amendment
Following the Sandy Hook massacre, Obama and Democrats are using the tragedy to further infringe on the 2nd Amendment and they are … In an interview with The Huffington Post on Thursday, Richard Trumka, the head of the AFL-CIO, said that the labor federation was now … Related:
Gun Control And The AFL-CIO
The Big List of Who Hates Guns
Multiple Rounds Help With Self-Defense
Woman hiding with kids…
Ecuador's Hugo Chavez
, with whom Correa– he, the guy whose reforms appear to be further compromising the independence of the judiciary and he who is President … ) to let the plaintiffs’ lawyers ghostwrite a judgment that the President of the country allegedly wanted delivered up. … But nonetheless, if what is alleged is true, that’s a situation so bad, it even makes the big, bad oil company look a little less……
Tea Party 2.0: Focus On The Four R's & Fight Back
Movement—after all the demonization by the institutional Left and its media apparatchik; the backstabbing by the Republican establishment … There has been a target on the big tent called the Tea Party, and the assaults have come from all sides–nearly destroying the tent … [Note: There is a standing offer from an unnamed ex-union guy to bring the baseball bats if that helps move things along.]…
Google and Democrats deny that Google is helping Democrats
guy with the official OFA lanyard with photo in the mom jeans sitting on the table in the photo below, Reed is in the background by … the smiley face, and Trammell is on the far right with the Santa Claus Starter Kit™ beard:
Michael Slaby, OFA’s Chief Integration … community for the campaign, and oversaw the development of 14 products.…
Virginia's Governor Bob McDonnell Thinks You're an Idiot
That, and that McDonnell is an unprincipled fake conservative whose promises are without value, an exemplar of the kind of big government … He’s going to cave to what the media calls “leadership” which is really just big government liberalism. … Bob McDonnell was getting all kinds of praise on the Sunday shows for his big transportation tax hike, which passed the Virginia legislature…
Guy Who Called Romney a Douche on TV Thinks Obama is a Racist
The media has blown it into a big story with the facts not on the media’s side. … In the biography, Ailes refers to Obama as lazy saying
“Obama’s the one who never worked a day in his life. … The media might want to review this Barbara Walters interview with President Obama.In it, Walters asks the President, “What’s the trait…
No Bag for You: The Stupidity of Banning Plastic Bags
We are a blue dot within the sea of red that is The Lone Star State, in part because of the massive University of Texas and the professors … As the primary shopper in the family, I go to the grocery store several times a week. … Instead of finding the produce guy to point me towards the purple carrots, I’ll just pick them up at Whole Foods.”…
All of a sudden, the President says we don't have a debt crisis
And– and part of what– I’m– I’m tryin’ to encourage Congress to think about is yes, we’ve got some big disagreements on the budget. … It’s also a hoot to hear the guy who gave us years of double-digit real unemployment after squandering a trillion dollars on a string … When it’s time to spend more money, the deficit vanishes completely, and the big spenders enjoy a cute little laugh about the absurdity…
Victims of Government: Stephen Lathrop and the Army Corps of Engineers.
As the Corps had never actually fixed the problem, Mr. … The Corps eventually handed the entire issue over to the EPA for prosecution, and then the EPA… essentially said to make the lake bigger … Even shorter version: The Army Corps of Engineers has spent the last two-plus decades punishing a guy for the crime at being better…